Lin Mo and others looked very ugly. This time they really caught the opponent by surprise, but the opponent was obviously prepared for this. At the critical moment, they were able to explode.

Lin Mo and others quickly entered the building and searched.

It's just that Qiu Fengyun was obviously very confident before and brought everyone out.

Lin Mo took a look at the research items inside, but Qiu Fengyun didn't bring them out.

Everyone looked it up and found nothing useful. Obviously, the other party was already prepared for what happened today.

After Lin Mo and others flew out of the building, they found Qiu Fengyun was also back.

He shook his head sullenly, and said, "The opponent ran away."

He took out a communicator and started contacting Qin Feng.

But it was not connected.

After waiting for a while, Qiu Fengyun's communicator rang.

Qin Feng's voice came: "It's exposed, I just arrested people, and they all exploded suddenly."

Qiu Fengyun said, "It's the same with me. It seems that we still look down on each other too much."

Obviously, these people have been prepared for such a long time without being discovered.

Qin Feng said: "Do you have any ideas over there? By the way, you can ask Lin Mo. He had a lot of ideas when we couldn't help it before."

After hearing this, Qiu Fengyun looked at Lin Mo and asked, "There is no way."

Qiu Fengyun looked very disappointed, took everyone to deal with King Wu who was here, and then began to return.

The King Wu who was stationed here belonged to the Hundred Wars Legion, and after learning about it, he looked scared.

If these people are exposed, I'm afraid they will be killed immediately, right, they will be arrested for research.

At least the person who just issued the sword light can't deal with it by himself.

Lin Mo and others quickly returned to Xuanwu City. Soon, Qin Feng and others also went back.

This time the action completely failed.

"Okay, let's end this matter for the time being. What is certain now is that the opponent has at least one Martial King Pinnacle, everyone, be careful." Qiu Fengyun said.

Qiu Fengyun looked at Lin Mo and said, "Lin Mo, these days, you have stayed at the headquarters, don't go out."

Lin Mo nodded.

This time he broke the other side's good deeds, and it was indeed not suitable to go out, so he simply stayed at the headquarters and practiced directly to the peak of King Wu.

One day passed, and the next day was the battle between Qiu Fengyun and Pinnacle Beast King.

Naturally, Lin Mo wanted to follow this battle. In fact, he came this time because of this.

Following Qiu Fengyun, Lin Mo and others quickly came to the wilderness.

Soon, a golden light lit up on the horizon.

Chijin Titan.

This guy looks a bit similar to humans, his body is huge, almost reaching hundreds of meters, his body is like a rock.

Behind this Chijin Titan, there were also many Beastmasters.

Qiu Fengyun rushed out quickly, Chijin Titan also rushed out, and the two started fighting as soon as they met, which was completely different from ordinary people.

The two are like a warrior and a beast god fighting, the world is turned upside down, and the ground is cracked, making Lin Mo suddenly feel the difference between the two.

"This is the strength of the peak Wuwang, it is really scary." Lin Mo sighed in his heart.

The horror of these two is not just power, the general Wuwang power is indeed more than 90 million.

However, both of them are comprehending the existence of profound meaning, and the power that can be used is absolutely more than 100 million.

The entire battle lasted for three full days, and the two seemed to have infinite energy.

In the end, Qiu Fengyun and Chijin Titan were both defeated and the battle ended.

The seriously injured Qiu Fengyun took everyone back to Xuanwu City and began to retreat to heal his injuries, and everything returned to calm and calm conditions.

In the headquarters, Lin Mo continued to practice in his villa.

He has no shortage of pill now, and his cultivation is extremely smooth.

In a blink of an eye, another month passed.

Inside the villa, Lin Mo punched the machine, and the number of the machine jumped quickly.

Forty-seven thousand catties!

It's just a little bit away from the senior Wu Wang.

Immediately, Lin Mo displayed his concussion skills and artistic conception.

Seven thousand three hundred thousand catties!

Lin Mo's strength at this time is surprisingly no worse than that of a general high-level martial king.

"With only 10 million catties, the power of King Wu can burst out."

Although Lin Mo is accustomed to staying in the room to practice, but he is willing to stay and being forced to stay, there are two different situations.

If he has the strength of the pinnacle martial king, then Lin Mo is sure that even if the pinnacle martial king of the mysterious organization comes to kill him, he can resist or escape.

In the past month, apart from gluttonous thoughts, the most important thing for Lin Mo is to comprehend the meaning of his legs.

After comprehending, Lin Mo found himself comprehending another artistic conception, the artistic conception of speed.

I have always wanted to be faster, and fast, obviously belongs to the artistic conception of speed.

This is the first mood that Lin Mo has comprehended by himself. Lin Mo found that comprehending this mood is much easier than comprehending others.

In just one month, Lin Mo has almost reached the peak of the artistic conception of speed, and may reach the level of speed at any time.

If he really understood the profound meaning of speed, then it is estimated that no Martial King can catch up with him.

Qiu Fengyun can't, Qin Feng can't, that Qiu Fengyun chasing the lost person can't, nor can the Scarlet Titan.

Lin Mo left the villa and walked towards the points exchange office.

Last time he was promoted to King Wu, he earned 100 million points. Later, when he moved to a new house, he gained a lot of things. Lin Mo also asked Zhou Xingqing to exchange money and points for himself.

Now he has more than 200 million points, which is enough for him to exchange many things.

At the point exchange office, Qiuyunshan is still in charge here.

Seeing Lin Mo, Qiuyunshan seemed very enthusiastic.

"Brother Lin needs anything you need, as long as I have it here, I will bring it to you."

Qiu Yunshan took out a notebook and said with a smile.

Lin Mo flipped through the book and pointed to a few of the elixirs and said, "I want all of these elixirs. I can get as many as I have, as long as the points are deducted."

Qiu Yunshan also knew that Lin Mo took a lot of pills, but the things he asked for this time still surprised him.

"No problem, I'll send someone to you, each one should be able to take care of two hundred starters."

Generally speaking, in order to ensure that the exchange office is sufficient, it is generally not exchanged for so many things...

But Qiuyunshan was very optimistic about Lin Mo and directly exchanged it to Lin Mo.

"Brother Lin is still good at you. I can use so many pills for decades, so you can quickly absorb and digest. Maybe next time we meet again, you will be the peak martial king." Qiu Yunshan smiled. Said.

Lin Mo smiled: "Brother Qiu said and laughed, how easy is it to succeed at the peak of Wuwang."

After chatting for a few words, Lin Mo returned to his villa and started practicing again.

Two days later, Lin Mo made a breakthrough again.

Inside the villa, Lin Mo looked happy, and even couldn't help laughing.


Even the breakthrough is too easy.

This time the breakthrough is the artistic conception of speed.

The artistic conception of speed was originally at the peak of the artistic conception, and with the breakthrough, it became the profound meaning of speed.

With the breakthrough, Lin Mo's speed increased almost three or four times.

His speed was originally extremely terrifying, not much worse than the average peak Wuwang, now it has increased three or four times, and it is estimated that no peak Wuwang can catch up.

After being happy for a while, Lin Mo continued to practice.

Soon, his power reached 50 million jin, and he officially became a senior martial king.

Of course, if it broke out, it would be the pinnacle martial king level.

And Lin Mo's power of thought has also reached the level of the pinnacle of Wu Wang.

In terms of mental power, his progress has always been much faster than physical power.

When he was still a junior martial king, his Nianli cultivation base had already reached the level of a senior martial king.

"It's time to think about other cultivation methods."

Inside the room, Lin Mo thought.

Now his daily increase in strength is close to 300,000 catties.

This is a very terrifying number, even Qiu Fengyun and others, the daily increase in strength is far from comparable to Lin Mo.

Lin Mo continued to practice.

Originally, he planned to cultivate his strength to the peak Martial King level and then break through. Without a bottleneck, he would be so arrogant.

4.7   But I did not expect that when the power reached 60 million catties, the Destroying Blade intent broke through and was promoted to Destroy the Profound Truth.

After the artistic conception of speed broke into the profound meaning of speed, Lin Mo changed his perception of the artistic conception.

In the end, he chose to destroy the sword intent, which was able to enhance his attack power.

Perhaps it was because the time for the cultivation of this artistic conception was relatively early, coupled with my own artistic conception comprehending a kind of profound meaning, the speed of perception accelerated, and the profound meaning was quickly controlled.

Of the two kinds of profound meanings, Lin Mo is estimated to be a strong one among the peak martial kings.

Several other artistic conceptions are fine, but the shock power has once again been a bottleneck, stuck in ninety-nine shocks.

But Lin Mo didn't care, just continue to practice.

Presumably the next time it breaks through, it will be very scary.

Lin Mo squeezed his fist and punched the machine.

It exploded with a bang and the machine was destroyed.

Finally, it was time for him to change the machine again.

At this time, his communicator rang, he picked it up and looked at it, his expression changed slightly, and the red light on the communicator flickered.

This will only start when something big happens.

Something big happened in the martial arts hall! .

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