On the energy lake, the king and eight beast kings quickly entered the bottom of the energy lake.

The energy lake is very deep, about two kilometers long, and becomes smaller as it goes below.

In terms of space, the shape of this energy lake is more like a cone.

The body of the king and eight beast kings at this time was even more than ten meters long. Although it was huge compared to human beings, it appeared very thin compared to the huge body of several hundred meters before.

At this moment, he panicked towards the large array he had discovered before.

Soon, he was in front of the big formation.

At a location on the bottom of the lake, a layer of golden light flickered, blocking the water flow outside.

The king and eight beast kings came here, and quickly spewed a blood-colored stone from his mouth.

With the appearance of the scarlet stone, the golden array echoed each other, and soon even opened a gap.

The king and eight beast kings quickly got in.

In the past, it had to take off its shell and then get in again. Now that the shell is broken by Lin Mo, it saves this step.

After entering, watching the gap closed, the king and eight beast kings couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief, feeling a lot safer.

"Yah, why are human beings perverted here, they obviously don't have blood abilities, but they always have such perverts." The Eighth King of Beasts cursed fiercely.

After finally planning to go out mighty once, he was beaten back.

"Forget it, stay honestly this time. That guy shouldn't stay in this area for too long. After he leaves, I'll go out again." The Eighth Beast King was very sad.

At this time, there was a surging in the energy lake, the king and eight beast kings looked up at the lake, and as expected, a figure came down quickly.

The situation in this lake was clear by Lin Mo with a swipe of his mind, and he quickly came towards the big formation.

Soon, Lin Mo was just above the big battlefield, looking at the eight beast kings, Lin Mo slammed his fists and fought hard towards the big battlefield.

As he shook his fist, the powerful force shook the surrounding lake all away.

Lin Mo's fist hit the big array hard.

There was a tremor, but it was not broken.

Seeing this situation, the king and eight beast kings felt much settled. It smiled and said, "Lin Mo, don't waste your efforts. This is the ancient great formation. Before a human as powerful as you, facing this great formation, there is nothing left. Method."

He smiled coldly, ignored the eight beast kings, and waved his fists again.

This time, he used all his power.

Concussion skills, profound meaning, artistic conception!

Under the superposition of various forces, Lin Mo felt that his fists were about to explode.

He fell with a punch.


As if an earthquake of magnitude 7 or 8 had occurred in the surrounding area, a large number of trees collapsed, cracks were opened in the ground, and a large amount of lake water poured out.

Although these lakes contain energy, Lin Mo is actually not very attractive.

It's okay to use for bubble tea, but it's too low for cultivation.

Feeling the fist, the king and eight beast kings, his face changed drastically, hiding in the corner of the big formation, shaking quickly.

so horrible!

Its heartbeat keeps speeding up, but looking at the big array, it is still intact, and it suddenly smiles.

"Haha, Lin Mo, I was wasted effort. This is a natural formation. With your Martial Sovereign level ability, it is impossible to break it~ "."

The king and eight beast kings began to be arrogant.

He was really worried before that Lin Mo could break this big array.

After all, Lin Mo's strength is indeed much stronger than the human being he encountered before.

But facts have proved that this big formation cannot be broken by people of their level.

Lin Mo frowned. He did use all his power. This big formation was like a tortoise shell, and he couldn't break it at all.

Lin Mo took a look at the surrounding lake and muttered, "No one is watching here, it should be fine, the only thing is that it's cheap."

Lin Mo decided to use his talents and supernatural powers.

He hasn't used this magical power since he got it, but here is a good place to use it.

Lin Mo urged quickly.

The use of talents and magical powers is different from the use of martial arts, skills, etc. As long as you send out the mountain phantom in your mind, you can immediately use it.

This is the same with alien beasts.

They can display their talent skills without any preparation.

The next moment, Lin Mo's body began to grow bigger and his clothes shattered.

His body instantly exceeded a hundred meters, and continued to grow bigger, finally reaching a height of a thousand meters.

Lin Mo moved his body unaccustomed to, and felt that everything around him became so small.

There was a terrifying power in his body, and this power far exceeded all his previous powers.

On his skin, the gold pattern that had disappeared before appeared again, making him look a little mysterious.

In the big formation, the king of the eight beasts looked dumbfounded at the scene before him, cold sweat continued to shed, and his whole body chilled.

It felt the suppression of a breath.

This is different from the feeling Lin Mo gave him before. The suppression Lin Mo gave him before was a suppression of energy and level.

But at this time, it is the suppression on the bloodline.

Just like a normal beast, encountering a dragon clan, feeling the dragon's might and trembling.

"You are not a human being, what kind of race are you?" The Eighth Beast King shouted in horror.

Lin Mo glanced at the King Eight Beast King with disdain, then stepped on the big formation with one foot.


A large array of cracks, like glass, showed many cracks.

Lin Mo's eyes lit up, and after he turned into a mountain giant, he was able to break through the big formation.

The king and eight beast king stared at these cracks with wide eyes, despair in his heart.

This great formation could not be resisted, it had no place to hide.

"I am willing to surrender, I can recognize you as my master."

The Eighth Beast King shouted loudly.

Although it has lived for thousands of years, it does not want to die at all.

Lin Mo sneered, stepped on it again, and the whole was completely broken.

The king and eight beast kings were fortunate not to be stepped on, and they were constantly tumbling by the powerful air currents.

Lin Mo stretched out his hand, grabbed the Eighth Beast King in his hand, and said, "Let go of your soul."

The Eighth Beast King felt Lin Mo's voice exploded in his ears like thunder, which was terrifying.

It was caught in Lin Mo's hand at this time, feeling pain all over, as if it was about to be crushed by Lin Mo in the next moment, and quickly let go of his soul.

Lin Mo exerted his thought power, and a soul mark quickly fell into the head of the eight beast kings.

In the future, as long as Lin Mo is slightly urged, he will be able to completely blow up the soul of the eight beast kings.

Sensing the situation in the soul, the king and eight beast kings were completely honest, looked at Lin Mo, and shouted, "Master."

Lin Mo nodded, and put it into the animal breeding ring.

At this time, inside the ring, Thunder Dragon saw a bastard coming out and said with a cold snort: "Go to the corner, I am the master's mount."

The king and eight beast kings were furious, and a peak general-level strange beast dared to treat himself like this.

But after hesitating, he still held back.

Who made the owner's first strange animal mount? The relationship is much better than himself.

The king of beasts stayed in the corner honestly, only feeling that the king of beasts was extremely gloomy.

Lin Mo didn't release this state immediately, but continued to wait to see how long he could last in this state.

It lasted about ten minutes, and his body quickly became smaller and restored to its original appearance.

The next moment, a feeling of extreme exhaustion occurred, and Lin Mo even felt that the whole person was extremely weak.

He quickly took out some pills to take, and it took a while before he felt better.

". 々The sequelae are a bit big, but life-saving is still very good at critical moments."

Lin Mo took out his new clothes and put them on, and then swam towards the position of the big formation.

When he came here again, Lin Mo found that he had stepped on a foot here, and he was totally unrecognizable.

He released his thoughts and probed it, his eyes lit up, he quickly dug a path towards the bottom, and quickly entered a stone mansion.

The king and eight beast kings didn't find any cave houses before, thinking that the magic circle was formed naturally.

But when Lin Mo stepped on it, Shifu was exposed.

There is a layer of blue light at the entrance of the stone mansion, which has no attack power, but isolates the lake from the outside.

Lin Mo walked in cautiously and asked, "Anyone?"

no respond.

Lin Mo was not surprised by this. He estimated that this stone mansion should have been abandoned for a long time.

But for so long, there is still energy running, which shows how strong the people here were.

Lin Mo moved forward cautiously, and soon found some medicine rooms, refining rooms, study rooms, etc. in this stone mansion.

However, it can be seen that this cave mansion was abandoned, not that the owner died here.

This makes Lin Mo a little regretful. If he died here, all the things he had in his lifetime would be here.

Lin Mo took away everything that was left in it, and finally confirmed (the king's money) that there was nothing left, and then left.

He quickly out of the energy lake.

On the lake, Qin Feng and others are waiting here.

Just now, the earth burst suddenly and countless trees collapsed, which shocked everyone.

Looking at Lin Mo at this time, these people are more respectful.

In their view, such a situation must be caused by Lin Mo.

"My lord, all the corpses of the alien beasts have been put away, and they are in this space ring."

Qin Feng handed over a ring with both hands.

Lin Mo took a look and nodded in satisfaction.

These are all Beastmasters, and some of them are Pinnacle Beastmasters, which are of great value.

Lin Mo smiled and said, "The eight kings of beast kings have been subdued by me, now you can deal with the remaining beast kings."

This time, not all the Beastmasters participated in the battle.

Even Lin Mo suspected that there are still some pinnacle beast kings.

But he didn't care, the rest caused no threats, just let Qin Feng and others deal with it.

"Yes, my lord."

Qin Feng and others seemed very excited. After so many years, humans finally defeated the alien beasts, and from today onwards, the alien beasts have become a subsidiary of mankind.

After letting them act on their own, Lin Mo headed towards the Baiju Wuguan alone.

After returning to the martial arts hall, sitting in the training room, Lin Mo took out what he had previously obtained in the stone mansion. .

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