These eighty pills were made by Jin Dayuan with great difficulty.

Lin Mo said, "I want it."

Jin Dayuan was overjoyed and quickly took out the things, only to see that all the gluttony pills were all metal, and each one was very heavy.

"One million is one million, and eighty is 80 million. I will give you a 30% discount. The total is 56 million." Jin Dayuan said with a smile.

Lin Mo took out the 70 million card and said, "You will also buy me the gluttonous pill for the remaining money."

"No problem, how about I directly prepare a hundred for you next time?"

With the money in hand, Jin Dayuan was determined in his heart. This is a big deal, enough to improve his position within the firm.

Of course, if you want to be promoted again, you still need a lot of large transactions to succeed.

Now Jin Dayuan relies on Lin Mo.

"Okay, okay, yes, Zhuquedan will also prepare some for me. By the way, you can bring the atlas and I will look at it again." Lin Mo said.

Jin Dayuan brought the album, Lin Mo looked at it, and quickly pointed to one of the pills and said, "I want this."

Jin Dayuan looked at it, it was Jingyuan Pill.

This is a kind of pill that speeds up recovery. It is made from some medicinal materials with powerful life essence.

Lin Mo feels that there is still some waste in his practice now. It takes too long to recover every year. Even if he has recovered, considering the strength of his body, he generally would not continue to practice.

But with the Jingyuan Pill, you can increase your training intensity and increase the current daily increase of 70,000 catties to 100,000 catties.

It is very scary for others to increase the strength of 70,000 catties a day, but Lin Mo still feels a little low.

"There are more than one hundred in this, if you need it, I will tune them all for you."

The price of this pill is not low, about 500,000 yuan per pill.

Most people may think that it is not worthwhile to consume this medicine every day just to increase the speed, but for Lin Mo, it is worthwhile to increase the speed of his cultivation.

As for the money, it was originally spent.

"I want all the essence pill."

Lin Mo said.

Soon, all the Jingyuan Pills were sent, a full one hundred and thirty-six.

This kind of pill is actually used by others to recover from injuries, and Lin Mo is also used for cultivation.

One hundred and thirty-six Jingyuan Pills cost 68 million yuan in total, and Lin Mo can get a 30% discount, which also cost a full 47.6 million yuan.

Lin Mo continued to watch.

Only 100 million yuan has been spent until now, and he still has more than 200 million in his hands.

With so much money, he did not intend to keep it in his hands.

After rummaging, Lin Mo's eyes suddenly lit up.

Artistic conception.

This is a pattern portrayed by some powerful people, leaving the artistic conception they understand on the picture for others to watch and learn.

To be able to stay on the map, at least the Wuwang level can do it.

The things produced by King Wu are naturally not cheap, and they are still consumables. If you observe them more frequently, the artistic conception in them will be exhausted.

But even so, it is extremely expensive. A painting costs 100 million yuan.

There are three pictures marked in this album, one is the meaning of a sword, one is the meaning of a sword, and the other is the meaning of a leg.

Lin Mo thought for a while, and said: "This sword intent has a leg intent, I want it."

Jin Dayuan was overjoyed and said quickly, "I'll be transferred to you immediately."

Lin Mo's generosity in his shots was greater than he thought.

With this transaction, he can be said to have secured his position as the store manager of Xuanwu City.

Even if there are internal opposition, you can do it, you will have a one-time transaction volume of 300 million, and you will come.

Even at the Wuwang level, there is generally no such transaction amount.

Moreover, King Wu usually has his own power, and they are actually more convenient and cheaper to purchase internally.

Like Lin Mo, they are all of such a high level and have been buying them on a large scale in commercial houses, but there are not many.

Although Lin Mo has consumed 300 million, he actually has 100 million left after the discount.

Lin Mo continued to flip through the album.

Finally, another thing entered his eyes.

All heavenly swords.

Although Lin Mo's blood dragon knife is good, it has already been used to the extreme by Lin Mo.

Although the sword said that it can be used at the level of the king of martial arts, it can be replaced by a general high-level martial artist.

Dutian Sword, forged by Lei Tianjun, master forging master, Wuwang level weapon.

This knife has no other characteristics, but only two characteristics, one is heavy.

General Wuwang level weapons are actually around one hundred thousand catties to two hundred thousand catties.

But this knife weighs about 500,000 catties.

This is absolutely terrifying.

It's not that King Wu can't afford heavier ones, but when fighting, he has to consider other things.

It's too heavy, but it's not good, and the speed can't keep up with others.

In addition to being heavy, there is also sharpness.

The blade is forged from meteorite, which is sharper than ordinary Wuwang weapons.

Of course, there are advantages and disadvantages.

That is, energy cannot be increased.

General Wuwang weapons are very important to the increase in energy.

Perhaps it is for this reason that this weapon has never been sold, and the price is relatively cheaper.

But even if it is cheaper, it will cost hundreds of millions.

Compared with the blood dragon knife, it is more than ten times more expensive.

But this is also normal, like the real dragon pill that Lin Mo bought at the beginning, but only one hundred thousand pieces, now the glutton pill is worth one million, and they are all ten times more. The more advanced things, the more expensive the price. The greater the gap.

After purchasing Dutiandao, Lin Mo's money was basically spent, leaving several million in his hand.

He didn't plan to continue buying either, and waited until the next time the money was more.

Soon, all the things were sent by Jin Dayuan.

Lin Mo walked towards the martial arts gym with something.

Back at his villa, Lin Mo first took out a Jingyuan Pill to take it.

He is almost cultivating today, and he must recover his body before he can continue cultivating.

As Jing Yuan Dan continued to be taken, Lin Mo felt that some of the fatigue in his body was quickly repaired.

He nodded involuntarily, very satisfied, worthy of half a million.

Lin Mo took out the two pictures and opened the picture of Dao Yi.

This picture looks very messy, it can't be regarded as painting at all.

There are lines of pen marks on it, just like a child scribbling with a brush.

However, each of these traces is full of sword intent.

Lin Mo hung up the picture, then lay down on the ground and began to practice.

He was cultivating while looking at the pictures, and he suddenly felt as if he saw a peerless powerful man performing a sword technique.

In his mind, his understanding of the meaning of the sword quickly improved.

With the improvement of his comprehension, he gradually understood the meaning of the sword.

Domineering knife intent.

This is a very domineering sword intent, which is about destroying all the artistic conception in front of you.

This artistic conception is in line with Lin Mo himself, and he mastered it quickly. .

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