Time passed quickly.

Before I knew it, more than a month had passed.

The fog, as always, enveloped the entire universe of stars.

In this period of more than a month, there hasn't been much change for the entire chessboard of the universe.

But for Lu Chan, that was a precious month of development time.

At this time, the spring water area at the core of Lu Chan.

A cosmic lighthouse measuring thirty meters in length was constructed.

At the same time, layer upon layer of wall barriers around the cosmic lighthouse were also constructed at the same time.

The structure used by Lu Chan is very similar to the model of the crypt base established by the human world in the basement.

Layers of materials with the extraordinary properties of the cosmic star field, combined with the energy of the spring water and the cosmic source of the cosmos derived from Lu Chan, are built into a wall.

This wall barrier, the spring water was wrapped in it.

If the enemy comes to attack, it will inevitably need to destroy this barrier step by step.

However, the barrier that combines the original energy of the Hongmeng universe is not so easy to destroy.

At this time, Lu Chan's lighthouse is thirty meters high.

The light at the top of this cosmic lighthouse is extremely rich and vast.

And this light is extremely penetrating.

These...the walls condensed by extraordinary materials, and even the fully enclosed self-closing walls.

Can't stop the penetration of that light.

The only thing that can prevent the light from penetrating is the mist itself.

After all, this fog itself contains a wonderful law of power.

If Lu Chan wants, Lu Chan can easily build a lighthouse of more than forty meters.

But then...the light will only be stronger.

At this time, most of Lu Chan's power is not used to build a lighthouse.

It is used to obstruct the light of the 30-meter lighthouse.

Around Lu Chan's Cosmic Star City.

The location is about 1 km away.

A layer of rich black light curtain like an inverted bowl, as large as fifty meters thick, completely envelopes Lu Chan's entire universe star city.

The intensity of the fog in this dark scene is three to four hundred times that of ordinary fog.

Inside this dense black light curtain, the cosmic fog has been completely dispelled.

And beyond, this dense fog and dark curtain completely concealed the light of the cosmic lighthouse.

As a result, even in a few cosmic star cities near Lu Chan, it is difficult to find Lu Chan's trace in a short time.

And this will give Lu Chan more and better development opportunities.

While building the lighthouse, the fog barrier is built at the same time to prevent the outside world from discovering itself.

This is Lu Chan's strategy of accumulating food and slowly becoming king.(Read more @ hotmtlnovel.xyz)

After this month of initial development.

Lu Chan's rules are advancing by leaps and bounds.

From the establishment of the 30-meter lighthouse and the method of blocking the 30-meter light with the power of the fog of law, it can be seen how deep Lu Chan's perception of the fog of law is.

To know.

Those... ordinary legendary cosmic star city owners only have a cosmic lighthouse of forty to fifty meters.

The progress of the law is accompanied by the fact that the entire universe star city has begun to take shape.

The most intuitive is...soldier power.

The many Demonized Reaper soldiers have already hatched more than fifty.

The arsenal was also put into production a few days ago.

Depending on the resources available every day, ten to fifty 50 or so can be produced every day: "elite soldiers"

Moreover, this number is still increasing every day.

It is worth mentioning that.

Compared to ordinary soldiers bred by ordinary means.

The Reaper's cosmic pronuclear coordination and spring water energy cosmic cosmic origin, as well as the corpses of many misty creatures.

The soldiers bred are "elite soldiers"

You know, in the hands of other cosmic star city city masters, elite soldiers are very rare.

In Lu Chan's case, it's all... mass production.

Today, Lu Chan has more than 500 elite soldiers in his hands.

And these elite soldiers, as they participate in hunting, their strength is also rapidly improving.

In the depths of this mist, there are a lot of powerful misty monsters, ghosts, or peculiar planted beasts, and even some unique resource areas.

The density of alien beasts is higher than that of the extraordinary world.

Therefore, with the gradual expansion of Lu Chan, as well as the top "Magic Reaper Soldiers" at the master level

protection of.

These elite reaper soldiers, their improvement can be described as very fast.

In just one month, the first batch of extraordinary Tier 4 4 elite Reaper soldiers had been born.

This is already quite bad combat power.

After all, Transcendent Tier 4 4 is already ready for preliminary battles.

In other words, I have the qualifications to be cannon fodder.

However, Lu Chan now naturally does not let these elite soldiers be used as cannon fodder.

These...the top elite Reaper soldiers have great potential to be promoted to the master level.

Just give them a certain amount of time to grow up.

Promoting to Grand Master is not too difficult.

Wait until the masses of Grandmaster Elite Reaper soldiers take shape.

Lu Chan becomes the overlord of this side, and the problem is not big.

Lu Chan, who turned into an energy light form, nodded slightly after patrolling around in his own universe star city.

Then, with a thought, Lu Chan appeared directly on the outside of the barrier of fog and darkness, at the top.

With the deeper understanding of the law of fog, Lu Chan can get farther away from the spring.

Help outside the barrier of black fog.

Lu Chan looked far away.

Deep in the mist.

The luster of the three most dazzling cosmic lighthouses caught Lu Chan's eyes.

These three 3-cosmic lighthouses are the three 3-cosmic star cities near the cosmic star city where Lu Chan is located.

Needless to say, they all belong to the side of the gods.

Now, Lu Chan is beginning to take shape.

Naturally, you need to start exploring the surrounding territory.

After all, if you want to become bigger and stronger, it is inevitable to open up wasteland.

If you open up wasteland, you must be careful of these three 3-cosmic star cities.

After all, these...the ancient universe star city is much stronger than Lu Chan's strength.

"Another dive for one or two years."

"At that time, the old reapers will also be raging on a large scale.

At that time, my strength was almost improved."

"One or two years, after that, I can almost start the war in my universe star city."

Lu Chan thought secretly.

Read more @ hotmtlnovel.xyz. Chinese MTL Fan-Fiction/Second Element novel can be read @ HotMTLNovel for free.

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