
Chapter 336 Funeral

? In addition to cultivation and investment, Chu Ge is most concerned about how the authorities deal with those folk heroes.

Fortunately, the authorities are very cautious in this matter, and did not simply catch and close the matter.

After weighing and discussing with all parties, in the end, folk heroes including "civet cat, thunder boxer, and transparent man" were treated lightly.

Those who did not cause serious harm were quickly released after persuasion and education.

Of course, the "persuasion education" of the Earth Alliance is not a joke, it can really turn ghosts into people.

After a few days of persuasion and education, many folk heroes repented, cried bitterly, realized their mistakes of being unorganized and disciplined, and the limitations of individuals facing the tide of the times, and swore to join the extraordinary association or the military and police constitution on the spot. Special, continue to contribute to the motherland, the people, and the earth in the form of an organization.

A small number of folk heroes who are unwilling to get closer to the organization also realize the strength of the alliance, at least for a period of time, they dare not act rashly.

As for the official propaganda caliber, they did not portray them as wanton and lawless rangers, but tried their best to move closer to the direction of righteousness, including their role in "Operation Autumn Wind", which was more inclined to assist rather than add chaos.

After all, with the intensification of spiritual recovery, more and more people will awaken their superpowers, oppressing folk heroes too much, it is easy to trigger rebellious psychology, and they will be taken advantage of by evil forces such as the Heavenly Human Organization.

The most critical and most difficult thing is the flame sword.

He played a central role in Operation Qiufeng. If he hadn't been biting the enemy, "Madman" Ning Xiaofeng and "Arsenal" Liu Bin would have escaped long ago.

And if he hadn't sacrificed his life, I'm afraid that even the urban hero Chu Ge, whom the authorities focused on shaping, would have died.

The flame sword is the first achievement in this battle.

But the authorities can't say that a folk hero has made great achievements by acting without command. This is tantamount to fueling the arrogance of the folk hero without organization and discipline.

In the end, after a series of struggles and back-and-forth, the authorities adopted a relatively compromised statement.

Authorities separated "Fire Sword" from his true self, "Officer Guan Kai".

on the one hand,

It is admitted that the folk hero "Flame Sword" played a certain auxiliary role in "Operation Autumn Wind", just like Civet, Thunder Fist and Transparent Man.

On the other hand, exaggerating the contribution of "Officer Guan Kai" portrayed him as a brave hero who went deep into the tiger's den and dealt with the enemy under the careful planning and precise command of his superiors, and finally died heroically.

All of a sudden, all the citizens of Lingshan knew the name "Officer Guan Kai", and even Chu Ge became his supporting role - but it didn't differ much from the truth.

This kind of statement not only maintains the official authority, but also does not bury the hero's deeds and reputation. Although there is a certain amount of exaggeration, it is also considered "the least bad ending."

Chu Ge can also accept such an ending, and feels relieved for Officer Guan Kai.

What is even more gratifying is that, after the initial panic, the vast majority of citizens are still able to calmly and objectively view the chaotic phenomena of spiritual energy recovery and spiritual wave outbreak, and can also understand the hard work of the military police and official heroes.

Of course, there are still some extreme remarks on the Internet, some people acidly accuse the authorities of taking the credit of folk heroes.

However, after many folk heroes showed their faces, accepted interviews, and expressed their sincere gratitude to the military and police, such remarks soon lost their market.

Even if someone occasionally wanted to make a sensational statement by pretending to be surprising, he was quickly criticized by more netizens.

Chu Ge's heart was warmed by those simple but passionate and sincere remarks.

This world may not be as good as imagined, but it is not as bad as imagined. It is worth risking everything to protect, isn't it?

Two weeks later, Chu Ge attended a special funeral on Luoying Mountain in the western outskirts of Lingshan City—the Sword of Flame, which was the funeral of Officer Guan Kai.

Luoying Mountain is the commanding height of the whole city except the "spiritual mountain" with its strange peaks protruding from the city center.

Looking down from the mountainside here, you can have a panoramic view of the city full of lights, traffic, and fireworks.

There is a martyr's cemetery on the mountainside. Countless heroic spirits who have shed their heads, sprinkled their blood, and sacrificed their precious lives in the disasters of the past hundred years sleep here, watching and guarding their homes forever.

Three days ago, the city council had just approved that Officer Guan Kai would be buried in this cemetery as a "secondary alliance hero".

This is the highest level of martyrs that can be determined by the municipal council.

The funeral was held with the highest standards. More than 300 police officers came to see off their comrades, and the senior officials of the Donghai District Police Department presided over it personally.

Countless victims and their family members who have been poisoned by the "crazy" Ning Xiaofeng drug network, heard that Officer Guan Kai has been in charge of Ning Xiaofeng's case, and finally died together with Ning Xiaofeng, and they all came spontaneously to see Officer Guan Kai off.

The crowd lined up from the mountainside of Luoying Mountain all the way to the urban area, both sides of the road were crowded, and the solemn and solemn atmosphere went straight to the sky, almost condensing the dark clouds in the sky.

Chu Ge had only seen the scene of "Ten miles away" on TV and books before, but this was the first time he saw it with his own eyes.

Being in such an atmosphere, people will have many novel feelings and think of many questions that have never been thought of.

For example, the question of the afterlife.

Chu Ge has just turned 20 this year, which is the golden age of fresh clothes and angry horses. In the past, he only wanted to live well and enjoy life to the fullest, but he never thought about the problems after death.

Today, seeing countless people coming spontaneously, with genuine mourning on their faces, it made him wonder how he would die, and how many people would remember him after he died , Moved or sad for yourself?

"People are inherently mortal..."

Such a voice echoed in Chu Ge's mind.

The scene of the flame sword's heroic sacrifice emerged again.

Sword of Flame—After Officer Guan Kai died, Chu Ge also learned about his past through Officer Zhao Tieshan.

Although he is the commander of the special police team, his life is not well-off, and his work is not particularly satisfactory. He was involved in a storm some time ago and was suspended for self-reflection.

Zhao Tieshan told Chu Ge that Officer Guan Kai's address is a fairly clean and tidy old community, but it is far away from a luxury apartment or villa.

With Officer Guan Kai's ability, if he is willing to pursue worldly achievements, there must be many ways, right?

Even if you suspend your job for self-reflection, you simply slap the table and quit. The world is vast, where can you not recreate your career?

But he chose to continue doing these... thankless things in the name of "Sword of Flame".

It was difficult for Chu Ge to understand his thoughts.

It's just that, when I saw the crowd of people who were sending me off from ten miles away, I suddenly felt that the money, villas and beauties I had been looking forward to all along were a bit dull.

Well, beautiful women are not boring, but money and villas, it seems that they don't know how to go all out to pursue them.

There is a limit to money, more or less, earning tens of millions, one or two hundred million, is enough for a lifetime of chic, and working hard to earn tens of billions, tens of billions, until the hair turns white. It can't cost so much!

The same is true for villas. No matter how big the house is, people can only sleep in one bed? Like the ace red helmet Yun Conghu, he has a villa, but how much time can he go home and sleep when he spends his life outside for two days?

Therefore, Chu Ge thought for a while, he should learn from Officer Guan Kai and reduce his material desires a little.

What is the annual salary of hundreds of billions, and there are villas all over the world... Such a goal is too naive.

He decided that an annual salary of 10 to 20 million would be enough, if it was not possible, 3 to 5 million would do, and he would not buy a villa. In the future, he would strive to be in Lingshan City, Tianhai City, Edo City, Xinjinshan, New London In the city center of these places, a large flat of two to three hundred square meters, or a three-bedroom and two-living room of one hundred square meters is enough. One cannot be insatiable, and there is a small warmth!

The extra time and energy should be given back to the society. I don’t want to be buried in such a glorious way as Officer Guan Kai after death, but I just want to live with a clear conscience and a solid life when I am alive.

Officer Guan Kai was buried under the golden and bloody battle flag of the Earth Alliance.

The name and the date of birth and death are simply engraved on the tombstone.

The police badge on the top is different, surrounded by a circle of golden flames, the flames go all the way up, bypassing the police badge and entangled together, condensing into a...flame sword.

Chu Ge laughed.

The authorities are not entirely humane in their actions. In the end, they still gave the "flaming sword" a certain degree of recognition.

However, Officer Guan Kai shouldn't care about these things, right?

It doesn't matter whether you admit it or not, whether you have a reputation or not, whether you were buried in a grand funeral or not.

When he turned his life into raging flames and died together with the "lunatic" Ning Xiaofeng, he definitely didn't think about these things at all.

Just like all the heroic spirits buried here, at the end of their lives, they certainly did not think about these things.

So, what would they think of at the moment of sacrifice?

Chu Ge's eyes glanced over the rows of tombstones, to the ever-changing sky and the world under the sky.

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