"Well, it looks like I have too many doubts."

It is true that Onixia now seems to be able to fully add thought to own considerations.

Maybe he didn't have much thoughts before, but at this moment he can really stick to it.

For Su Yu and other Zhang Xiaoshuai, it seems to be a very good thing.

"That said, Onyxia, can I pour half of his use now."

When Su Yu asked Onixia this way, Onixia was still stunned.

To be honest, he didn't seem to feel that his 520 thoughts just now could be completely affected by Su Yu.

So he pointed to himself, as if he also felt very innocent.

"What, Su Yu? Could it be that you are talking about me now?"

Indeed, Onixia didn't seem to feel that Su Yu could possess mind-reading skills.

But if you want this kid to take it directly with him, pinch it down, maybe more emotions will be completely damaged.

Because of this, Onixia next to him needs to confirm again and again.

"Of course, can it be said that besides others, there are still other (cdcd) people here to confront me."

Presumably what Su Yu said must be Onixia, and it didn't seem to give him any chance.

At least in the signals released to him now, it can be seen that this kid has a special power.

In all kinds of time, if Onyxia is allowed to go down on its own, it may not be able to succeed.

"My God, Su Yu, how can you know the truest emotion in my heart."

"I just told Tang Zhijun just now, but I didn't tell you."

To be honest, Onyxia may not have had a lot of entanglement with him before, and he has only survived part of it now.

Even if the bits and pieces have allowed him to stick to it, it may not be a very good reason now.

At this moment Onixia can still think clearly, after all, the requirements he played are not that simple.

"From your expression alone, I can already read these thoughts."

"Plus my ability, in fact, guessing your heart doesn't seem to be a very complicated thing."

Su Yu's answers to him seemed to be able to make Onixia slowly understand some of the routines.

Although he hopes to learn a part, it is not any time now.

It can be seen that Onixia is also very helpless, after all, he can't escape Su Yu's eyes on anything.

"Then act according to your heart. After all, I can't guarantee that this is 100% success."

For a long time, Onixia probably knew that it would not be very specific about it.

However, with Su Yu's current blessing, he can even imagine it.

At least, Onixia is not in a right to decide in the current task.

In this case, it is not a bad thing to put it all in Su Yu's hands.

After getting everyone's permission, Su Yu immediately opened the cap of the bottle containing the holy spring water.

"Well, the next step is to witness whether we can see this miraculous moment."

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