Reiki Recovery: Sacrifice! Billions Of Times Crit!

Chapter 548 (Auto Generated Chapter Title)

The 540th chapter: the method of breaking the formation

Chu Feng was quietly looking at the treasure of the universe in front of him, and there were faint traces of energy flow on the circle above.

Judging from the observed signs, the shape of the circle should be an octagonal shape, a bit similar to the phantom circle of the underground entrance found by Chu Feng and his team earlier.

But this circle is not a phantom circle, it is very real, because Chu Feng's perception is very powerful, he can very clearly feel that the treasure of the universe in this circle is what he wants The treasure of the universe I was looking for was definitely not an illusion, or it was not purely an illusion.

After thinking about it for a while, Chu Feng intends to try to use his own cosmic power to find out if he can pass through this magic circle. If possible, he will use the method he just used again.

Just now, Chu Feng used the power of the universe to spatially replace the array space in the phantom crocodile god with the outside space.

If the power of the universe can penetrate this magic circle, perhaps the same method can be used to replace the treasure of the universe from the magic circle.

However, this degree of difficulty is one level higher than the magic circle just taken out of the body of the illusion crocodile god.

Thinking of this, Chu Feng began to drive his own cosmic power and began to slowly extend from within his body toward the magic circle where the treasure of the universe was located.

Soon, Chu Feng's cosmic power had already touched that magic circle.

With the continuous release of Chu Feng's cosmic power, the magic circle began to change.

I saw that the previous octagonal magic circle, the moment the Chu Feng cosmic power touched, the energy in the circle quickly flowed.

In a moment of effort, the original octagonal magic circle became a sixteen-sided magic circle.

At the same time, the energy inside became more intense.

When the magic circle became a hexadecagon, Chu Feng also clearly felt a kind of resistance competing with his own cosmic power.

This resistance force is pushing the cosmic power released by itself to the outside of the magic circle.

Perceiving these changes, Chu Feng once again strengthened the release of the power of the universe.

As the release intensity of the cosmic power increased, his cosmic power began to slowly penetrate into the magic circle.

"Well, maybe my cosmic power can penetrate into the magic circle. If possible, then I can use the cosmic power to perform space replacement."

Chu Feng thought secretly.

However, before Chu Feng was happy, that circle actually changed again.

As Chu Feng's cosmic power penetrated into the circle, the energy of that circle accelerated again, and the energy kept tumbling in the circle, tumbling, and in the blink of an eye, the original sixteen-sided circle was again It became a thirty-two-sided shape.

At the same time, the energy in the circle has increased a lot again. When the circle became a thirty-two-sided shape, Chu Feng clearly felt that the resistance of this circle had caught up with the penetration of his own universe. The amount of force 0.7.

With the increase of the resistance force of the magic circle, this resistance force directly pushed its own cosmic power to the contact surface again.

"Unexpectedly, there is such a thing."

Chu Feng said something surprised.

"Huh? Brother Chu Feng, what kind of thing?"

Wang Ling'er, who was watching Chu Feng break through the formation, asked. .

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