Reiki Recovery: Sacrifice! Billions Of Times Crit!

Chapter 517: The other side of the universe

Immediately afterwards, he suddenly appeared on the other side of this cosmic space.

"Wow, what kind of power is this? Why did it suddenly go to the other side."

"Devil Shadow Saint is too outrageous, how can it be possible to escape the limit speed of the universe?"

"Even the attacks that contain the power of the universe can be avoided. It really doesn't cost me to come all the way."

When the Shadow Sage had just escaped the fatal blow of the star messenger, the crowd of onlookers uttered incredibly surprised sounds.

The stellar messenger in the arena seemed to be irritated by people's comments.

The fireball he transformed into suddenly expanded dozens of times, becoming a round fireball hundreds of meters in size, and at the same time the flame burned more violently, and the red flames began to show a hint of light blue.

Afterwards, the entire fireball rushed towards Demon Shadow Saint again.

The speed was even faster than the last time, and it was so fast that it was so fast that the entire space of the game field became so distorted because of the rapid flight of the fireball.

"Oh my God, the ultimate speed of the universe ` "."

"The Magic Shadow Saint is over."

"He can't run this time."

"The scene is too cruel, I can't stand it anymore."

All the spectators in the phantom power shield once again exclaimed in unison.

However, the magical scene stunned all the audience for the second time.

Mo Ying Sheng unexpectedly disappeared at the moment the fireball collided with him.

After a while, he reappeared where he was originally.

"Brother Chutian, why did this Demon Shadow Sage suddenly disappear and appear again? They said that the power used by the star messenger is the power of the universe, why is there any power that can escape the power of the universe?"

When Wang Linger saw this scene, finally couldn't help but ask Chutian.

"No power can escape the power of the universe, but the manifestation of the power of the universe will be different."

Chu Tian replied simply.

"Form of expression? What form of expression?"

Zhang Heng looked at Chu Tian in surprise.

"We all know that the power of the universe comes from the treasures of the universe, and the power of the treasures of the universe is greatly related to the origin of the universe. When it comes to the origin of the universe, it must be mentioned that the universe has been there since its birth. Those manifestations are, in fact, the manifestation of the origin of the universe is in many aspects. Look at the cosmic power used by this stellar messenger, it is actually one of the manifestations, and the magic shadow saint is actually the cosmic power used. It’s just another form of expression."

"Another form of expression?"

"Yes, the power of space. The Shadow Sage uses the power of the universe to compress space to achieve the effect of instant movement. Therefore, no matter how fast the star messenger is, it is impossible to catch up with the Shadow Sage, because Shadow Sage uses the power of the universe in a different way. The Star Messenger uses the power of the universe to strengthen his fire attributes, while Shadow Sage releases the power of the universe into space and directly compresses the space of the universe, so it can also be called the space of space. force."

"` 〃 Oh, I see, the power of the universe is so powerful."

Wang Ling'er sighed suddenly.

"The treasures of the universe we have encountered before have their own differences. This is the reason. The treasures of the universe may appear in the universe in any form, so the power of the universe can also be expressed in countless ways. After we find more treasures of the universe, I think we will be clearer. Now, let’s look at that Demon Shadow Saint being a little more proficient in using the power of the universe."

Chu Tian pondered for a moment, then slowly spoke.

Just when Chu Tian discussed it, the winners and losers of the two on the field had already been divided. .

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