In their rhythm, they often fall into a kind of subjective judgment, but it is different from what Su Yu has.

"What's wrong? Su Yu? What kind of method do you want to pass now."

At the beginning, Tang Zhijun and the others definitely couldn't understand it at all.

After all, they had never considered these ranges, so they couldn't fully study their power at all.

Only when it’s most important will you know exactly when and what to do.

"Don't you forget what else is in my hands.

Just at this moment, Su Yu directly took out the core of own water element.

Everyone may not fully think of it himself, but at this moment, he seems to be able to have a certain amount of thought.

"My goodness, Su Yu said you are going to use this thing for exchange."

Indeed, when they first started, they didn't seem to be very clear, because there was no good way to determine this kind of thing.

But if they are allowed to handle it, the problem will not be too big.

At this moment, before Su Yu does anything, he must make a decision, because only in this way can he become better.

"I always have to try, after all, this thing is now a source of water." 々. "

To be honest, maybe none of them thinks that this kind of thing has a particularly strong impression.

But in the basis for them, perhaps all the results have gradually changed.

At this moment when Su Yu looked to the side, Tang Zhijun also seemed to have some doubts.

"Anyway, it might be good to try."

At the same time, Tang Zhijun looked at Onixia, who was standing on the side.

For these people, the safety of the entire dragon clan may have been completely bound to him.

As long as there are no accidents in the middle, then all things may become more easily solved.

"This thing was also taken down by us, and the previous things were also influenced by it.

Although Onixia may not think that this matter will be 100% successful.

However, after all, they have made some common sense, and in their time, they may not be affected more.

"々Since this is the case, at the very beginning, we left the decision-making power on Su Yu. I don't think there is much now. "

At this moment Onixia nodded softly at him, and agreed with Su Yu's thoughts.

It's just that when they are next to each other, they seem to have to ask everyone around for their opinions.

If there is any accident in the middle, it is likely to make them feel a panic.

"What do you guys think? (Li Dezhao) Zhang Xiaoshuai, I think your suggestions are really very important to us."

To be honest, maybe Su Yu himself doesn't take them seriously.

But since they can stand here, it proves that they will have a certain amount of power.

Regardless of whether it has been decided before, the current situation is easy to solve anyway.

"I can fully listen to your Su Yu, after all, you only have it now.".

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