Reiki Recovery: Sacrifice! Billions Of Times Crit!

Chapter 523: The pinnacle of power!

Zhang Heng couldn't believe his eyes. So many star beasts of his own attacked the mysterious light shield together, but he didn't expect that the other side's light shield could not be seen at all, but it looked stronger.

"How? Convinced, now it's my turn."

Seeing that the movements of the star beast gradually weakened, Xuan Jizi was finally ready to do it.

He raised his hands slightly, and a beam of light suddenly appeared in the middle of his hands, and the beam of light instantly connected to the top of the light shield.

Afterwards, the light shield rapidly expanded under the stimulation of the beam of light. In a blink of an eye, the star beast attacking the light shield was knocked out by the rapidly expanding energy light shield 757.

"Oh oh oh."

The behemoths in the starry sky that were hit by the light shield all flew out at once.

"Bang bang bang."

The giant starry beast that flew out smashed into the illusion power shields of many viewers in a blink of an eye.

Suddenly, the illusion power shields of these spectators shattered in an instant.

The audience inside was stunned by the scene, and fled the original shield of illusion.

"Oh my God, the star behemoth is so powerful that it was knocked into flight."

"Xuan Jizi's strength is too tyrannical."

"His light shield is at least a thousand times stronger than our illusion power shield."

"Unexpectedly, the existence of such a powerful star behemoth would not even be able to break the light shield."

The other viewers watched this scene in the universe in astonishment.

"I said long ago that your little pet can't do it. Do you want to come again."

Xuan Jizi looked at Zhang Heng and smiled contemptuously.

"You deceive people too much, look at me. The starry sky beasts fit together."

The combination of the giant star beasts was just realized by Zhang Heng on the planet of the worm mother.

Ever since Zhang Heng followed Chu Feng and absorbed the power of the universe on the Insect Mother Planet, he suddenly found that he had comprehended the manipulation skills of a giant star beast.

Today, it was the first time he used such a skill.

I saw that these giant star beasts, after standing firm, began to run wildly in one direction at the same time.

Soon, several giant beasts came to the same position.

"Roar roar."

With the roar of several giant beasts, these giant beasts began to change.

Their bodies began to move closer and closer.

When several giant beasts came into contact with each other, suddenly, the original bodies of these giant beasts disappeared into the universe.

At the same time, a very small star giant appeared in this cosmic space.

It is only one-thousandth of its original size, not as large as a child.

That little big star beast hopped back and forth in the universe, seeming to be celebrating his successful integration.

"Ah? What's going on, it used to be so big, how can it be so small now?"

"Where is this fit? It looks more like a hatched egg, so small, can you fight?"

"Haha, it's better not to fit like this, it's just a joke, it's too much."

"Don't laugh, how do I feel that this little star beast is different from before."

"Of course it's different, have you changed from an adult to a child, haha."

The onlookers burst into noisy discussions again, discussing this small and a little bit pitiful star behemoth.

"Hey, what's going on? How can it become so small after being combined?"

As the host, Zhang Heng himself is also a little bit trapped.

I originally thought that it would become bigger and stronger after being combined, but how could it become such a small thing. .

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