Reiki Recovery: Billions Of Times Talent

Chapter 162 - : The fourth overlord of the human race (5/8)

"Jiang Hao, now that the war is basically over, we are ready to take one step forward. Look, do you want us

Take you directly to your father's side? "The health town will be polite, and even the name will become you.

This sentence fell for an instant, and he was surrounded by a classmate from school, as well as a teacher.

Suddenly he looked over in horror, but Yangdian was not scared to death.

Bai Liu's arm shook with fright. He couldn't grasp Jiang Hao's clothes, his eyes widened.

With Jiang Hao, he was so scared that he almost passed away.

Even the fat man trembled all over, and quickly pinched himself among his people, with an incomparable expression in his eyes.

A look of horror.

"You, you," Bai Liu said incoherently shockingly,-I couldn't say a word, really dumbfounded

It was shocked to the extreme, unimaginable.

Jiang Hao glanced at Bai Liu, with an innocent look in his eyes, as if to say, I didn’t

There is a way! Who makes himself-daddy so fierce!

Then he said to the town general: "That is a troublesome town general, but can you trouble me?

Take my two classmates with me. "

Yangsheng Town will nod quickly, with a smile on his face: "You’re polite, it’s not troublesome.

It's a trivial matter, it's just a matter of effort.

It is said that the whole body is full of vitality-bursts of blood, drilled out of the pores, and enveloped a few people at once,

Everyone in between turned into a ball of bloody light, flying up into the sky. Toward the ancient city.

At this moment, Jiang Yuan and the four emperors also slowly descended, their eyes turned to the distance in an instant.

I saw that the Yangsheng Town would quickly arrive with Jiang Hao and others.

However, the cries of the human race did not diminish in the slightest because of the arrival of Jiang Yuan and others. On the contrary,

Even crazier.

Also at this time. A roar suddenly passed from the big crack that was far away

Here, a bright and colorful river source, like a trembling star rising from the universe, cuts through the bends of the sky.

The horrible air always enveloped the whole world in an instant.

Jiang Yuan glanced at it for an instant, and his brows suddenly frowned.

The light of colorful colored glaze, this is the brilliance of the overlord, and it still rushes out of the big crack.

At this moment, countless people's hearts sank.

However, the light group did not keep approaching, and slowly descended more than ten kilometers away from the ancient city.

The low finally stopped.

At this moment, a loud voice that resembled the voice of heaven and earth resounded through the whole world at once.

"Haoran City Lord; Jiang Yuan accepts

The terrifying and mighty voice resounded all at once, sweeping everything, in the ears of countless people

Reverberating, domineering, full of flavors that cross the past and the present.(Read more @

Jiang Yuan realized in an instant that this is an eternal overlord of the human race.

In his eyes, the origin formula is quickly deduced and calculated, and various data flows in the eye sockets.

Turning into the brain, only one ten-thousandth of a second, already knows the other party's information.

Although this is the overlord of the human race, it is not the real body here.

I am afraid that the real body is in the big crack, suppressing the beast and alien race, there is no way to tell the mind, only

Condensed a avatar of Qi and blood to deliver the will.

Also in an instant. The expressions on the faces of the four emperors were so excited that they actually knelt on one knee

Very enthusiastically looking at the colorful glazed light group in the distance.

Immediately afterwards, a venerable king knelt down, and finally a large number of town generals bowed down.

But ordinary humans don't need to give such a big gift, just stand there and listen quietly.

"Human Race Jiang Yuan, respect the command of the overlord." Jiang Yuan floated again, his clothes turned into blood and blood.

Hua la la claming, the light of the colorful glaze all over the body radiated at once, full of immortality and sacredness.

"From today onwards, Haoran City Lord, Jiang Yuan is the fourth human overlord who protects the human race thousands

Thousands of compatriots, guarding the human race for thousands of years, until the spirit and energy are worn out...

The mighty voice spread out in an instant, and countless people who heard this sentence had a meal all over their bodies.

I was extremely excited, and a wave of heat surged in my body.

Pimples appeared all over the body with excitement, and the hairs were standing up one by one.

"From today" the voice of the human overlord is still resounding, not stopping, echoing the sky.

Jidao: The world festival is Jiangyuan Day, celebrating the whole world and welcoming the fourth overlord of the human race. "

When the last word fell, the light of colored glaze in the sky began to dim and began

The interior collapses and finally disappears completely,

Yiqiu flowers-

However, at this moment, the world seems to be still,

The eyes of the four emperors looked at Jiang Yuan in horror, and the same was true for the emperor of the town.

There was only endless shock and incredible in his eyes.

Although it had been predicted, no one really dared to think about it.

Because this is really shocking and horrifying, the eternal overlord of the human race! What a formidable existence

Now, the real ruler of all things, one word and deed, can cut through the ages.

The future and destiny of mankind are all controlled by these people.

Now another eternal overlord has been born, and the human race has had four overlords since then.

When I think of this, countless people feel the terrifying horror, not afraid, but shocked.

There is also excitement.

The Terran has given birth to a new overlord, and even set up a world-class festival, which has not been seen in many years.

Once things passed, the civilization of the entire human race would be shaken.

The name Jiang Yuan will be remembered by the entire ethnic civilization, even for thousands of years, millions of years, or even

For thousands of years, as long as there are still human beings.

You will see such a dazzling name in history books.

Jiang Yuan.

The fourth eternal overlord of the human race, rising from the last, pushing everything down, suppressing all disturbances

In the first battle, the army of tens of millions of fierce Lu was put down and King Zeng was pinched to death.

Even today, in order to congratulate Jiang Yuan, today has been established as a world-class festival.

Celebration will continue from generation to generation.

People will pronounce the name Jiang Yuan on this festival.

What a glory, what a honour, it will be remembered forever by the world:

Jiang Yuan’s family, and even the city where he was born, will become holy places,

What people yearn for, want to set foot in the past, look at the hometown of the human overlord, and admire this great existence.

At this moment, Jiang Yuan stayed above the sky in shock. At the moment when the other party’s voice fell, his eyes

The corners are a little wet.

How honorable and honorable, his name will be an epic from this moment,

Comparable to mythology, the human race is immortal, and he will live forever.


The cells all over his body were shaking. pill

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