
Chapter 127 Uma's Story

The sound of iron chains being untied came from outside the carriage.

Chu Ge also pretended to have just "woke up" from his sleep, rubbing his sleepy eyes, his eyes were a little dull.

The guide stepped into the carriage and thoughtfully brought Chu Ge a hot towel and a bowl of noodles.

"Did you sleep well?" He asked with a smile.

If Chu Ge hadn't known his details, he would really have regarded this kind-hearted guy as a good and persuasive person.

"What time is it now? I seem to have slept for a long time." Chu Ge asked with his head propped up.

He can roughly estimate that he stayed in the carriage for more than 20 hours in total, during which time the vehicle circled around the urban area, stopped for a while, and then tilted down again, as if it had reached the ground.

The smell of wet soil on the instructor's body and the dust on the soles of his feet can also confirm this point.

"Where are we?" Chu Ge racked his brains and had already narrowed down the coordinates to a very small range. It only needs a little more information to determine.

"It's two o'clock in the afternoon." The instructor said.

"It's the next day... the day of Tianjiao's hegemony battle!" Chu Ge slapped his head violently.

"That's right, the Tianjiao battle has begun."

The instructor took out a remote control from his pocket and clicked lightly. A wall behind Chu Ge opened and turned over, revealing a huge screen, which was the live broadcast of the battle of Tianjiao.

During the period when Chu Ge was "comatose", the Tianjiao battle was already in full swing.

Hundreds of quasi-awakened people showed their blood, will and ability in the fully simulated battlefield of Lingshan City. The competition revolved around the "battle for the city council building" as the core, and included hundreds of wonderful tasks, which instantly detonated the audience.

The passionate battles, passionate collisions, various future technologies and cool sound and light effects will pull all players and audience into an incredible new world.

Regardless of the strong attack of seeded players, or the debut of dark horses such as Li Yan; whether it is the offensive of "black clouds overwhelming the city to destroy" by the immortal cultivators, or the Jedi survival of the earthlings, the turn of events and the counterattack of Changhong are all shown on countless big screens Presented, the audience was mesmerized, bursting into applause from time to time.

Chu Ge watched the scorching atmosphere of the live broadcast, and saw those seeded players dominating the virtual battlefield, so he couldn't help swallowing.

"Are you envious?"

The instructor said, "Do you also want to join them and enjoy the cheers and praises of the people?"

"Of course, who doesn't envy, who doesn't want to be cheered by everyone?" Chu Ge didn't need to put on airs on this issue.

"You're still too young to know that people's cheers, praise and adoration are the most worthless things in this world."

The instructor's gaze was deep, as if caught in a distant memory, and he murmured, "Want to hear a story about praise? It was a long time ago, when I was the principal of a primary school in the Nanyang jungle."

"Have you ever been the principal of a primary school?" Chu Ge found it inconceivable. What kind of tricks does this guy want to play? He must be deceiving people.

"Being a job, that's why I left the bad habit of liking to preach."

The guide smiled slightly and continued, "At that time, I traveled with a charity organization between the islands and jungles of Southeast Asia. That fragmented and poisoned land was ravaged by wars for hundreds of years. The villagers slashed and burned. There is a lack of medical care and medicine, as if living in a medieval society, and it is even more impossible for children to receive the most basic education.

"We were stationed in an ordinary small village deep in the jungle. Some provided the most basic medical services, and some taught the locals how to cultivate and grow cash crops. I built a small school from scratch. Not only did it attract the children in this village, but even the children and adults in several large nearby villages liked to listen to my lectures.

"With our help, life in the village is getting better day by day. The villagers are very friendly to us and never hesitate to praise us. They even pay homage to us when we use high-tech products that they understand. , treating us as some sort of... higher being.

"I was also among the students, and I met three different children. In today's words, they are all 'awakened'. One of them is called 'Uma', a girl with big and beautiful eyes. Her ability is to manipulate plants, increase the growth of crops, and even awaken the entire jungle-in a tropical jungle environment, you can imagine how powerful her abilities are.

"We, volunteers from modern civilization, were horrified by the abilities of the three children, but the locals were not surprised and told us that Uma and the others were all 'Sakafa', which means 'son of God' in the local language. .

"Before we arrived, the villagers completely relied on the ability of the three children to resist wind, rain and disasters. They regarded the three children as a gift from God, and the three children spared no effort to use or even overdraw their abilities, regardless of their growing weakness. body of.

"They believed in the praise and admiration of the villagers, and regarded protecting the village as their most sacred mission.

"In this way, a year later, when the harvest season came, the village was surrounded by fruit, and it was the first time that the richest harvest came. I remember that the people in the village held a grand ceremony together with us and the 'Son of God'. The ceremony, everyone was drunk, everyone was laughing a lot."

Chu Ge listened intently, he didn't understand what the instructor wanted to say.

"It's a pity that the good times didn't last long. The joyful movement in the village ushered in the rebels entrenched nearby. Originally, this was a stinky rock that couldn't squeeze out any oil. Even the rebels who were close at hand didn't have the slightest interest. But now, the village The piles of harvested crops and the various high-tech products we brought are enough to arouse the covetousness of the rebels."

The instructor was laughing, but the smile was uglier than crying, "Of course, the rebel army didn't send out a large force at first, but only sent a small team into the village, trying to take away everyone's hard work for a year.

"Of course the people in the village were unwilling, and several men clashed with the rebels. As a result, in order to prevent the rebels from massacring, three 'sons of God', including Uma, attacked the rebels.

"Uma and the others naturally didn't learn any fighting skills, but killing is an innate instinct, and killing in the depths of the jungle, every flower and leaf, a vine or branch, are all Uma's weapons. In the end, The three of Uma were exhausted and completely overdrawn, but they also wiped out the rebel squad.

"Hehe, at that time, the villagers really regarded Uma and the others as gods, and wished to put them on the altar to enshrine. Those praises, those worships, and those crazy ceremonies are better than the cheers you hear from the audience now. How many times more wonderful and pious.

"But guess what, guess what, when the large army of the rebels appeared on the second day, and the villagers found that the three 'sons of God' were overdrawn and unable to display any abilities, these people were still praising and worshiping yesterday man, what did you do?"

Looking at the gloomy and painful eyes of the other party, Chu Ge opened his mouth, not knowing how to answer.

"You guessed it, haha, I knew it when I saw your expression, you already guessed it."

The instructor smiled, "That's right, these villagers who rely on the protection of the 'Son of God' to survive until today, tied up the three 'Son of God' and sent them to the rebels like pigs without batting an eyelid. In front of the goal, he pushed all the crimes on Uma and the others, saying that Uma took the initiative to provoke the incident, and obediently offered the crops that had been harvested after a hard year, and knelt down to beg the forgiveness of the rebel leader.

"During the whole process, even the men who were rescued by Uma and the others yesterday didn't dare to say a word, and they didn't even dare to raise their heads to look at the rebel leader.

"So, tell me, what's the use of the people's praise, cheers and worship? They just use this method to deceive a kind and simple person like Uma, and work for them."

Chu Ge was stunned for a long time, then took a breath and said, "What happened later, what happened to Uma later?"

"Later, Uma, the other two 'sons of God', and us outsiders were all captured by the rebels and imprisoned for three full years."

The instructor said indifferently, "Later, Uma's abilities became stronger and stronger, and I also awakened some... small abilities during the years of torture by the rebels.

"And then Uma killed the rebel leader and freed us all.

"In the end, Uma became the new leader of the rebel army and 'repayed' the villagers who betrayed her back then. I also realized that 'books and pointers alone' cannot save human beings. We need some...more Powerful teaching aids, using a more intense way to enlighten people, so I also left that charity organization and joined a new organization.

"Okay, brother Chu Ge, thank you for listening to my story so patiently, enough rest, it's time for us to enter the real practice."

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