Reiki Recovery: Sacrifice! Billions Of Times Crit!

Chapter 347: The gratitude of the behemoths

Chu Feng sighed and said, "I assure you that I will never let the Golden Dragon clan trouble you."

"Wait for you to go out cleanly, maybe you will be scolded again."

"That said, then we are offended."

Various beasts roared, the beasts turned into their bodies one after another, and giant beasts more than ten meters high abound.

The huge source of the same color, accompanied by various attacks of wind, thunder, water and fire, sprayed directly towards the sword emperor and the others.

"The power of thousands of stars!"

Qin Baiyi's eyes glowed, and the clothes all over his body were automatic without wind, his hands were pushed forward, and a wide range of stars dashed against those attacks.

There was a stalemate for a few seconds without a win.

"Eternal One Sword 05, absolutely!"

The sword emperor who had absorbed the sword aura twice was not what it used to be. After he swung out a sword aura, he put away the invisible sword and looked at it silently.

The vast and invisible sword energy easily passed through the stars phantoms and thunder and fire attacks, and even directly passed through the bodies of the orcs.

"What the hell did you fly away just now?"

Soon they discovered something was wrong, why the original force of the stalemate began to become unstable.

"Qin Baiyi, go back quickly," the Sword Emperor said.

Qin Baiyi nodded, immediately withdrew his strength and quickly retreated.

The star phantom that had lost its support suddenly exploded, disrupting the thunder fire attack together.

The behemoths also wanted to evacuate, but they felt a pain all over.

One after another bloodstains appeared from the body, and a conditional qi restrained them in place like a rope, and kept cutting their bodies.

The giant beasts could only stand in the explosion range and let the explosion swallow their bodies.

When they came out of the thick smoke, they were bleeding from their wounds, all red and black.

"This move is simply unheard of, and it's not easy for the two of you."

The tiger head scratched his head awkwardly, and said, "We are all hurt like this, should we be able to surrender?"

"Feel free."

"Then we admit defeat."

"Oh by the way!" The tiger head man walked over and said with a smile on his face: "Don't you guys say go out."

When Bai Guang sent them back, many Yuan Zun probed.

Seeing the sword emperor and Qin Baiyi only panted slightly, and all of them were wounds on the side of Fifty City.

Sure enough, it was 22 days to win again.

"Did you also release the water?"

"Hurt, don't mention it, that's it." The tiger head waved his hand and returned to his position to rest, with an expression of defeat and weakness, acting only wonderfully and beautifully, the real best actor.

"Really or not, can the two and six origins of Twenty-Two Days be able to achieve this level?"

Everyone is half-believing, because the tiger-head man alone is the seven origins, and there are two seven origins in their team, and there are 627 other orcs with varying strengths.

"Chu Feng, how are my new moves?" Sword Emperor proudly said, "It hit them hard in one fell swoop."

"It's not good, they still release the water."

Chu Feng looked at the tiger-headed man who was still pretending to be downcast and smiled: "When people are defensive, even other sources are useless, such as gold and earth."

"Don't look at the seriousness of their external injuries. In fact, it doesn't hurt them much, but don't underestimate the orcs' physical fitness. They can also be ranked in the top five in the audience."

"To go to a higher plane, you must be above the eight realms, otherwise it will be difficult to compare with geniuses in other worlds."

The sword emperor and Qin Baiyi nodded, and immediately went into practice. .

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