Reiki Recovery: Epiphany, Can’t Stop at All

Chapter 462 The death of the Green Cloud Bug Emperor

"Xu... Xu Zhe, what did you do to me"

Green Cloud Bug Emperor roared tremblingly.

He found that he didn't even have the slightest resistance in front of Xu Zhe.

And this is just the power of Xu Zhe's body, even the shadow of the Shadow Clan Leader has not been seen.

It is precisely because of this that the fear in the Green Cloud Bug Emperor is magnified to the extreme at this moment.

"Green Cloud Bug Emperor, broke into my Azure City for no reason, and died!"

Xu Zhe didn't answer his words, but instead threw a sentence.

Even if he said this to the Green Cloud Bug Emperor, he said it to the intelligence personnel in the city.

He wants to pass this incident back to the Falling Star Region through the mouth of the intelligence personnel.

Because he felt that it was time to solve the trouble of falling star field.

If even the Falling Star Territory is defeated by him, then it is estimated that no one in this Outer Territory will be able to provoke the Sky Territory he created.

And the Green Cloud Bug Emperor, he just heard a "dead"

Words, the others didn't listen at all.

He could even feel the murderous aura of Xu Zhe.

At this moment, he had a hideous face, and every inch of his face was violently twisting.

However, the body did not react at all, as if a pair of pliers had pressed him to the spot.

Boom! In the next second, it's still there: the struggling Green Cloud Bug Emperor suddenly burst and turned into a cloud of blood.

Immediately, the blood mist dissipated in the air again, as if it had never existed.

Even the Practitioners present did not realize how the Green Cloud Bug Emperor died.

They knew that Xu Zhe was very powerful, but they didn't expect his methods to be as high as Realm.

Although the Green Cloud Bug Emperor did not show his blood and golden body in front of them, the Practitioners knew how terrifying he was just by relying on the blood mist emitted from him.

That strength is definitely not comparable to the original Emperor Nirvana.

And such a character is actually quietly disappeared in Xu Zhe's hands.

This excited the Practitioners present.

Blocking the phantom race and killing the Green Cloud Bug Emperor, these deeds are unheard of in such a small domain in the sky domain.

To be able to get to this point, all the martial arts in the sky are very excited.

Their hearts are full of admiration for Xu Zhe, and of course they are also grateful.

If it weren't for Xu Zhe, how could they get here and be known to the entire Outer Realm.

Not to mention the strength of the first two times, it has made them substantial gains.

It is precisely because of this that when the Green Cloud Bug Emperor dissipated in the air, all Practitioners uttered earth-shattering shouts.

And Xu Zhe just smiled and looked at them, searching for something in the crowd.

Soon, he discovered that many people had recorded the images of him killing the Green Cloud Bug Emperor.

He nodded, quite satisfied.

These people should be the intelligence personnel deployed by the major forces in Sky Blue City.

This time, the news that Xu Zhe killed the Green Cloud Bug Emperor will soon spread throughout the virtual kingdom of God.

Of course, the most important thing is to let the Star Falling Domain know.

However, this time the arrival of the Green Cloud Bug Emperor has given Xu Zhe a new understanding of the strength of the Star Falling Domain.

Before the Green Cloud Bug Emperor wanted to explode Blood Qi with all its strength, it was precisely because of Xu Zhe's control.

Therefore, Xu Zhe also knows the strength of the Green Cloud Bug Emperor's Blood Qi from induction.

He didn't expect that Green Cloud Bug Emperor, an ordinary Infinite Emperor, could actually achieve the power of one Yang with Blood Qi.

This shocked him.

Because Xu Zhe can clearly sense that the power of the Green Cloud Bug Emperor's law and the level of primitive cultivation are very low.

This also indirectly shows that his combat power increase is not high.

In this way, it is very strange that he can reach the power of one yang.

Perhaps the Star Falling Domain may have some special methods that can make the people below Ascension Blood Qi in a special way.

Xu Zhe thought for a while, and felt that this idea still makes sense.After all, the kingdom of God is so big, any method is possible.

Immediately, he calmed down the Practitioners and was about to return to the secret room.

But at this moment, two dark shadows suddenly came in the sky.

"Xu Zhe!"

From a distance, Xu Zhe heard someone calling him.

The super-distant field of vision allowed him to see the incoming person at a glance, who was the supervisor.

Xu Zhe didn't know the person next to the inspector, but he thought that the person should also be attracted by the inspector.

Therefore, Xu Zhe also flew up to meet him temporarily.

"Supervisor, my lord."

Although Xu Zhe's strength is far higher than that of supervisors, he still upholds the respect in his heart.

"Xu Zhe, you still don't call me an adult, the strength in the kingdom of God is respected."

But the supervision made me a little embarrassed.

Being called an adult by a strong man like Xu Zhe, he is really ashamed.


Xu Zhe didn't say much, and agreed.

"Xu Zhe, let me introduce to you, this is Lord Deacon of our Heavenly God Palace, and he will handle all matters in the Outland."

Immediately afterwards, the inspector stepped out and introduced Xu Zhe to the deacon of the Tianshen Palace behind him.

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