Reiki Recovery: Billions Of Times Talent

Chapter 529 - : Endless Blood Stone (4/7)

As far as I can see, it’s just like a world-

The huge blood stones are piled up like mountains, like red mountain peaks.

Looking at the past, the blood stones contained in the mountain peaks have reached a trillion level.

And there are so many mountain peaks like cow hair, dense, countless.

What is this concept.

Trillions of qi and blood stones can even be forcibly piled out of a fourth-stage strong

If you are lucky, you might even pile up the existence of the peak of the power of the seven suns.

Infinitely close to the half-step Nine Suns.

"Get rich-get rich at night.

Jiang Yuan felt shocked. The wealth of the Hong Clan was beyond imagination. Such wealth,

It's not like what a race can have.

"With so many blood stones, the entire Tenghong Star Court will enter the fast lane, and the overall strength

Will be promoted to an unbelievable situation, when the time comes, you can really participate in the audit,

Xing Ting stepped directly into the Purple Mansion. "

Jiang Yuan's thoughts kept changing.

Three thousand domains, seventy-two purple houses, enjoy infinite benefits, occupy huge resources, each

There are countless families and star court tribute every year, resources are constantly flowing, and the strong are born 080


That's why, the strength of the Zifu Palace has subverted imagination.

In the Star Garden, the Nine Suns are invincible, but in the Purple Mansion, the Nine Suns are

The realm can only serve as the Supreme Elder, and the real high-levels are those gods.


In an instant, Jiang Yuan's brain was running fast, and he soon realized some problems.

"With such a huge resource, how can a mere macro clan defend it, even if they

Passing on for endless years, it is impossible to accumulate such a huge reserve of blood stones"

"Maybe this is not a treasure house of the Hong Clan at all

Jiang Yuan felt an inexplicable feeling in his heart. He thought of the name of this treasure house, Xianlingbao.


Among the eight colleges, there is one college called Xianling College, which is extremely powerful, except

Insiders can hardly find the location of this institution.

"Is this a treasure house of Faerie Academy?"

Jiang Yuan frowned instantly.

"What about the resources of the Faerie Academy.

In the next second, a golden light burst out from the center of his eyebrows, instantly projecting a peak of blood and energy.

The whole mountain was shaken directly, and collapsed directly in the roar, countless stones of blood and blood

It turned into a Changhong and directly rushed over, digging into the center of his eyebrows.

Between the breath, a mountain peak, trillions of blood stones were collected directly.

"The martial arts heaven map is still a little short of qi and blood before it can reach the tenth rank limit of the Star Territory Town.

Just sublimate!

With a thought of Jiang Yuan, trillions of Qi and Blood Stones went straight towards the martial arts sky map.(Read more @

The whole scroll of Budo Tiantu's excitement keeps shaking, conveying the emotion of gratitude. Come

Don't refuse.

The endless blood stone, almost turned into a long river of blood, it never refuses to come, all income

In the sky map.

The entire sky map trembled crazily, and the inner world, the world, and the earth were changing.

Below the earth, a series of Qi and Blood Mountains formed by Qi and Blood Stones continued to condense and appear.

Every time it is condensed into one, the concentration of Qi and blood in the entire world increases crazily.

The local creatures of the world are all excited and feel that the world is sublimating, and they are all excited with

The native language is shouting, praising the master of the earth.

Just a few blinks of an eye.

The martial arts sky map directly entered the star-level town to achieve Consummation, the tenth-rank realm, the whole became golden

The color is made of gold, even with a trace of divinity, which is more close to Jiang Yuan’s breath.


The rank star-level town faction, above it is the god of heaven.

Is already a real fetish, will produce legendary gods, possess self-wisdom, just

Even if the master is absent, he can fight on his own, and his power is comparable to the martial arts gods.

But wanting to transform into a heavenly fetish, there is still the last step.

That's the original air.

And the preciousness of the original Qi is almost impossible to think of (aecf).

It is a kind of shining gas produced at the beginning of the universe, which can be used to interact with the law of Ning Zhou

Make contact.

No amount of blood stones can be purchased.

Jiang Yuan didn't care, either, it doesn't mean that he won't be able to get it in the future.

In the next second, the golden light between his eyebrows kept sweeping, wherever he passed, there were peaks of blood and energy.

All turned into billowing red Changhong, surging towards the center of the eyebrows.

The number keeps increasing.

More and more, it surpassed the trillions in a blink of an eye, and it is still soaring rapidly.

In his body, in the microcosm, a large number of blood stones are piled together, and the volume is getting bigger and bigger.

Large, even reaching some small forming sizes.

Hiding in the extreme distance, Hongtong condensed his breath, pale and anxious.

Watching a large number of Qi and Blood Stones were obtained by the other party, but there was nothing to do.

My heart is even more icy.

"This is really over, why am I so stupid!

"When my hair was hot at the time, I thought of coming here to hide.

Fang snatched it away, once the elders of the Academy knew it, it would be furious, and this time was really over.

"At that time I will undoubtedly die, and even the entire race will be implicated."

Hongtong's face was bitter and ugly,-gritted his teeth and stood directly from the hiding place


In an instant.

Jiang Yuan felt his breath, looked directly at him, and locked his whole body

Space leaves him nowhere to be fascinated.

"You can't take the Qi and Blood Stone here!"

Hongtong walked over with a decadent expression, and said anxiously: "This is all fairy schools, long

The blood stone placed here by the old mansion is just for the Hong Clan to keep it, you can’t take it.


Jiang Yuan came to him in an instant, staring at each other, faintly

Said: "Is there the original air here?"

Hongtong's complexion changed and became paler, and he shook his head quickly and said, "Here is just storing energy and blood.

The treasure house of stone, there is no original air.

However, the corners of Jiang Yuan's mouth raised slightly.

He was just asking casually and didn't have much hope, but the other party was nervous and anxious.

The anxious look made him a little surprised.

This fairy treasure house really has the original aura.

Hongtong also woke up, his face was paler, and his face barely had a forced smile.

Rong, but uglier than crying, said: "No, really not! Lord Tianshen, here is really

There is no original air.

"Such precious things, people from the Fairy Spirit Academy, how could it be placed here!"

Jiang Yuan nodded, agreeing with him: "Then where do you say it is more appropriate? Bao

The second layer of the library? Above or below?

Jiang Yuan pointed at the top, and then at the bottom.

Almost at the moment his fingers were pointing down, Hong Xing's face trembled slightly unconsciously.

In the next second, he reacted, and the whole body slumped directly to the ground.

He knew that Jiang Yuan had already guessed it.

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