At this time, the second son obviously knew what his father was looking for.

This meaning is quite obvious, it is clearly... let him go to Qingyu that day and take down Xu Zhe.

Anyway...I have already guessed what my father meant, so why don't you just volunteer to stand up, maybe you can still win the favor of your father.

Thinking this way, the second son took a straight step forward.

"Father, please allow my son to go to the sky to avenge Dage!"

The second son's expression always revealed a color of indignation, and his tone was even more irritable.

At this moment, the Shadow Clan Leader is angry, no one can tell if the second son is acting.

The Shadow Clan Leader, who had been disappointed with the Void Clan people before, was immediately touched when he heard the words of the second son.

He looked at Own's second son very excitedly, his eyes full of relief: "Okay! You are going this time, and you will definitely capture Xu Zhe back alive in order to avenge you Dage!"

"Yes! Father, the son will definitely live up to his father's expectations!"

The second son met the gaze of the Shadow Clan Leader, his eyes full of determination.

"As for those...the people in the sky realm...If none of them stay, they will all be killed!"

The Shadow Clan Leader thought of the death of the Shadow Emperor, and said bitterly.

"Father, son understand!"

The second son cupped hands bowed and said firmly, his eyes full of tyrannical expression.

Killing...that's what he has always dreamed of...If it wasn't for his father's order to keep shrinking in this star field, I'm afraid he would have gone out like Dage. .

And Shadow Clan Leader is obviously satisfied with own, the second son.

If the Void Shadow Emperor was still alive, I am afraid that he would not be able to compare with his second son.

With the Soul Power Realm of Shadow Clan Leader, he can clearly feel the Soul Power of this second son.

Naturally it is nothing to him, but if it is said that it is a nightmare for the ordinary peak Infinite Emperor... he can clearly sense the burst of emanating from the second son. Soul Power.

Such a majestic and turbulent Soul Power, less to say, it has to have a hundred soul power... How can the general peak Infinite Emperor be his opponent, even the... The Green Cloud Bug Emperor only has less than a hundred soul power.

This kind of strength is already higher than that of the previous Phantom Emperor.Even if Xu Zhe has the means to sneak attack on the powerful Phantom Emperor, it is absolutely impossible to be his second son's opponent.

Therefore, Shadow Clan Leader is at ease with his second son.

"Son, take this treasure, just in case you don't have it."

The Shadow Clan Leader threw a shiny object directly to the second son.

The second son took the treasure thrown by the Shadow Clan Leader, and instantly understood what it was.

Immediately he entered Soul Power into the treasure, and then a dazzling light shone from the illusory figure of the second son.

After the dazzling light passed, I saw a mysterious armor on the Second Young Master's body, and this armor wrapped the entire second Young Master's soul body in it.

From head to toe, only one pair of eyes was exposed.

"This is...Illusory God Armor!"

Suddenly a Void Clan member shouted, obviously he knew the battle armor in front of him.

"Father, the son is ashamed of this gift..."

Although the second son was ecstatic in his heart, his face was terrified, as if he was shocked by the armor on his body.

I am afraid that this armor is not unknown to the Void Clan.

Because this armor is...the treasure of the ghost clan, it is a armor that only Clan Leader can hold.

It is a set of magic guns, another treasure of the phantom clan.

The Shadow Clan Leader handed this battle armor to the second son, and the meaning of it was already obvious.

Obviously he regarded the second son as his successor, and this kind of treatment had never been seen in the original Void Emperor.

"Just hold it, not mother-in-law."

Shadow Clan Leader sternly scolded, his mouth seemed harsh, but his heart was full of relief.

He is really happy to have such a son.

That is the power of a hundred souls, you must know that when he was the age of the second son, he probably didn't even have the power of ten souls.

It can be seen that this second son is truly talented, and it is precisely because of this that he has given him such a precious Illusory God Armor.

The Illusory God Armor, as the name suggests, is... a battle armour that can withstand Soul Power attacks.

Of course, the effect is more than that.

If it is only capable of defending against Soul Power attacks, how can this armor be called the treasure of the town group? There is also a powerful function of the magic god armor, which is the ability to convert Soul Power attacks into physical attacks. .

The phantom clan is basically immune to physical attacks.

In other words, once a phantom clan puts on this armor, he can be completely invincible.

How terrible this is... and this is why the Shadow Clan Leader has been able to keep his clan in a neutral position in this Outland.

Because there is no Practitioner who can confront the Shadow Clan Leader wearing the Illusory God Armor, in this Outland, he is...invincible!

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