
Chapter 130 Devil's Blood

"I can feel it. From just now, I have been restless. The hairs on my arms are all standing on end. I have a faint feeling that something bad is about to happen."

Yun Conghu paused, frowned and said, "My intuition is very accurate. The last time I was so flustered was three years ago when chemical factories in the provincial capital exploded and even our Lingshan Red Helmets rushed to support them."

"I also have a feeling that the big war is coming, the 'calm before the storm'."

The corners of Guan Shanzhong's eyes twitched, "I hope it's an illusion, and nothing really happens."

"Unfortunately, it has already happened."

Yun Conghu said in a deep voice, "Chu Ge fell into the hands of the Heavenly Human Organization, and there was no news for a full thirty-six hours."

"Hey, such a good seedling, what a pity!"

Guan Shan slapped his thigh again, "At that time he was about to leave, why didn't you stop him?"

"At that time, I was in a hurry to deal with the eruption of the spiritual vein and the collapse of the road."

Yun Conghu glared, "Besides, I don't have the super power of a prophet, how did I know that he would be involved in such a treacherous and unpredictable incident?"

Guan Shan was at a loss for words, and said in embarrassment: "The extraordinary association will report the latest situation statement to the brother troops every hour, and there is still no progress?"

"No, there is no news from your military's own channel?" Yun Conghu asked.

"No, many of our troops are field troops who have just been transferred from other places. They are not suitable for dealing with such a small group of infiltrated criminal groups. It's like anti-aircraft guns shooting mosquitoes. It's not a matter of overkill, it's not suitable at all." Guan Shan Heavy wry smile.

The two were talking, and they glanced at the sky inadvertently, and they were both stunned.

Above the vast sky, the clouds condensed together at some point, like a snow mountain about to collapse, pressing down.

"The analysis report came out. It really is the 'Spirit Gathering Array', but it is not an ordinary Gathering Spirit Array, but has been modified and upgraded, which will lead to catastrophic consequences!"

Very association, quick response center.

A technician rushed in and almost bumped into the battered Captain Ma Xiong.

Regardless of the water in his teacup pouring on him, Ma Xiong hurriedly pulled the technician up, and said in a hurry: "What did you find, 'Earthquake' Gonzalez was really in the underground of Lingshan City, looking for spiritual veins, building a gathering Spirit array?"

"No, the Spirit Gathering Formation is not the main problem, Captain Ma, please take a look."

The technicians pieced together a large number of computer data left by members of the Celestial Organization, and all kinds of fragmented drawings gradually condensed into a three-dimensional structure diagram, which was exactly the same as the nightmare machine that Chu Ge saw. Formation, that's right, but if you look carefully here, there is a very weird device, and there are surrounding eyes for practitioners to sit cross-legged. The layout and engraved spirit patterns are also too strange.

"We used the supercomputer to calculate repeatedly for a long time, and finally figured out that this is a resonance device."

"Resonance device?"

Ma Xiong murmured, "What the hell are you doing?"

"That's it. Ordinary spirit-gathering arrays can form a powerful magnetic field, stabilize the space gaps within the magnetic field, and attract free spirits from all directions, and condense rich spiritual energy in the magnetic field for the awakened to cultivate."

The technicians quickly analyzed, "However, the design idea of ​​this spirit gathering array organized by Tianren is too rough, radical and even crazy. They never thought about controlling the speed of spiritual energy surge and condensation, and they didn't set any The safety and cushioning system even deliberately uses a resonance device to enhance the surge of psionic energy.

"Underground spiritual veins are originally very dangerous places. If you are not careful, it will cause the ground to collapse, underground magma or highly toxic natural gas to leak wildly, fires and even explosions. All kinds of serious consequences.

"And judging from the design idea of ​​this gathering spirit array, the other party didn't think about controlling all kinds of evil effects, but instead fueled the flames. The main purpose is to trigger a strong resonance of spiritual energy, turning the underground spiritual veins into an untimely bomb! "


Ma Xiong jumped up,

"You mean, somewhere in Lingshan City, there is a huge bomb that will explode at any time?"

"Analyzing the size of the Spirit Gathering Formation, the number of construction machinery stolen by the other party, and other data, in terms of power, it is not so much a 'giant bomb', but a 'volcanic eruption'." The technician adjusted his glasses , smiled wryly.

"This is impossible!"

Ma Xiong said anxiously, "Although the underground spiritual veins are extremely unstable, it is not easy to cause 'volcanic eruption'-like damage. If you want to trigger 'resonance', there must be a source, something that becomes the guide." Fusel or 'detonator'?"

"Yes, those teenagers who mysteriously disappeared."

The technician took out a small red glass tube from his pocket, "This is a genetic drug syringe that we found in a corner of a lair in the Celestial Organization, and it was too late to destroy it. Analyze the trace elements remaining in it. We discovered that this is an inferior genetic drug 'Devil's Blood' that is banned."

"Devil's blood?"

Ma Xiong's pupils shrank suddenly, "That's the kind that can suddenly increase strength in just one or two months, but at the cost of overdrawing potential and even vitality. The effect lasts for two or three months at most, and then the user will be beaten." The original shape, or even become a bad medicine for the disabled?"

"Yes, 'Devil's Blood' is an indelible stain in the history of genetic medicine research and development. Further refinement and improvement by experts in human tissue biochemistry seem to have added a large amount of narcotic, hallucinogenic and addictive ingredients to it, and while the efficacy has been doubled, the side effects and dangers have also further increased.”

The technician sighed and said, "According to our estimates, after injecting this new model of 'Devil's Blood' for more than a month, the potential of the human body will burst out in an instant, and you can enjoy the pleasure of 'running horizontally and horizontally, invincible in the world' in just a few days, But in the future, unless you drink poison to quench your thirst and continuously inject larger and larger doses of high-purity 'devil's blood', you will suffer torture that is worse than death. Even if you are lucky enough to be cured, it will be difficult to embark on the road of cultivation .”

"You mean, those bastards organized by the Celestial Man injected dozens of ignorant teenagers with 'devil's blood', used this method to deceive them, stimulate their life potential, and then sent them to a special spirit gathering array , use their vitality to act as a 'detonator'?"

Ma Xiong clenched his fists and said, "Using this despicable method to create a 'volcanic eruption' underground in Lingshan City?"

The technician lowered his head, not daring to look into Ma Xiong's angry eyes, "Yes."

Just when Ma Xiong was furious and wanted to lift the table, there was a knock on the door outside.

It's Uncle Cao.

Furious, Ma Xiong had no choice but to respect this veteran captain with outstanding military exploits, and hurriedly invited Uncle Cao in.

Behind Uncle Cao, there is a little girl who is wearing gold-rimmed glasses, the lenses are slightly red, looking quieter and even shy.

She was wearing the school uniform of Lingshan No. 1 Middle School and carrying a big bag, as if she had just run out of school.

"Ma Xiong, this is the 'promise' I told you about. Her own brother Xu Jun is one of the bewitched teenagers. Also, Chu Ge, who was also involved in the whirlpool, was also a childhood sweetheart with her. The two of them started a family business together. opened a wonton shop."

Uncle Cao finished the introduction of the situation in a few words, "The little girl happened to ask me to find out about the two brothers. Didn't you say that you also wanted to ask her about Xu Jun and Chu Ge's recent situation and find some clues? So, I brought her here .”

Xu Nuo poked his head out from behind Uncle Cao, biting his lips lightly, looking timidly at the smoky and messy Rapid Response Center.

The eyes hidden behind the reddish lenses are as calm as a laser scanner, taking a panoramic view of the documents on the desk, the evidence on the computer screen, and all kinds of clues.

"Okay, thank you for the strong support of the old captain, but now the situation has changed, I don't have time to deal with a little girl, let Xiao Zhang and the others ask her!" Ma Xiong waved his hand impatiently.

"The situation has changed, what happened?"

When Uncle Cao saw the "Devil's Blood" in Ma Xiong's hand, his face suddenly became extremely ugly, "What is this, it must not be what I thought!"

Ma Xiong glanced at Xu Nuo, not knowing how to explain it.

"You are the captain of the horse?"

With tears in the corners of Xu Nuo's eyes, he looked courageous, took Uncle Cao's hand, and looked at the gorilla-like Ma Xiong, "My elder brother and younger brother have been missing for so long, our whole family is very worried, Where are they now?"

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