
Chapter 506 Rat Clan Supreme


"Squeak creak!"

The two mice showed their fierce faces, grinning at each other, threatening each other.

"Crackling, crackling"!

The lightning patterns all over Jinwei's body became brighter and brighter, and clusters of dazzling sparks actually agitated.

Hundreds of sparks condensed together and swirled rapidly around the tail, really turning into lightning bolts that blinded mice.

Not to be outdone, the cat eater took a deep breath, and a series of creepy explosions came out of his body. Starting from his chest, his figure suddenly swelled, and soon became stronger than the black cat he was riding.

Especially a pair of saber-toothed tiger-like fangs, which are even more ferocious than rats. They are giant spirit gods among the rat clan.

"Wow, whoa whoa whoa!"

Chu Ge was dumbfounded and his heart was surging.

He screamed strangely in his heart. He never thought that the little mouse could awaken such a super power after sucking enough aura——Golden Tail's power was somewhat similar to his own "Lightning Sword", and the cat eater's power was obviously walking. The way of "infinite power", no wonder it boasted that it could eat a cat. From this point of view, maybe it is not boasting, it is true!

"Wonderful, so wonderful, this is the legendary 'rat demon', hurry up and fight hard, let me see where the limit of rats becoming spirits is!"

Chu Ge said in his heart, if there are ten thousand or even one hundred thousand rats like this that can release lightning and have infinite power, gather into an overwhelming tide and rush out of the ground, it will really be a chilling doomsday scene. Immortal cultivators are ten times bigger.

The key is that immortal cultivators can coerce and lure them, corrupt them with money and beauty, and ask them to lead the way for the soldiers of the earth. What about the Rat Race, what purpose do they have, what needs do they have, and what weaknesses do they have?

Chu Ge determined to see clearly with his eyes wide open.

The value of this information is a hundred times greater than the life and death of the ace soul shifter Bai Ye.

The mouse citizens watching around also saw that the funeral is not afraid of the death of many people. The bigger the chaos, the more lively it was, and they all cheered for the two super-powered mice, and patted their tails in applause.

It seems that the Rat Clan, who are full of martial arts virtues, have the ethos of respecting the strong. When they encounter disputes with each other, it is the most straightforward solution to do it.

No matter whether Golden Tail and Cat Eater really wanted to compete against each other in public at the beginning, they had to bite the bullet and stick to the end when they were forced to do so.

"Cat Eater—"

The expression of the golden tail suddenly became extremely gloomy and serious. It slowly rolled up its tail, cut its own throat, and said word by word, "You insulted my dignity, I use the golden tail In the name of you, I challenge you, do you dare to accept the challenge?"

Seeing its movements, the surrounding mouse citizens screamed.

There are many duel methods in the contest between the nobles of the Longfang Kingdom. Among them, the challenge of "cutting the throat" is the most dangerous one, which means that the initiator of the duel has put life and death aside and insisted on killing You can't live without it.

The cat eater snorted coldly, also rolled up his tail, put it on his throat, cut it lightly, and then pointed his tail at the golden tail.

The tip of the tail first rushed up, then slowly turned down, as if to herald the inevitable end of the golden tail, "In the name of the big cat that I gnawed clean from the skin to the bones, I accept your challenge!"

The tails of the two mice, like two bloodthirsty long swords, collided lightly, and they were separated at the touch.

Both mice jumped away, arched their backs, and stood ready.



The first-class powerhouses of the two Rat Clan jumped up almost at the same time, shooting at each other like two missiles.

Just at the very moment, when the blood splattered five steps, the third "missile" suddenly shot out from the depths of Luminous City with lightning speed and overwhelming momentum!

All the mouse townspeople's attention is on Cat Eater and Golden Tail, but no one pays attention to the attack of the third "missile".

Even if you pay attention, the speed of this missile is so fast that they can't see it clearly.

Even if Chu Ge poured shocking energy into the five senses and raised the five senses to the limit, he could only see a blur of white streamer, mixed with strands of torn air ripples, and the "missile" , it was the third little white mouse, and it flew to the top of the Cat Eater and Golden Tail in an instant.

At this time, both Cat Eater and Golden Tail raced to the limit, and a collision that would hurt both was inevitable.

The third white mouse first stepped heavily on the head of the golden tail, which directly changed the direction of the golden tail's impact, causing it to dance and smash to the ground in a panic, and fell on its back.

Immediately afterwards, with the help of the "stepping stone" of the head of the golden tail, he soared into the air again, and with a flick of his tail, he embraced the menacing figure of the cat eater, and for some reason, he beat him repeatedly. He even threw the cat eater back along the same path, just behind the black cat.

The huge impact dissipated in an instant, and even the black cat didn't notice it. After a while, it didn't realize that the owner had ridden on him.

It wasn't until this moment that the third white mouse floated to the ground, standing between the golden tail and the cat eater expressionlessly.

"Squeaky, oops!"

The mouse citizens were in an uproar, and all the mice were sighing in disbelief. Unexpectedly, the contest between the "two masters", the Golden Tail and the Cat Eater, was resolved lightly by the third white mouse.

Chu Ge was also shocked in his heart.

If the movements of Cat Eater and Golden Tail still have a strong beast breath, they are just an enhanced version of animal instinct.

The movement of the third white mouse came through the air, knocked out and hit, his figure was as swift as a thunderbolt, but also as ethereal as a mist, his gestures and gestures were without a trace of fireworks, completely transcending the category of wild beasts, almost like a master of human beings.

In a trance, Chu Ge almost had hallucinations, mistakenly thinking that the mouse's body also contained the soul of a human being.

He narrowed his eyes and looked at the third mouse calmly.

Immediately, he was deeply shocked by the other party's appearance.

It's not that this little white mouse is so strange in appearance-such as the blue-faced fangs of a cat-eater or the lightning bolts of a golden tail.

At first glance, it looks like an ordinary white mouse.

But the seemingly thin body is covered with dense, bone-deep, shocking scars.

The centipede-like scars are red and thick, criss-crossing, wrapping it tightly like a net of death, making it look like a fragmented toy puppet, which has been randomly stitched together by a clumsy owner. All the wounds were not stitched properly, especially the scar on the head, pulling its facial features, the corners of its eyes and mouth were hanging high, like wearing a cold ghost mask.

What kind of ferocious beast can cause such a terrible injury.

What amazing vitality and willpower is needed to make it crawl out of the living hell where the corpse is broken into pieces, and continue to live with the pain that is worse than death?

Chu Ge secretly swallowed his saliva, hid behind the black cat's buttocks, and continued to spy on the bruised and cowardly little white mouse.

Suddenly, he saw a faint black spot in the center of the little white mouse's head, like a six-pointed star.

Chu Ge almost screamed as if struck by lightning.

Before this rescue operation, Director Mu of the Seventh Division of the Special Investigation Bureau had already told Chu Ge all about the physical characteristics of the little white mouse possessed by the ace soul shifter Bai Ye.

Chu Ge also looked at the clear and enlarged photos of various parts of the mouse's body hundreds of times.

Chu Ge knew the physical characteristics of the little white mouse possessed by Bai Ye very well, and the size of each limb was accurate to the order of 0.1 mm. Even among tens of millions of mice, he could see it at a glance. .

Chu Ge clearly remembered that the little white mouse possessed by Bai Ye also had such a faint black hexagram pattern in the center of its head.

It, no, "he" is Bai Ye?

In the bottom of Chu Ge's heart, a great storm was set off.

If this third little white mouse is really the trump card soul shifter Bai Ye, then his amazing strength makes sense.

But how did Bai Ye appear in the depths of Luminous City, and it seems that he has become a high-ranking figure in the Fang Kingdom?

Could it be that he, like himself, discovered the value of the Fang Kingdom and was determined to lurk here for a long time to pry into more secrets?

Wait, no, according to Director Mu, it is absolutely impossible for the human soul to exist in the brain of the mouse for a long time - matter determines consciousness. As time goes by, the tug-of-war between the human soul and the brain of the mouse will eventually be the latter Gradually gain the upper hand, and even completely swallow the former to the end.

Bai Ye has lost contact with the Seventh Office for more than a month. If his soul has been staying in the mouse's brain during this time, it should have been distorted to the point of being insane, or even crazy.

Moreover, what happened to his terrifying scars that seemed to be broken into pieces and put together again?

"Bai Ye, Bai Ye, in the past month or so, what kind of terrifying darkness have you experienced in the underground world, and what has become of your soul? Why have you never sent such important information back to the ground? There is no chance ,still……"

Chu Ge's mind raced, his tail wagging in anxiety.

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