
Chapter 135: 0 Jun 1 Shot

The electric arc swelled, and the steel balls swirled like meteors, wrapping around Xu Jun's right arm, gathering and dispersing suddenly, like a dragon with its teeth and claws.

Rao those youngsters who have already lost their minds and lost their minds, they can't help being slightly startled when they see the strongest from the same camp suddenly appearing in front of them.

"It's so handsome!"

Chu Ge struggled to climb out of the wreckage of the excavator, shoulder to shoulder with Xu Jun, back to back, the golden lines on his arms were like burning golden flames, "Xu Jun, today's scene reminds me of when we were in middle school, the two of us In the face of more than 30 senior students, you are fearless and go forward bravely, do you remember?"


Xu Jun said in a deep voice, "That time, we were surrounded by more than 30 people and beat us for half an hour. Our noses and faces were bruised and our faces were swollen. When we came, someone dropped two dollars in front of us so impressed, how could we not remember?"

"The result is not important, the important thing is that you finally wake up, my good brothers, we must fight side by side forever!"

Chu Ge and Xu Jun rushed out.

The strength of the two of them was originally higher than that of the opponent, and they played together since they were young, and they cooperated very tacitly.

The two heroes teamed up and were invincible, instantly turning the tide of battle.

Even if the opponent has already been enchanted, after all, he has just been bewitched by the instructor, and he is not rich in combat experience, so he doesn't know how to maximize the advantage in numbers.

When facing Chu Ge alone, he can barely form an formation to surround him.

But with Tie Jun and his ferocious "Thunder Bombard" to contain and bombard indiscriminately on the periphery, the formation was immediately bombarded to pieces and broke into an army.


With a knee bump, Chu Ge sent an enemy flying high.


Xu Jun followed, punched the opponent from mid-air to the ground again, blood spurted wildly, and completely lost his fighting power.

Several awakened people with long-range attack power on the other side wanted to repeat the same trick and locked on Chu Ge again.

Xu Jun flicked his fingers, and dozens of small steel balls shot away like howling bullets, making them run away with their heads in their arms. How could they concentrate on locking?

In a short time, seven or eight teenagers who had been deeply possessed by the demon lay down on the ground one after another, falling into a coma, and several of them were still twitching lightly.

For the rest of the people, the ferocious flames were also suppressed, and there was a tendency to gradually wake up from the madness.

Chu Ge was overjoyed, and smashed another recovery fruit, allowing the golden torrent to flow through the whole body in an instant, repairing the tired and damaged meridians and muscle fibers, and shouted to Xu Jun: "That's it, wake them up!"

"En!" Xu Jun nodded.

But before the words fell, the violent shaking around and up and down the cave increased another level, and thunder was rolling everywhere. They seemed to be on a broken ship in a stormy sea. Everyone was ups and downs, and even their feet were flying into the air.


The corner of the cave collapsed, and a large number of rocks crushed a truck parked there into scrap metal.

Huge cracks, "Kacha Kacha", extended from the corner all the way through the entire dome of the cave, as if the rock formation above the cave was about to be completely torn apart.

Pebbles and stalactites, even gigantic rocks, pour down like waterfalls and rainstorms.

In a trance, everyone had hallucinations in front of their eyes, and the gaps connecting the four-dimensional space all converged together, like the tiny cracks on the embankment becoming the opening of the embankment.

The wave of psionic energy from the four-dimensional space became a hundred times violent in an instant, and it really had the tendency to change from a trickle to a volcanic eruption!

The hearty cooperation between the two was interrupted by the earthquake and collapse.

And in the chaotic environment where the concentration of aura increased explosively, those teenagers who were already insane, seemed to be injected with a highly concentrated stimulant, and their precious lives were squeezed and bloomed in an instant.

"how so!"

While Chu Ge had to deal with the suddenly berserk enemy several times over, he also had to suppress the boiling blood and killing in his heart. He had a faint feeling that if he chose to ignore the enemy like him,

Freeing himself may allow him to instantly increase his combat power several times, but he will also completely lose his nature and become a lunatic dominated by power and controlled by spiritual energy.

In this case, Chu Ge is inevitably tied up.

Several times when there were dangers, Xu Jun flew over to rescue him desperately.

Xu Jun also became extraordinarily powerful and tyrannical in the violent turmoil of the psychic frenzy. The hundreds of small steel balls wrapped around his arms stretched freely, continuously condensing into various forms of swords, sharp blades, strange claws, and iron fists. One hit ten , are not down.

"Good brother, you are too fierce, I am optimistic about you!"

Chu Ge breathed a sigh of relief. Fortunately, Xu Jun was there. It seemed that he only needed to hold Xu Jun back and wave the flag and shout.

As soon as this idea appeared in his mind, Xu Jun spat out a mouthful of blood for no reason.


Chu Ge was dumbfounded, obviously no enemy hit his good brother, and several quasi-awakened people with long-range attack capabilities on the other side were also lying on the ground or dodging the falling rocks. What's the situation?

Xu Jun was like a blazing bonfire when someone suddenly poured a ladle of ice water over his head.

The flame of life dimmed instantly.

Hundreds of small steel balls were out of control, "crackling" and shot around, and could never be collected again.

Xu Jun's legs softened and he knelt down on one knee.

It seemed that even he didn't understand what happened. He struggled and wanted to stand up, but it seemed as if he had been hit hard, blood spurted out wildly, he staggered and fell backwards, and was hugged by Chu Ge.

Xu Jun's face was pale, and his skin exuded an ice-like luster.

But the whole body is hot like fire, forming a weird contrast.

"What's the matter, my ability"

He raised his hand in some doubts, and the electric arc lingering on his right arm gradually dimmed, and the small steel balls still attached to his arm and fingertips fell weakly one by one like a puppet whose string had been cut.

"You've worked so hard, you're a little out of strength, you'll be fine after a little rest."

Chu Ge gritted his teeth, staring at the stalking enemy, the sparks in his eyes gathered into a prairie fire, "Next, leave it to me!"


Xu Jun's eyes widened suddenly, and with a cry, he pushed Chu Ge aside with all his strength.


The rock top of the cave was completely cracked, and a huge crack tens of meters deep led straight to the sky.

The frenzy of psionic energy accumulated in the cave also rose into the sky in the form of invisible flames, like a volcanic eruption.

A huge boulder fell, impartially, and fell right on the position of Chu Ge and Xu Jun!

"Everyone, the first Tianjiao Battle in Lingshan City has entered the most exciting and crucial stage!

"Through the thirty-two large screens surrounding the arena, everyone can see that after a whole day of bloody fighting, our warriors have successfully captured the city council building!

"But all armies also suffered heavy casualties in the desperate fight.

"Now, only our players are left, and they will hold out for the last hour amidst the tide of the invaders' offensive!

"Whether they can complete the task, stick to the city council building for an hour, and wait for the reinforcements to come, who will shine in the final battle, kill the most intruders, climb to the top of the scoreboard, and become the most dazzling in this competition Let's wait and see the winner!"

In the sky above the 80,000-person stadium, the host and the commentator sang together, igniting the sparks in the hearts of all the audience with passionate voices.

"Li Yan! Li Yan! Li Yan!"

"Li Ruoshuang! Li Ruoshuang! Li Ruoshuang!"

The audience shouted the players' names, the contest between the strongest dark horse and the strongest seeded player was still inextricably linked, and the winner could not be decided until the last second.

However, where the players, spectators, and on-site security personnel did not notice, the ground shook slightly, the turf swayed slightly, slight cracks appeared at the seams between the auditorium and the steps, and the toilets and faucets in several bathrooms were The water pressure was too high and damaged, and the thermal circulation system in the basement also failed, and "Chi Chi" spewed steam.

A disaster is coming.

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