Reiki Recovery: Sacrifice! Billions Of Times Crit!

Chapter 475 (Auto Generated Chapter Title)

The 477th chapter is a great shame

Soon, the housekeeper of the Li family who had robbed Li Na was arrested. His whole body was shaking and his face was pale, as if he already knew his fate.

"What you did for this matter really lost my Li family member." said the patriarch.

Hearing this, your clan steward fell to the ground with a plop, begging loudly: "Master patriarch, forgive me, patriarch, forgive me."

"Spare you? It's impossible to spare you! The reputation of the Li family is ruined by you alone." After speaking, he waved his hand gently, only to hear a click, and the housekeeper fell to the ground. , Killed on the spot.

Immediately, the patriarch waved his hand to let people carry the body of the housekeeper. Then he faced Chu Feng and said, "It is the responsibility of my patriarch. I didn't properly discipline the subordinates, which caused such a thing."

This hand can be regarded as perfect, anyway, it can be regarded as an explanation with Li Na, and the matter is solved perfectly.

"By the way, since you have come to my Li Yimen, why not sit down and have a cup of tea" "." The patriarch sincerely invited.

Zhang Heng looked at Chu Feng, he was still more worried. After all, this is the Li family, and something like this happened again. If they leave now, they will be safe, and if they stay, it will be very dangerous.

"Of course." Chu Feng said broadly.

"Then, please." The patriarch made a gesture of please.

Under the leadership of the other party, they quickly came to a tea room. This tea room was very large, with quaint tables, and the tea was fragrant.

After introducing themselves to each other, the patriarch of the Li family asked: "Brother Chu, the power you cultivate in you has never been seen before. It is so strong. Dare to ask what power it is?"

Chu Feng smiled and replied: "This power comes from the treasure of the universe."

Hearing the words "Universal Treasure", the leader of the Li family was taken aback and asked in surprise: "What? What the Chu brothers said is the legendary treasure of the universe that has been passed down for thousands of years? It is said that that thing does not exist at all, but It's just a legend and myth that has spread one by one."

Chu Feng shook his head lightly and said, "It's not a myth, but a real existence in this world."

The leader of the Li family nodded. He believed it very much. At the same time, he was extremely curious. He asked, "The treasure of the universe is so powerful. So, Brother Chu came here to find the treasure this time?"

"` 〃Yes, we came to find the treasure, but we didn't find it."

"Brother Chu, if there is a place I can help, just say it. The Li family can be considered as a foundation here. Although you can't help with a lot of help, you can still do it with a small favor." The leader of the Li family patted his chest, sincerely. I want to make friends with this Chu Feng who is looking for the treasure of the universe.

Chu Feng could also see that the other party was very sincere, and then nodded, and said: "If there is something to ask for, I will never be polite." After speaking, he laughed.

The patriarch of the Li family also laughed, and in this way, he became a friend.

Chu Feng also had some understanding of this star trading ship through the patriarch of the Li family.

This place has a history of nearly hundreds of years. It comes from an Andromeda constellation. Because the trading ship has non-stop spaceships from other star regions and planets, and at the same time, these spacecrafts are gathered together, so it has formed today's grand occasion, just like A country generally exists. .

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