Within this cosmic star city.

The gods, even if they have great power, can't exert them.

The gods, the only ones that rely on are the large number of soldiers.

However, within the new city of the universe.

The soldiers of the gods are very, very many.

The soldiers of the gods are very powerful, there is no doubt about this.

And, in the endless river of history.

There are some powerful gods, and there are some demi-god level soldiers.

This has also led to the...the gods, their potential strength, is simply terrifying.

He has demigod soldiers, and this is why the gods are powerful on the chessboard of the universe.

For: for many other cosmic star city lord.

The reason why they surrender to the gods, in a large part, is because the gods are so powerful that they can't compete.

For Lu Chan.

Lu Chan is not too afraid of those...demigod soldiers.

The reason is..., Lu Chan is now gradually expanding the Hongmeng space, and he has started to get more and more...

Even though he is a demigod soldier, Lu Chan can suppress their strength only at the legendary level.

In this way, at least in terms of top combat power, Lu Chan is no longer afraid of those...demigod soldiers.

Moreover, while conquering the cosmic chessboard.

Lu Chan's soldiers will grow, and Lu Chan's strength will grow.

At that time, Lu Chan's words will follow the way, and the power will be even higher.

At the same time, his own soldiers will be stronger.

Demigod soldiers will even be born.

At that time, the soldiers of the demigod level cooperated with Lu Chan's words on the cosmic chessboard.

It is not impossible to expel all the gods from the chessboard of the universe.

.........Southern Wasteland.

"Senior Eat Ye."

Lu Chan directly transmits the sound of fate to the distant food night.

"what's happenin"

After a while, Shi Ye responded.

"The junior is ready to start a war against the gods."

Lu Chan said bluntly.

"Start a war against the gods"

Shi Ye was startled when he heard that before asking immediately.

"You laid down the vines on the ridge of the Blood Tomb Mountain Range"


Regarding... this Lu Chan did not hide anything.(Read more @ hotmtlnovel.xyz)

"You have won the natural godhead, and you can wait to become a god before launching a war against the gods.

Is it a bit too hasty to start a war now?"

After groaning for a while, Shi Ye spoke softly.

"On the contrary, it is not only...not to be manipulated, but to start a war."

Lu Chan said.

It is necessary to start the war and chew on the food night, that is, Wei Wei.

"This is also good, now, at the level of the war of the gods, the many strong men are now in a state of being suppressed, and the Reapers nowadays, there is no good way to achieve it."

"In other words, the battle is now in a more anxious state. If you can start the war on the chessboard of the entire universe, thereby attracting most of the energy of the gods, this is also excellent for the battlefield of the gods."

"If it is, you can really wipe out the City Lord of the Universe Star City on the cosmic chessboard on a large scale, then the land of the transcendent realm will also break the situation."

"If you can break the game, the gods are in danger!"


Lu Chan nodded slightly in response.

"Senior, I will coordinate the soldiers and immediately start the war against the surrounding cosmic star city."

"I also hope that the seniors can contact the people who are allied with our side, and at this time, the state of war is started, so that many other forces can't come to help in time."

"Otherwise, the doglegs of a large number of gods will be killed, and I can't hold it."

"no problem."

The voice of Shi Ye came faintly.

The reason why Lu Chan wants to start a war now.

On the one hand, the vines on the ridge of the Blood Mausoleum have already been captured.

On the other hand, that is..., Lu Chan found that after he has a natural godhead, he can easily build an avatar in accordance with his own words.

And the greatest significance of this avatar construction is..., these... avatars can become the new city lord of a party.

Before, Lu Chan may be able to occupy some cosmic star cities, but not too many in number.

At this time, the Godhead of Nature is in hand.

Lu Chan can be transformed into thousands.

Even if all the cosmic star cities are occupied, Lu Chan is qualified to control it.

After thinking about it, Lu Chan looked at his Hongmeng space.

After entering the universe star city.

With the practice, Lu Chan's Hongmeng space is getting bigger and bigger.

Lu Chan simply sent the hundreds of Reaper's vines all into the Hongmeng Space for cultivation.

At this time, in the Hongmeng space.

Over the past few decades, the Reaper vines that Lu Chan has been cultivating with a huge amount of cosmic origins have been completely turned into purple and gold.

And there is also a purple-golden scent, flowing on it.

Most importantly, these more than one hundred Reaper vines have already produced a large number of Reaper embryos.

These...The embryos of the Reaper all exude an unspeakable aura at this time.

And Lu Chan, has already seen clearly through the context of fate.

That is, these...Reapers cultivated in the Hongmeng space.

It is even more terrifying than the most advanced old harvesters.

Those...the most advanced old harvesters were semi-legendary when they were born.

And these... the old harvesters of Hongmeng, when they were born, they were legendary.

And these many potential Hongmeng-class old harvester embryos are also one of Lu Chan's current biggest reliances.

...A few days later.

The massive army of harvesters has already gathered.

Looking at the reapers in the depths of the mist, the mountains and plains.

Standing at the top of the fog barrier, Lu Chan looked at the...Zhara Universe Star City beside him.

This is the closest cosmic star city to Lu Chan.

"Let's take your surgery first!"

Lu Chan whispered softly.

In this original universe star city, the strongest is the five holy ranks, half holy, and there are only less than thirty.

Relatively speaking, the strength is quite weak.

The ten 1st holy ranks passed, and they were easily destroyed.

However, this war will not only allow high-level battles.

Extraordinary master, grandmaster, great master, this level will be the main core of the battle.

And semi-sage, holy rank, and even semi-legendary, legendary, it is the finale.

Because only this kind of battle will give birth to more powerhouses among the extraordinary masters, grandmasters, and great masters.

Read more @ hotmtlnovel.xyz. Chinese MTL Fan-Fiction/Second Element novel can be read @ HotMTLNovel for free.

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