Reiki Recovery: Starting with Trillion Soul Ring

Chapter 1035 There are still words in the words

For a long time, Su Yu's attitude towards him has always been indoctrinated.

If Dala Lila can fully hear it, then it seems to be a relatively good impression for their team.

But anyway, Dalalila is not a person who joined Su Yu and his team directly at the beginning.

So, at this moment, Su Yu reminded him a little bit, as if "four ninety zero" is also a more useful method.

In the scene at the time, Dalalila seemed to be able to hear what Su Yu meant?

"Well, Mr. Su Yu, I hope you can rest assured, after all, I'm just talking about it."

He didn't do anything excessive before, especially now it's impossible.

As long as a few of them can maintain a relatively good attitude, no matter what happens in the end, they can definitely succeed.

Now the main opportunity is placed on Dalalila, which seems to be able to sound the alarm for him all the time.

"That's good, Dala Lila, if this is the case, it should be your ultimate moment.,

It is true that Su Yu, who was just starting out, may not really know whether this kid can master it completely.

Only when Onixia saw his confidence, it proved their sense of existence.

Regardless of whether it was such a successful idea in the end, in short, the current conditions are basically available.

"Then you are optimistic, this is my moment."

Suddenly, Dalalila flew directly towards the outside world.

With the help of this airflow, Su Yu can clearly see that this guy can seem to float in midair.

Although this is not the final form, it seems that the talent of this kid can also be found based on the airflow that can be disturbed here.

"I really can't think of this guy's ability, and even now he can get a series of enhancements."

What Su Yu never realized was that Tang Zhijun actually said these words.

After all, when he first started, Tang Zhijun didn't actually feel too much about the idea of ​​the abilities of a few of them.

At this moment, he can have this very simple routine, and it seems that he can also know his behavior and guidelines.

"What's wrong? Tang Zhijun, why do you see that?"

It is true that Su Yu has to stretch out a hand because he thinks this way should also be good.

At least when it was released to other people, there didn't seem to be any special reasons.

At this moment when Su Yu watched his time silently, he probably also knew his current power.

"I just think that the factors of this gust of wind allow him to stay slowly.

Tang Zhijun didn't know the specific reason, but he could still know the most basic idea.

As long as you can have this part of the idea, you don't seem to need to say much about the later situation in 2.3.

"Su Yu, I think I should be almost here."

At the very beginning they saw that Dalalila stretched out his left hand there.

Following him, he spread his own five fingers, now directly resisting the gust of wind ahead.

Although his power is not long lasting, he also has a strong explosive power.

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