Reiki Recovery: Billions Of Times Talent

Chapter 96 (Auto Generated Chapter Title)


In an instant, a sense of fright, so that everyone's bones, the roar, the black hole as if the flood, a huge torrent of energy, a sudden rampage.

Instantly and the earth a collision.


In an instant, a strong roar, as if the shells burst in the ear, instantly more than 20,000 hertz, everyone in this moment as if lost hearing, deafness

I can't hear anything.

Can only see the black pillar of light, breaking through the earth, dirt and rocks, such as water splashing around, a hundred meters up into the sky

Terrifying penetrating ability, so that people all lose their voices.

The pillar of light instantly reached the ground, a blast on top of the purple light, infinite dense dark matter, actually turned into a black energy needle easily

The penetration into.

Finally pierced into Jiang Yuan's body, in the internal directly burst open, become pure energy, by countless cells instantly divide.

The cells extracted the extremely dense dark matter energy, the size of the instantly expanded several times, and then instantly shrunk, actually do into a spherical cell.

The basic combat power increased wildly, and in a flash soared 500,000 to a terrifying four hundred.

In the third stage of the divine vein scriptures under the addition of battle power directly break 120 million, Zhentian bell, twelve giant dragon, fierce emergence, gathered and not scattered.

But this seems to be just the beginning.

In beyond the speed of sound shadow level speed, his combat power as if there is no end to the general, once again into the telling growth period magma like eruption, unstoppable

4.5 million

Five million...

5.5 million

Six million...

6.5 million...


Click ......

When it reached a million, the body kept emitting the sound of strain breaking.

That is a meridian is breaking, can not withstand the increase in cell mass, was burst, but in a flash was repaired

Such a sound, like fried beans, in his body crackling incessantly, even with his body temperature is gradually climbing, higher and higher.

The surrounding soil ruins, actually in the speed visible to the naked eye melt, the air is spreading super high temperature, baked and distorted space.

Battle power is still in the horror of rising, not the slightest tendency to slow down...

7.5 million

Eight million...

8.5 million...

Nine million...

9.5 million

"Ah ah ah ah ah!!! ..." at that moment Jiang Yuan double blood red, the body reached the limit, all organs are burning

Pain swept through the whole body in a flash, as if reaching a kind of ceiling, difficult to cross, was ruthlessly cut off under the ten million level

This is the threshold of the Grand Master stepping into the town general

A hundred years of time, countless people, stuck here, can never cross, this is the level of life, from a mere hundred years of life of ants, become a real high

High life form

It is the sublimation of the essence of life, is the universe to give all living things limitations.

"Give me a break..." Jiang Yuan roared and shook the sky, endless anger in his chest, the terrifying light in the pupils of his eyes, instantly penetrated the earth.

Fiercely out of the ground, directly into the sky, across the clouds, in the clouds and mist burst out, actually turned into a terrifying shock to the heart of the roar!




The continuous roar, mixed with the terrifying power of blood, reverberated in the sky above, heavy as gold, and instantly passed through the entire Hao Ran City to envelop the city outside the

The ground

Countless people raised their heads in shock, their eyes horrified

Sitting in the four quarters of the four town generals, all shocked to sit up, and the light cast in the direction of Jiang Yuan, shocked whole body trembling.

"This this this...this is a breakthrough..."

"What kind of breakthrough can cause such a terrifying heaven and earth phenomenon, sound transmission of ten million people heavy city."

"He he he ...... he in the end to what extent is he powerful, is our human race will come out again an invincible overlord ..."

All the four-sided town will now be scared to death, the inner fear like a tidal wave through the movement

They actually before with such a horrible existence hands, now think back, they feel cold sweat chills hit their bodies heart full of fluke.

The real catastrophe is not dead.

At this moment, the battle power in Jiang Yuan's body has risen to a terrifying 9,999,999, just a little, just a little.

"Origin me break the barrier..."

Jiang Yuan gritted his teeth, the brain computing to the extreme, the eye sockets, two by dense, the combination of text formulas into a small person, a left and a right sitting.

0 for flowers

In the crazy deduction, in the calculation of everything.

Ten thousand times the talent as a boost, together with the force, all the cards, all the means that can be used, all by Jiang Yuan to the limit, to punch the barrier in one fell swoop

Everything is at this point.


All the cells in the body are vibrating, starting from the heart cells, neatly and uniformly, one by one, one by one, one area, vibrating together, following the rhythm of the heart.

One after another...

Again and again...

The heart beats faster and faster

Finally... something broke.

An indescribable feeling, swept through the body, the brain a burst of clarity, the face of the skin wrinkles, in the speed visible to the naked eye, quickly be flattened


The flesh and blood on the body became full, a piece of muscle in the bulge, hair instantly all into black, even the head is also pulling up.

A new look, rejuvenated.

In the blink of an eye, eighty or ninety years old look, into a young man in his early twenties

Breakthrough also at this moment officially ended.

A turbid gas, from his mouth, and even the body of the hand hole emitted, like strong sulfuric acid, where it touches, where there is a nuisance sound.

His body aura fierce, all internal convergence, the expression on the face of the ancient well, but full of a kind of anger from the aura of authority.

Subsequently, he closed his eyes, slightly clenched his fist, the body is strong to sticky qi blood a surge, and instantly calm, actually let him himself, can not guess

The blood concentration at this moment, in the end reached what degree

The next second, without a sign.

Jiang Yuan regrettably exploded out with a fist, frantically blasting on top of the Zhentian bell.

The bell emitted a dull sound, purple light instantly enveloped, above countless words twisted combination, two huge dragon, instantly projected out.

A head, the number of more and more, there is actually a dense sense of.

Ten dragons

Fifteen dragons...

Twenty dragons...

Three giant dragons...

When the three giant dragon shadow fist projection out, Jiang Yuan could not help but eye a twitch, the heart of a wave a little horrifying sense of billion

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