
Chapter 327

"There's none?"

The little palace master blinked, "That's really disappointing."


Chu Ge was puzzled, "Didn't you say that you don't agree with the folk heroes' solution, nor do you agree with the authorities'...'kindness' towards them?"

"That's right, so I will never become a folk hero or casual cultivator foolishly."

The little palace master smiled and said, "But you are another matter. Anyway, a dead fellow Taoist will never die a poor man. If you really have such a sense of justice and sacrifice, why should I stop you?"

She walked away amidst a series of silver bell-like laughter.

Chu Ge scratched his hair for a long time, but still didn't understand what she meant.

At this time, a second slim figure appeared in front of his medical cabin.

Xu Nuo rushed forward in a hurry, "Brother, are you alright? I just saw the little palace master leave with a sinister smile on his face, what happened, what did she say or do to you?"

Chu Ge's heart warmed. After all, it was his little sister who would love others, much better than that eloquent-toothed Nascent Soul daughter.

"It's okay, I'm fine, I can even kill the Nascent Soul monster with one punch!"

Chu Ge clenched his fists, feeling the explosive power of each cell under the nourishment of the fifth-level genetic medicine.

He waved his fist vigorously, and grinned at Xu Nuo to reassure him.

"That's good."

Xu Nuo looked at him carefully up and down for a long time, and saw that he did not look like he was seriously injured, so he was relieved, half puzzled, half complaining, "What's wrong, you don't agree with us to carry out such an important task. To put it bluntly, super gangsters like 'Madman' Ning Xiaofeng and 'Arsenal' Liu Bin are not much worse than the super criminals organized by Heaven and Man. You are a newcomer who has just joined the Extraordinary Association for only a few months, and you can fight head-on. Is it?"

Now that the task is successfully completed, the relevant content is gradually lifted.

She promised to study with Jin Bida, the senior legal advisor of the Extraordinary Association, and also get access to some internal information. Therefore, she saw the battle report for the first time, and couldn't help but sweat for Chu Ge.

"Isn't this just a coincidence, did I bump into it somehow?"

Chu Ge scratched his hair, and said with a wry smile, "I found that I seem to have a special superpower, that is, every time I meet the wrong enemy at the wrong time, the wrong place, and the difficulty of the task is increased by ten times—— Originally, I was only deployed in the urban area, responsible for intercepting the enemy's little minions, and those folk heroes who made trouble. God knows how to make many twists and turns, so I directly fought against the 'crazy' Ning Xiaofeng.

"Fortunately, the ending was not bad. Not only was I unscathed, but I also gained brand new...power and enlightenment."


Xu Nuo didn't understand, "What do you mean?"

Chu Ge told Xu Xu the whole process of his fierce battle with the "lunatic" Ning Xiaofeng in the depths of the jungle, including what the flame sword did, and the story that he would rather sacrifice himself to complete the mission.

Later, he said with emotion, "I admit that I used to have prejudices against folk heroes, and I always felt that the law is sacred and omnipotent, and these guys who lynch regardless of evidence and procedures are just for their own pleasure, but they will cause even greater damage. .

"But now, how should I put it... Of course, I am not saying that I will inherit the will of the flame sword rashly,

To be a sneaky folk hero, just to say, I can understand folk hero choices, and, in some cases, I approve of or even support them.

"The law is neither sacred nor omnipotent. In places where the brilliance of the Earth Alliance cannot shine, if folk heroes appear in time, it might be impossible to implement justice in another way!"

Chu Ge's eyebrows were beaming when he said it, and he really had a clear idea and a feeling of enlightenment.

Xu Nuo listened quietly, a strange light reflected from behind the lens.

"In most cases, I think we still have to rely on the law and the authorities. However, in some special cases, folk heroes can also exert their power."

Chu Ge continued along his own train of thought, "For example, in the face of vicious criminals like 'Madman' Ning Xiaofeng and 'Arsenal' Liu Bin, what evidence and procedures are they talking about? Everyone can be punished! If it wasn't for the flame sword fighting to the death, and being run away by him, I don't know how many people will be killed!

"For example, the other day I caught that bastard who used his clairvoyance to spy on the women's bathhouse. Even if this kind of person was turned over to the police station, there was no evidence to prosecute him. He could slap his butt, walk away, and go to the police station again. Spy on the next women's bathhouse, and even sue me for abuse of violence? How unreasonable!

"For this kind of stinky hooligan whose evidence is hard to find, neither the authorities nor our official hero can do anything about it. It's better to hand him over to the folk hero to teach him a lesson, and see if he dares to use clairvoyance indiscriminately next time. ——This is an excellent example that the law cannot be sanctioned, and folk heroes can be effectively supplemented, don’t you think?”


Xu Nuo adjusted his glasses and organized his words, "Since you mentioned this matter, let me update you on the latest developments - we have reached a settlement agreement with this see-through eye."

"Reconciliation? So fast!"

Chu Ge grinned, "What kind of settlement? Isn't he going to sue? Hmph, this guy still has a guilty conscience, so be afraid!"

"Yes, no more charges."

Promise said, "The very association accompanied him with a sum of medical expenses, loss of work and mental damage. The amount satisfied him, so he signed the consent to withdraw the prosecution and would not expose this matter to the press. Anyway, it's all right."


Chu Ge's nose was almost crooked, "What are you talking about, medical expenses, lost work expenses, and mental damage expenses? Hey, hey, it's too much! You all know that he is a stinky hooligan, why did you give in to his threats? Wouldn't this method of making peace and muddle the hearts of all our front-line soldiers sweat? With this method, the next time I face crimes and face these stinky hooligans, will I dare to do it?

"No wonder so many folk heroes are disappointed with the authorities. Now I finally understand, this is too, this is too useless!"

"Don't worry, let me tell you slowly."

Xu Nuo sighed, and said slowly, "The other day you caught a stinky hooligan who was spying on the women's bathhouse with a see-through eye, and then you were filled with righteous indignation, beat him up, and sent him to the relevant department, right?"

"That's right."

Chu Ge said, "Shouldn't this kind of person be beaten? If you beat him, you still have to pay him for mental damage. Is there still the law of the king, is there still the law of heaven?"

"And this guy claimed to be an insect lover in his confession. He was studying an extremely rare type of ant. He was fascinated by it and forgot the time and place."

Promised, "In the end, I was beaten up by you for no reason - isn't that right?"

"Yes, but pure fart."

Chu Ge said, "With a clairvoyant eye, it's interesting to study ants outside the women's bathhouse. This kind of person just needs to be cleaned up. Let the folk hero come out and clean him up, and he will recruit everything!"

"But according to our investigation, he was indeed an insect lover."

Promised, "His father works in the city's museum and is a senior entomologist himself. His mother also works in a biological company related to insects. It can be said that his family has a long history. He has been obsessed with insects since he was a child, especially It’s an ant, and he learned to make specimens since he was a child, and his family has a rich collection, and the neighbor’s uncle and aunt also confirmed that this child likes to study ants since he was a child, and he often squats near the ant nest without moving, and can watch it for hours.”

Chu Ge "...huh?"

Promised, "Also, we also invited the very association's own biologists to conduct research on the outer wall of the bathhouse, and indeed found a very rare type of ant nearby, which seems to be a slightly mutated mutant species during the recovery of spiritual energy , which is of great research value."

Chu Ge "...are you kidding me?"

"It's not a joke, it's true."

Promised, "So, judging from the chain of evidence, the other party's confession is very authentic, at least, there are not many flaws."

"But, well, but—"

Chu Ge was dumbfounded, and stammered, "Even if he is really an insect lover who loves ants, it doesn't mean that he didn't use super powers to spy on the women's bathhouse!"

"Indeed, it does not rule out that under the guise of 'insect lover', he is actually using super powers to spy on the women's bathhouse."

Xu promised, "However, the other party said something to prove his innocence. I was dumbfounded and I couldn't refute it."

Chu Ge said, "What do you say?"

"The other party's original words are like this, I will not change a word, and tell you—"

Xu Nuo cleared his throat, "After awakening the super power of the see-through eye, go to spy on the women's bathhouse. This is just you who have not awakened the see-through eye, but have a dirty heart, and want to spy on the women's bathhouse all day long. It is easy to produce Misunderstand.

"In fact, if you think about it carefully, you will find that even if all the men in the world go to spy on the women's bathhouse, I will not go there. Girls don’t wear clothes to me, if I want to see them, I can just sit in a corner on the street and watch them openly, why would I want to spy on women’s bathhouses?”


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