"You are the human race of Twenty-two Capitals, the descendants of Yuanzun who survived back then."

"It looks like you haven't forgotten it yet."

The Sword Emperor was the first to stand up and ridicule, and the invisible sword attached to the six origins was also held in his hand.

"I apologize for what our predecessors did."

To Chu Feng's surprise, all the mechanical races leaned over to apologize.

"What are you...what are you doing?"

"That was the ignorance committed by our ancestors. I have always wanted to ask you to apologize. Fortunately, we met in the first round."

The lead Tieju is a cyborg and cyborg, and the other mechanical groups are similar. Except for some of the whole body, most of them are equipped with exoskeletons.

"After our ancestors invaded you, the hostile forces in our world also took advantage of the vacancy and invaded all of our land by relying on their forces."

"In order to survive, we can only continue to increase the mechanical components on our body." Tie Ju smiled bitterly. At the beginning, he just installed sharp blades on both sides of his arms. Now he has become a walking weapon arsenal.

"When we forbeared the rise and regained our world in one fell swoop, we also learned the truth of the matter."

"Our ancestors' invasion has brought you a lot of pain, and I have also experienced that kind of lingering pain."

"So, in order to express our apologies, we decided to surrender."

As soon as the voice fell, Chu Feng and the others were teleported back to their original place, causing the audience to exclaim.

"Forty days will surrender, twenty-two days will win!"

As the voice fell from the sky, everyone broke out violent discussions.

"I'll just say that Chu Feng, they don't need 30 seconds, right?"

"The forty guy is so smart, he surrenders immediately when he knows he can't beat him."

"Does Forty Dutian receive any benefits? Sell your own world?"

The different things discussed are different, but none of these machine races cares.

Tie Ju stepped forward, bowed again and said, "If you want to come to our capital, we are welcome at any time."

"Whether you are revenge or reconciliation, we accept it." He paused and continued: "But please, end the hatred in our generation, and stop affecting future generations."

Chu Feng didn't know what to say for a while, and the attitude of the machine clan made them never react. They thought there would be a big battle, but unexpectedly surrendered.

"I think we will go."

After Chu Feng finished speaking, leaving the center of the venue, the mechanical clan returned to the original place.

"Do you think they are upset and kind?"

The Sword Emperor still couldn't believe it, and said, "Could it be that they deliberately led us over, and then used the power of the whole world to surround us."

"I see their apologizing eyes are very sincere, I believe them." Qin Baiyi said.

"When the time comes, we will know if we go there in person." Chu Feng didn't have much emotional fluctuations on his face, but in his heart he began to think, if he blames the predecessors on the descendants and attacks the world of others, will this also become The intruder he hates the most.

In the next game, Chu Feng didn't open his eyes to watch. He closed his eyes and pondered quietly. When he is in his current state, comprehension can bring the greatest progress.

"Twenty-two, twenty-five are all heaven, go out to fight."

Chu Feng opened his eyes and saw that there were only four Yuanzuns in the Demon Clan, and the strongest was no more than the six origins. .

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