Reiki Recovery: Starting with Trillion Soul Ring

Chapter 1028 No need for multiple burdens

"You two don't understand the characteristics of this place at all.

In the entire Gale Valley, in fact, what Zhang Xiaoshuai did was more specific than others.

On the contrary, when they saw it, it didn't seem to have any influence on the state of the moment.

As long as they were able to find a routine that they had planned together in the original conditions, it can become more interesting now.

"Furthermore, relying on the strength of the two of you, that is fundamentally unstable."

If you want to hedge against the elements of the entire gale now, you must have a completely stable condition.

Relying on the explosive force of the two of them, it is not even of any use at all.

"If you really want to bear it, then just rely on me to come, I think there should be no problem."

Zhang Xiaoshuai just said this, he was ready to leave.

But Chen Bin, seeing his state, seemed to be unwilling to let him have any influence at all.

At this moment, when Chen Bin walked over, he also grabbed him.

"Where are you going? Zhang Xiaoshuai."

Indeed, Chen Bin seems to feel that Zhang Xiaoshuai is indeed something wrong at this moment.

If it weren't for he hoped that these people would be able to come back, he would definitely not hold back Zhang Xiaoshuai.

"The task I need to do now is to quickly get outside the barrier."

Everyone looked at Zhang Xiaoshuai's current strength, and seemed to feel that his sense of responsibility was overwhelming.

But Chen Bin hurriedly pulled him back, and also shook his head.

"Could it be that you are still prepared to use your strength to hedge against this energy."

At first, Chen Bin seemed to feel a little unbelievable, after all, the gap in this mountain was too huge.

Speaking of being placed in the entire Gale Town, it seems that only the whirlwind Elder at its peak can contend with it.

Not to mention how much energy was there at the time, but it made them feel a little strange.

(cdcd) "What's wrong? Chen Bin? Don't forget that I have the power of Elder Tornado, at least I am younger than him."

Looking at Zhang Xiaoshuai here, he seemed to feel a little unconvinced.

After all, he thought that Chen Bin's very intimate eyes now looked down upon himself.

Even if he can understand Chen Bin's strength, it is indeed extraordinary, he must also fight for his own rights.

"I don't care how powerful your ability is, but if you stay here, our mission can't act.

Unexpectedly, Chen Bin and Zhang Xiaoshuai's relatives next to him would say this.

At such a critical time, Zhang Xiaoshuai felt a little dazed.

"What the hell does this mean? Chen Bin"

"If I stay here, wouldn't you have one less burden on the road."

Zhang Xiaoshuai may have known for a long time that he himself did not do much.

To be placed in their team, Chen Bin has always been in the rhythm of master planning.

If Zhang Xiaoshuai is here for maintenance at this moment, at least he can keep a certain distance.

"Are you kidding? Zhang Xiaoshuai."

"You have to know, we are all in a team, otherwise there is no task

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