
Chapter 375 Encounter on a Narrow Road


Chu Ge was slightly taken aback.

"If it's inconvenient for you, that's fine. I know you awakened ones are very busy in cultivation. I just saw Lao Yan and heard him talk about you. I didn't expect that everyone is so destined, so I wanted you to come together—— Didn't you find Xiao Fei's body?"

Zhao Tieshan said.

Yan Tieshou and Hong Lei are old brothers in the army, and many people in Zhao Tieshan's criminal police brigade are veterans, and they are inextricably linked to each other.

This time, the only son of a veteran was killed by the traverser with extremely brutal means, which also aroused the indignation of many veterans. Both Yan Tieshou and Zhao Tieshan wanted to bring the murderer to justice as soon as possible.

Zhao Tieshan knew that Chu Ge had been paying attention to the "Yanluo case", so he took the initiative to invite him.

"It's convenient for me, I happen to be fine today."

Chu Ge paused and hesitated, "That's right, do you welcome me?"

Chu Ge and Hong Lei met once.

It was just outside the urban village on Garbage Street that he saw Hong Lei sitting there very lonely.

Hong Lei's face may be the most sad expression he has ever seen in his life.

Moreover, Chu Ge saw the horrific corpse of Hong Lei's son Xiaofei with his own eyes. He really didn't know how to face this middle-aged man who lost his son and lost hope.

However, after thinking about it, since he first discovered the case and the murderer has not been caught, he seems to have the responsibility to comfort the victim's family.

At least, he could tell Hong Lei himself that Xiao Fei should have left in an instant without any pain—whether this is true or not, at least it can give the victim's family some relief.

"Welcome, of course welcome, why not welcome?"

Zhao Tieshan helped Hong Lei make the decision, "Old Hong is a poor man. Once his son died, his entire spine seemed to be taken out. These days, he has been unable to cheer up. He looks like he has fallen into a swamp and is dying. It's a pity. Our police, after wasting so much time, still haven't caught the murderer. To be honest, I don't know where to put my old face.

"Chu Ge,

You are a newly rising hot fried chicken in the Very Association. Many people say that you are a lucky star. What inspiration can come out? "

"The popular fried chicken?"

In Chu Ge's mind, some half-male and half-female guys scratching their heads and posing, couldn't help shivering, "What's all this!"

"Anyway, let's make an agreement. I'll send the address to your mobile phone."

Zhao Tieshan said, "It happened that everyone had a meal together, and Lao Yan said that he hadn't seen you for a long time, and wanted to have a good chat with you!"


Zhao Tieshan had said so, and Chu Ge had nothing to twitch, so he readily agreed.

Hong Lei's home is not too far from the extraordinary association, and it is also a dilapidated old community similar to Xingfu Community.

After the doomsday earthquake, a large number of such ugly and sturdy residential buildings were built in the entire Pacific Rim region, like patches of gray-brown concrete forest, which solved the survival problem of hundreds of millions of people.

Today, decades later, those capable people have moved out one after another, and those who still live here are often those at the bottom of society, those who grow silently like weeds.

Walking through the greasy corridor, holding onto the dusty escalator, Chu Ge found Room 302, Unit 4, and knocked lightly on the door.

Footsteps sounded inside.

Suddenly, for no reason, Chu Ge's heart was stabbed hard by an invisible steel needle. Subconsciously, he covered his heart with his right hand and put his left hand on his waist.

When Chu Ge reacted, he realized that his whole body muscles were tense, and he assumed a defensive posture of full vigilance-the right arm protected the vitals in front of his chest, and his left hand clasped tightly on the dagger at his waist.

"What, what are you doing?"

Chu Ge was stunned.

The hairs on the back of the head stood up one by one, and at the tip of each hair, there was a sweat bead the size of a soybean trembling.

It was as if the one who opened the door for him was not a human being, but some kind of... extremely destructive monster!

This feeling is only for a short moment.

Afterwards, the stabbing pain in my heart disappeared without a trace.

There was a slight "click" sound from the door lock, and the door opened, revealing Hong Lei's old, sad, sad face.


Hong Lei seemed taken aback.

Didn't Zhao Tieshan and Yan Tieshou tell him that they want to come?

Chu Ge was a little embarrassed, but still bit the bullet and said: "Hello, Uncle Hong, I am Chu Ge, and I have been investigating Xiaofei's case. I..."

Hong Lei frowned, turned his head and looked into the room.

"Old Hong, let's invite Chu Ge to chat together, maybe we can find some clues to help Xiaofei avenge his revenge?"

Zhao Tieshan said, "You should know who he is, right?"

Hong Lei tilted his head and thought for a while, then nodded and said, "I know."

He turned sideways and let Chu Ge in.

Chu Ge was still pondering the unreasonable and dangerous intuition just now.

Impossible, only Hong Lei, Zhao Tieshan and Yan Tieshou were in the room, no matter which one they were, they didn't seem to be able to pose such a big threat to him.

Is it true that I am really like President Yu and Xu Nuo said, the cultivation during this period of time is too crazy, and I am oversensitive?

Chu Ge greeted Zhao Tieshan and Yan Tieshou, and looked at the small hut by the way.

The house has a layout of one bedroom and one living room. Both the bedroom and the living room are very small, and the living room is a dojo in a screw shell. There is a folding camp bed in the corner. The pillows and quilts on it are still neatly spread and spotless.

There is an alcove nailed to the top of the camp bed, in which there are black and white photos of Hong Fei and candles and incense burners. There are also some toys that boys often play with beside the bed. It seems that this is where Hong Fei usually sleeps, although He has passed away, Hong Lei still maintains the layout here, Zhao Tieshan and Yan Tieshou naturally dare not sit on it.

Hong Lei looked sad and unwilling to talk, and made a cup of tea for Chu Ge mechanically.

Just as Chu Ge was about to thank him, he glanced over Hong Lei's shoulder, saw the trash can in the kitchen, and was stunned for a moment.

After only half a second, he withdrew his gaze, took the tea, and deeply hid the doubt in his eyes.

"Old Hong, I heard that you closed down that maintenance shop?"

Yan Tieshou blew on the tea leaves for a long time, but he didn't know how to speak, so he gritted his teeth and cut straight to the point, "What are your plans for the future...?"

"Take it away."

Hong Lei carefully sat down at the end of his son's folding bed, put his hands on his knees, and said seemingly calmly, "I used to work so hard for Xiao Fei, but now that Xiao Fei is gone, why am I bothering?" Woolen cloth?

"Anyway, there is a retirement allowance every month. One person is full and the whole family is not hungry. I have worked hard for so many years, and it is time to rest."

"Rest well, rest well."

Yan Tieshou scratched the back of his head with his mechanical prosthesis for a long time, and said awkwardly, "Our old brothers who retired together care about you very much. This is what happened. You still have to take care of your body. What you should eat and what you should eat." Go to sleep, take a good rest when you should rest, if you have anything to do, feel free to talk to us, okay?"

"Okay, okay." Hong Lei nodded.

"You said the same thing last time, but you never looked for us afterwards, so we had to come to you in person."

Yan Tieshou said with a dry smile, "Go out to eat and drink more when you have time, don't be bored at home by yourself, and bore yourself to death——Xiaofei has a spirit in the sky, seeing you so sad, doesn't he have to be sad too?"

"En." Hong Lei replied sullenly, his eyes flushed red again.

"Old Hong, don't worry, we have been mobilizing elite soldiers and generals for Xiaofei's case, devoting all our resources, and spreading the net. I believe the real culprit will be caught soon, and we will give you an explanation."

Seeing his appearance, Zhao Tieshan said hurriedly.

"That's right, the Extraordinary Association is also focusing on this mysterious murderer."

Chu Ge looked at Hong Lei, and suddenly said, "To tell you the truth, Uncle Hong, I almost caught the murderer by the tail. A week ago, I met the murderer on a narrow road. We fought for 300 rounds and almost left the murderer behind. In the end, the murderer escaped, but he left a lot of evidence and clues, and it was only a matter of time before he was arrested."


Hong Lei raised his eyebrows, showed a very grateful look, rubbed his hands together and said, "Then, then, I will leave it to Brother Chu, and I will thank you on Xiaofei's behalf!"

"It's okay, it should be."

Chu Ge smiled, and said unexpectedly again, "By the way, Uncle Hong, I'm a little hungry. Do you have anything to eat here?"

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