"Yes, Su Yu, I do have some special ideas now."

Suddenly when Su Yu heard Daralina say this, he also seemed to feel that the current task seemed to have a certain relationship with him.

However, after all, this is not the time that he can fully imagine, so he must be able to stick to it.

At this moment, when Su Yu heard Dalalila's thoughts, he seemed to be able to feel a little special thought.

"What kind of problem is it? Dalalila, if you can tell, 23 then I don't think the problem is too big."

Most of the time, in fact, people like them often fail to find out where their own attitude should be.

After all, all the methods and methods have not been fully used, and they may also be of great help to him.

Su Yu was looking at Dalalila at the time, and he seemed to know that this kid must have a special idea.

"Although the watering just now did not make any essays on the surface, it still has a deeper impact.

Although at the beginning, everyone might be more ancestral to protect them, but this did make Su Yu feel that there were some surprises.

To be honest, Dalalila's thoughts may not have something special at the beginning, but at this moment it can really make them feel a little panic.

"What does this mean? Daralila?"

Not only Tang Zhijun, who was standing by Su Yu, might feel a little bit confused.

Especially Onixia, he even felt that Dalalila, the kid, was in the fantasy world.

If they are not able to give a very reasonable explanation, then there will certainly be some more special effects.


Zhang Xiaoshuai's eyes didn't seem right when looking at Su Yu, so I'm going to remind them now.

Although at the beginning, they may all be in a relatively free attitude, but at this moment they can't allow anyone to think randomly.

"Is there any problem? Zhang Xiaoshuai."

Dalalila must be able to know that Zhang Xiaoshuai now regards Su Yu's power very importantly.

Even if they may not have some special influence, they will definitely reach a certain consensus on their thinking.

At this moment, the most important request may not be placed beside them, but it is indeed possible to form a stronger idea.

"I just want to remind you that there is no certainty, please don't talk nonsense."

It is true that Zhang Xiaoshuai wants him to understand some truths, through various methods.

However, from beginning to end, if he hadn't experienced some thinking, he would definitely not come out directly 523.

In the impression of most people, as long as they have not stayed, then a series of changes can definitely be produced.

"Of course I know."

I didn't want to Dala Yila, but now he was given a slap in the face.

This situation is indeed very game-like in Su Yu's eyes.

If they can continue to stick to it, it seems that all the reasons will stay resolutely and resolutely.

"That said, you should be able to determine what you are thinking."

When Qiyana heard it, she seemed to feel that Dalalila could have a test. .

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