These zombies were all hit by the terrifying force of Su City and struggled on the ground.

They have lost their mobility.

“Next, it’s time to harvest spiritual power points.” Su Cheng’s eyes lit up, and he muttered in his heart.

Then under the shocked expression of the black-robed old man, Su Cheng came to the zombie’s side in turn.

Poof, poof, poof.

With every kick he made, a zombie’s head was torn apart and kicked to pieces.

All the zombies were killed by Su Cheng in turn, and there was no room for resistance!

At this point, the nine zombies under the black-robed old man were destroyed by the Sucheng Group!

After the black-robed old man saw that his zombie was served by Su Cheng’s pot, he directly spewed out a mouthful of blood in anger.

His eyes spewed fire, his chest fell together, and the whole person was like a volcano that had been silent for a long time, which could erupt at any time.

His eyes were staring at Su Cheng deadly, eager to swallow the other party alive.

If the gaze can kill, it is estimated that Su Cheng has already died countless times.

His true identity was that of the Blood Coagulation Gate Elder.

He had already learned from the sect that in the near future, the entire heaven and earth would usher in a great change, and at that time, spiritual power tides would erupt!

Therefore, he was ready to lurk in the back mountain forest of Qingteng University, using nine zombies to dispatch at night, plunder qi and blood, and use it to improve his strength.

He wanted to raise his strength to a high enough level before the spiritual tide erupted!

In this way, we can seize a glimmer of opportunity in the great changes in the world in the near future.

However, what he never expected was that he had just arrived at the back mountain of Qingteng University tonight, and he was destroyed by someone!

The black-robed old man felt very humiliated.

Immediately afterwards, his gaze swept to the slaughtered zombies on the ground, with flesh pain on his face.

These nine zombies were all his possessions, and he spent countless efforts and energy to refine them into powerful zombies!

Now, it has been slaughtered by Sioux City.



The black-robed old man only felt that there was raging anger burning in his chest!

“Damn boy! I’ll kill you! ”

The black-robed old man burst out, and then he jerked out a strangely shaped long sword and stabbed towards Su Cheng.

This long sword was filled with bursts of black qi, it was obvious that this was a yin weapon, as long as it was scratched, it could only die violently!


The long sword pierced Su Cheng’s clothes, and then pierced the skin on Su Cheng’s chest.


What shocked the black-robed old man was that no matter how hard he tried, the long sword could never take a step forward!

Even, at the contact between the long face and the skin, a spark splashed, as if it was pierced on steel.

“What’s going on here?”

“Can’t even the pierce the other party’s skin?”

“This kid’s horizontal practice kung fu is so powerful?”

The black-robed old man’s hand holding the long sword froze in midair, and a huge wave of shock was set off in his heart.

“Old Pifu, if you want to kill me, it depends on whether you have this ability.” Su Cheng scoffed.

As soon as the words fell, Su Cheng directly kicked out and kicked the black-robed old man away.

The body of the black-robed old man smashed the ground.

At this time, he only felt that countless bones were broken, and his body turned upside down, and his internal organs seemed to be pulled fiercely.

On his forehead, a layer of cold sweat appeared, and the drill-like pain made him roll on the ground.

He didn’t expect that Su City’s strength was so strong!

With just one blow, he lost his combat effectiveness.


Su Cheng came to the side of the black-robed old man, stepped directly on the opponent’s chest, and directly stepped on the opponent’s chest into a deep pit, revealing the broken bone stubble.

“I ask, you answer?”


Su Cheng asked domineeringly.

At this time, the black-robed old man was embarrassed, how could he have the slightest bit of majesty before?

“Well, as long as you can spare my life, I know everything.” The black-robed old man quickly nodded and begged.

“What’s your name and where did you come from?”

“My name is the Blood Corpse Evil King, and I am an elder of the Blood Coagulation Gate.”

“Blood Coagulation Gate? Are there any forces of the Blood Coagulation Gate in the Middle Tang District? ”

“Yes, at No. 68 Xiangming Road, Zhongtang District, there is a haunted house, which is a branch stronghold of the Blood Coagulation Gate.”

“A branch stronghold of the Blood Coagulation Gate?” Su Cheng’s eyes lit up and he was interested.

You know, what he needs most now is to kill ghosts and obtain spiritual power points.

There must be many ghosts in the stronghold of the Blood Coagulation Gate.

This haunted house, he must walk and put it in one pot!

At that time, another large amount of spiritual power will be credited.

“Hehe, your Blood Coagulation Gate can really disguise, using the haunted house as a branch stronghold.” Su Cheng said lightly.

The big guy said and smiled. The Blood Corpse Evil King responded awkwardly.

“Let me ask you one more thing, how do today’s martial artists divide their strength?” Su Cheng asked.

He still doesn’t know the strength of other martial artists, so he must first figure out some basic common sense issues, otherwise he may make jokes in the future.

“The big guy doesn’t know the division of strength of the warrior?” The Blood Corpse Evil King looked stunned and a little surprised.

After all, in the eyes of the Blood Corpse Evil King, Su Cheng’s physical strength could be called terrifying, and he must be cultivating a supreme horizontal exercise.

Such a person either has a strong sect support behind him, or has a master with heavenly strength.

But now, Su Cheng didn’t even know the division of strength of the warriors?

This is very basic martial arts common sense.

The Blood Corpse Evil King looked at Su Cheng a little strangely.


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