
Chapter 516 Just eat, it's mine!


And in the third dream, Chu Ge saw the national teacher. It was really a harmless and naive pet dog. Because it helped humans subdue rat demons, it became a bridge between humans and monsters like the little palace master. , it took the opportunity to make a splash in the human world, and in the end, it appeared majestically in the Supreme Council of the Earth Alliance, and was even elected as the speaker of the Supreme Council!

The ending of this dream doesn't have any cruel scenes like the end of the world and the destruction of the earth.

Only the national teacher sat on the speaker's throne in a dignified manner, smiling slightly at Chu Ge.

For some reason, Chu Ge felt that this was the scariest of the three nightmares.

He was awakened by the seemingly loyal smile of the national teacher, and found that his whole body was covered with cold sweat, and the cotton wool and weeds were all wet with sweat.

The luminous moss on the roof of the cave changed its luster, as if the sun was rising and the sun was shining.

The cat eater shouted from outside the cave: "Long Tongue, are you awake, let's go to the Ling River to take a bath!"

Chu Ge breathed a sigh of relief, and it took a long time before he recovered from the severe headache caused by the nightmare.

There were still bursts of unbearable numbness on the top of the sky. When I stood up, I felt dizzy, and even felt a kind of nausea that my soul and flesh and blood were separated.

Chu Ge knew that the side effects of possession had begun.

After all, this is not his original body. The flesh and blood body has a rejection reaction to the soul. As time goes by, various symptoms will appear.

Perhaps, before long, he will become like Bai Ye who can't tell whether he is a human or a mouse.

Chu Ge shivered deeply.

Immediately, he took a deep breath, circulated the shock energy, and forcibly cooled his brain so that he would not think about it.

No matter how the future will develop, whether human beings should completely wipe out alien civilizations, and what is the plan of the national teacher, he must first continue to strengthen himself in order to remain invincible.

Chu Ge followed the cat eaters and the triumphant warriors of the tribe through a long and narrow crack to the most mysterious Ling River in the Fang Kingdom.

The cracks are easy to defend and difficult to attack. Hundreds of caves have been dug on both sides of the straight upward cliff.

Don't do anything."

This also reflects the importance that the Rat Clan attaches to Linghe, and will never allow other animals to approach at will, including other rats outside the Fang Kingdom.

The deeper you go into the crack, the brighter the luminous moss growing on the cliff.

In the end, the luminous moss actually grew magnificent concentric circles, like thousands of two-dimensional flowers, competing to bloom and competing for beauty.

And Chu Ge also sensed the strong ripples of spiritual energy rippling in the air, which was more refreshing than the practice room of the Extraordinary Association.

The blood vessels, muscles and nerve clusters all over his body are all ready to move, with an urge to split, proliferate and expand as much as possible.

"What a blessed place!"

Chu Ge was secretly surprised. He didn't expect that there was such a wonderful place in the underground world.

Although he didn't have a measuring instrument, he could intuitively feel that the aura concentration index here must be extremely high.

However, the rats around them also breathed heavily unconsciously. With every breath, their blood vessels protruded, their muscles swelled, and their bodies became more vigorous and strong, and they couldn't wait to rush forward.

The front suddenly opened up, and the crack came to an end. It was an underground cavity washed out by an underground river.

Chu Ge looked far away, and saw that the hollows in the ground were full of exotic flowers and plants, all of which were blooming with magnificent brilliance, and there were countless kinds of insects that were crystal clear and brighter than fireflies. Flying carelessly, even the earthworms wriggling in the soil are like big snakes made of crystals. They don't feel ugly and disgusting at all, but are plump and plump, delicate and charming, and they are natural treasures with rich spiritual energy. It's tempting.

Between the exotic flowers and plants, there is a meandering underground river, with a width ranging from three to five meters to seven or eight meters. The river water is extremely pure blue, like countless sapphires that have melted and gathered here , but it is so clear and scary that people can see the vibrant ecosystem at the bottom of the river at a glance. All kinds of colorful aquatic plants and small fish and shrimps form a carefree little world.

During the period of the extraordinary association, Chu Ge was immersed in the cafeteria all day long, and had some experience in the research of ingredients.

He has seen many ingredients picked from the Paradise, including fish and shrimp, but he has never seen such beautiful ones.

There is a saying in the world of cultivation that the more beautiful it is, the stronger it is. The so-called treasures of heaven and earth are born by condensing the aura of heaven and earth, and often have an unusual and extremely gorgeous appearance.

The fish and shrimps growing here are probably absorbed enough spiritual energy. Although the structure of the brain is too simple and the starting point is too low, they cannot evolve into a monster with wisdom, but as food for the monster, it can help the monster to further improve their intelligence and Martial force, however, couldn't be better.

Chu Ge couldn't help swallowing his saliva.

He couldn't resist the urge to feast on it.

Many Rat Races have come half a step earlier than them.

Quite a few Rat tribes are feasting on Hesai among the exotic flowers and plants. Seeing their faces full of enjoyment, one can tell that the taste of these natural treasures is no less than that of dragon liver and phoenix marrow, and they are the best delicacies.

There are also some rat tribes twisting their bodies on the shore, twisting into various strange postures, including supporting their bodies only with their tails, and spinning rapidly like a funny spinning top.

More rat tribes are bathing in the spiritual river, wandering freely, absorbing sufficient spiritual energy, silently impacting the body's organs, nourishing and strengthening their minds.

However, Chu Ge saw that the Rat Clan would insert a bicycle spoke at intervals on both sides of the Ling River, and hang ribbons of different colors on it to serve as small flags.

It seems to be to determine a certain distance or level, and to divide the upstream and downstream.

Chu Ge found that the further down the Linghe River, the more rats were swimming and soaking in it, and the most downstream place was full of rats and bustling.

And the further upstream, the fewer rats, only two or three small heads.

Moreover, they are like bathers with delicate skin and tender flesh, unable to bear the scalding hot bath water in the bathhouse, they jumped out suddenly after soaking for a long time, screaming "Zhizhi" and rushing to the shore, as if getting an electric shock or an explosion. The epilepsy danced wildly, even supported its body with its tail, and spun like a top, unable to stop at all.

"Linghe bestows us with the most sacred power, but this power is not so easy to absorb. See how these guys are greedy and asking for trouble?"

The cat eater said with a smile, "They just ate too many treasures from heaven and earth, or soaked in the spiritual river for too long, absorbing the spiritual energy they couldn't digest, and now they are being burned by the flames, and they are cut into pieces by thousands of knives." Painful, trying to find ways to 'sangong'!

"Long Tongue, it's your first time to bathe in Linghe River, although you have the blessings of the gods, don't be too greedy, remember to take steps step by step, and try to stop it.

"See those ribbons of different colors tied to the spokes of the bicycle? They are used to mark the level of aura. Among them, the green ribbons and blue ribbons downstream are relatively safe. You can soak there for a while , feel the pleasure of the weak aura passing through the pores and slowly moisturizing the body.

"In the middle of the river marked by orange ribbons and red ribbons, the aura is more fierce and violent. Be careful, if you approach accidentally, you will immediately feel pain like needles and knives. The longer you stay in it Longer, the pain will increase exponentially.

"Don't look at the fact that there are quite a few Rats roaming around here, they are all well-known powerhouses in the Longtooth Kingdom, and many of them are no worse than me in strength, and they must be in pain now, but they are just pretending to be calm on the surface .

"As for the upper reaches of the river with black silk scarves, for you, it is like boiling magma. If you stick the tip of your tail into it, you will immediately jump out screaming, hahahaha, there, just wait Let’s talk about it later, maybe after you practice for a year and a half, you can really go in and swim for five minutes?”

The cat eater introduced Chu Ge enthusiastically.

Then he pointed to the exotic flowers and plants and delicacies around him: "I can't bear the impact of the Linghe River, so I climbed up to the shore immediately. It's nothing to be ashamed of. As a result, I haven't eaten these delicacies that grow inside and outside the Ling River, so it's a good time!"

Chu Ge's heart moved, and he was overjoyed and said: "Everything I see can be eaten? Are there restrictions on quantity and type?"

"In normal times, there would be some, but today we have won a big victory, and there is an unlimited supply. There is only one item. You can eat or not take it. If you want to talk about restrictions, it depends on how big your belly is."

The cat eater laughed heartily, "Don't be greedy, long tongue, these delicacies rich in spiritual energy are not easy to digest, be careful when you eat them refreshingly, but your belly will explode after eating!"

"This should not be the case. I still have some confidence in my appetite."

Chu Ge said, "I was worried that I would embarrass you by eating too much."

"What's that?"

The cat eater laughed dumbly, "Our Longtooth Kingdom is blessed by the gods. It is the most powerful and rich country in a hundred miles, and you can still be poor by a slick gentleman like you. Just eat as much as you can. I'll carry it for you!"

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