The Void Master and the others sent out messages in the group.

If they know that they are going to Montenegro, and they are about to face the two big demons of the Black Mountain Old Demon and the Dryad Grandma, instead of some low-level ghosts, it is estimated that they will collapse directly, right?

After Su Cheng saw the message in the group, he sent the address.

While waiting for the five people, Su Cheng bought several sets of clothes in a nearby sacrificial shop.

After about half an hour, the people came.

“Big guy!”

Master Void and the others asked respectfully.

“Well,” Su Cheng nodded, and then took out the clothes he had bought earlier in the sacrificial shop.

“A few of you, change these clothes.”

“This time we are going to a very secret place, and we need to dress up in disguise.”

Su Cheng said lightly.

“Big guy, no kidding, right?”

“These clothes are for ghosts.”

Xuan Zhenzi said embarrassedly after looking at the clothes Su Cheng took out.

The rest of the people also looked resistant.

After a while, under Su Cheng’s arrangement, Tuoba Wu, Master Kongkong, Xuan Zhenzi, and Jian Yida four people changed into ghost clothes.

They play as the four imps who carry the palanquin.

As for Liu Sanniang, she plays a female ghost who serves Xiaoqian.

For this costume, Xuan Zhenzi and several others resisted in their hearts, but in the face of the big man Su Cheng, they did not dare to say half a word.

If it was known to the outside world, the dignified third-level evolutionary martial artist was cosplayed into a little ghost, and he would definitely laugh out of his big teeth.

Even if a third-level evolutionary martial artist is placed in the cultivation sect, he can be regarded as a first-class master and a mainstay.

However, at this moment, they were played as imps by Su Cheng.

After Xiao Qian saw the costumes of the empty sky master and the others on the side, she covered her mouth and laughed.

If Master Sora and the others do not dress up, it is estimated that their appearance will be recognized by the monsters of Montenegro at a glance.

The palanquin rises.

Su Cheng walked in the front, and everyone followed Xiao Qian’s instructions and headed in the direction of Black Mountain.


At this time, Montenegro was full of lights, and red cloth was hung everywhere, looking festive.

Today is the big day when their king, the Black Mountain old demon, gets married again.

The reason why the word “get married again” is because the Montenegrin old demon is an extremely lustful monster for beauty.

Every once in a while, he would ask Grandma Dryad to offer him a girl ghost.

Xiao Qian is the 100th female ghost he married.

At the foot of Montenegro.

Dozens of first- and second-class goblins were patrolling.

The whole Montenegro is on heavy alert!

Today is the big day of the old demon of Montenegro, and you must not go wrong in the slightest.

With the cruel methods of the Black Mountain old demon, if there is a mess, they will inevitably be exposed to severe punishment.

“I heard that the female ghost that the king married this time is called Xiaoqian, and she looks very beautiful, much more beautiful than the more than 100 female ghosts he married before.”

“Oh, when will we have this kind of blessing?”

“Even if you cultivate for eight lifetimes, you can’t reach the level of a great king.”

“Strange, why hasn’t this welcoming team come yet?”

“Yes, according to the usual marriage time, the marriage team should have arrived in Montenegro long ago.”

The faces of the demons showed a puzzled expression.

They cast their gaze not far away.

“Here it comes!”

They looked shocked!

I saw that not far away, a big red flower palanquin carried by four little ghosts appeared!

Su Cheng walked in the front of the palanquin, he completely restrained his qi and blood, and released a wisp of ghost qi.

Yes, it’s ghostly.

Generally speaking, evolutionary warriors can condense ghost qi.

Because they have been absorbing the spirit beads that have fallen from the ghost body for a long time, the power of qi and blood in their body can be completely transformed into ghost qi.

“Here you are? Hurry up, hurry up, the hour is almost over, why come to the foot of Montenegro now. ”

At the foot of Black Mountain, the leading third-level monster said dissatisfied.

Right at this moment.

The four people such as the empty sky master who played the role of a little ghost, after seeing this group of monsters guarding the foot of the mountain, their pupils suddenly shrunk, and their hearts clicked.

“Groove? What is this place? The monster guarding the foot of the mountain alone is a third-level strength! ”

“Did you break into the monster’s den?”

“Big guy, do you want to play so well? Take us to the monster den, say that the good are some low-level ghosts, now just the monsters guarding the foot of the mountain are all third-level strength, and after going to the mountain, how strong will the strength of the monsters be? ”

As soon as they thought of this, Xuan Zhenzi and the others’ legs were weak, and the big red palanquin almost couldn’t carry it steadily, and fell to the ground.

They seem to feel that they have been pitted by the big guy this time.

I have to say that they are too tragic, the last time they broke into the ghost den, this time they broke into the monster den.

“I’m sorry, I’m late for a delay on the way.”

“No, I sent you something good.”

Su Cheng took a step forward and said with a smile.

“Hehe, you kid is on the road.”

The leading third-level monster smiled, he didn’t expect the other party to bring a gift.

“What did you send?” He asked.

“Send you to death!” Su Cheng snorted coldly.


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