After saying goodbye to Zhang Xiaofeng, now Zhang Xiaoshuai also walked directly to Su Yu's side.

In most cases, among them, Zhang Xiaoshuai can be regarded as a person with strong feelings.

Maybe Su Yu hadn't noticed it before, but he could still feel a special emotion among them.

"Okay, Su Yu, we think we should walk over now, otherwise it will delay things later.

There is indeed a certain position from the place where they Sacred ancient trees.

At this moment, Zhang Xiaoshuai can directly rush to the front and be their leader.

It is true that this seems to be a rare rhythm for everyone else.

"I didn't expect this guy to have such delicate emotions. It's really not easy."

When Tang Zhijun stood in front and looked at him, he seemed to shook his head gently.

To be honest, Tang Zhijun did plan with him for a while before, but he never saw his thoughts.

"Didn't you have a mission with him..."々.."

"What's wrong now? Do you think he has completely changed."

Onixia looked at it now and saw that Tang Zhijun might also be able to give him some excuses.

But Su Yu fully knew that no matter what Tang Zhijun said at this moment, Onyxia definitely had a reason to go back.

"Don't think I know nothing, Onyxia."

"If I now say what I found before, you will definitely think I'm lying."

"But if I said that I hadn't found it before, you would definitely think that my observation was not meticulous."

At this moment, Tang Zhijun may have fully figured out Onixia's routine.

At least for now, they may not be more specific about their considerations.

"I didn't expect you kid to learn to be smart now."

Onixia shook his head at him, but Su Yu next to him only sneered.

"Before and he was just helping Ziyana to the side. This is not a task."

"If there is a real task, then the next time should be more to reach a standard belonging to the task."

It is true that the previous state may not give them any ideas or additional signals.

It is very likely that when he knows the time, オ will master an extra routine.

When they really have a result, a few of them should be able to learn more.

"々It's all right, you two should not continue to be silly here now.

Su Yu shook his head at them, maybe now he was about to walk to the edge of the tree at that moment.

Because Su Yu knew that they had to mobilize all of their state, only in this way could they achieve amazing results.

At this moment when Su Yu saw the front, (Wang Dezhao) also made them slowly wake up.

"I hope that when you complete the task later, you must also fight hard, okay?"

Hearing the time here, the two guys Tang Zhijun and Onyxia were there, and they stopped talking now.

Maybe for them, now is not in a position of major strength.

It may not be a good result to let them choose directly and freely now.

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