
Chapter 551

The warriors of the cateater family stayed up all night.

Before the assembly whistle was blown, they were gearing up and ready to go.

Almost the entire family came out in full force, taking away all the weapons and supplies that had been stored for many years.

According to the cat eaters, this is a crucial battle, and it is also the final battle. To eliminate the snake demon, one must pay 100 sacrifices. Staying in this dark and narrow, rugged and wet underground, you can lead to the bright heaven on the ground, so there is no need to leave an embroidery needle or a breadcrumb.

Countless equally fanatical families crawled out of their lairs one after another, gathering into a dark sea like a trickle of water—a wave of rats that could devour everything!

This was the first time Chu Ge saw that the true strength of the Rat Clan civilization was presented in front of him without reservation.

The entire underground space, the mountain of rats and the sea of ​​rats, could not be splashed with water, and even the gaps on the surrounding rock walls were occupied by rat heads, which made him almost suffer from dense phobia.

And this is only a small part of the power of the Rat Tribe civilization.

Because the underground space is fragmented, more troops are hiding in the caves behind the rock cracks, and in the rock cracks behind the caves.

There are so many Rat Tribes that they can only bite the tail of the Rat Tribe in front tightly, and send their own tail to the mouth of the Rat Tribe behind, reminding them constantly with pain, so as not to lose themselves .

And Chu Ge also realized for the first time that there are so many kinds of strange mice in the world after the recovery of spiritual energy.

Some of the rat tribes were glowing with bronze light, and they had grown rhinoceros-like leather armor, which was as hard as copper cast iron.

Some rat tribes have saber-toothed tiger and wild boar-like fangs, which can bite a section of reinforced concrete column to pieces in an instant.

Some Ratfolk were so gigantic that they could be compared to a cat in the crotch of a cat eater, while others were no longer than a finger of a grown man, and they were so fast that they looked like phantoms.

Of course, these rat tribes are only "mutant species" in the tribe, the number is not large, and it is difficult to breed offspring and cannot form a force.

The real reliance of the Long Fang Kingdom is the perfect balance of wisdom and physical fitness, and masters a high degree of discipline, faith in loyal ministers, and fearless white rats.

Teams of white rats dressed in exquisite armor,

Walking in neat steps and making a solemn "squeak" sound, they walked past the demon statue under the night light city.

Behind them, there are platforms with pulleys or tracks, towed rapid-fire guns and train guns-human automatic rifles and shotguns

Then, there are the slave soldiers carrying anti-infantry grenades and broadsword mines, most of them are strong, ambitious, squirrels and black mice full of enthusiasm for the kingdom and the gods, eager to dedicate their lives to the gods In order to get rid of this ugly body, the soul can rise to the bright heaven on earth like a white mouse.

The traditional long-range firepower strike unit, firecrackers, followed closely behind. Chu Ge noticed that the firecrackers they carried were also fully upgraded this time. The Katyusha rocket launcher of the ethnic world.

In addition, there are gunpowder and fuel oil, as well as various flammable and explosive dangerous chemicals.

Chu Ge didn't know where the rat tribe got these things, and he didn't know whether the national teacher understood how terrifying the power of these dangerous chemicals painted with warning patterns of skulls could unleash.

Maybe, even if you know, you don't care.

Chu Ge squinted his eyes, looked at Zhuo Li standing on the tower, wearing a layer of golden armor, and watched the national teacher with a blank expression as the Rat army slowly left the city. He felt more and more that this "sacred war" Not so sacred.

But he couldn't stop him. He could only be coerced by the army and embarked on a rough journey.

In the underground world, it is actually very difficult to find huge caves and open flats like the Luminous City. Most of the living space is a path with nine twists and eighteen bends.

This makes the troops very scattered, and it is not surprising that the distance between the head and the tail is several kilometers. The Rats who are in it can only see their buttocks in front of them, or look back to see their heads behind them, and they cannot even be three or five meters away. Complete grasp, let alone understanding, of what is happening across the battlefield.

This makes the Rat Warriors, somewhat like soldiers in a submarine, who can only mechanically execute the orders given to them by their superiors, and can only believe what their superiors tell them, and are easily led into the ditch by their superiors.

Fortunately, during the first day and night of marching, nothing unexpected happened.

On the contrary, countless Rat tribes attached to the Longfang Kingdom rushed out to help and join their team.

After all, the Rat Race is the single race that ranks first in number, scale and civilization in the underground world of Lingshan City. It is not a joke to get angry after being beaten.

These tribes attached to the Longtooth Kingdom, just like the ferocious rat tribe that Chu Ge first saw, fighting honey badgers with mouse traps, have awakened the initial light of wisdom, have rough language and systems, and even have a tribe comparable to white rats. The strong fighting power of the kingdom is only far inferior to the Longfang Kingdom in terms of discipline, tactics, weapon manufacturing technology and civilization-only in this way, they are more likely to be deceived by the national teacher, believing that "the gods created the Rat Race, and the Rat Race must be rebuilt." The lie of the civilization of the gods, and participate in this battlefield at all costs.

Although the level of civilization of these vassal tribes is lower than that of Luminous City, the various strange superpowers they have awakened can really come in handy.

There is a ferocious rat belonging to the tribe, and its fangs can secrete a poison that can seal the throat with blood.

There is also a ferocious rat of a vassal tribe, which has the same ability to sense the magnetic field of the sky and the earth as the carrier pigeon. Even the dark and rugged rock cracks cannot disturb their perception of direction. They are simply natural living maps.

However, the most useful ones are a tribe of ferocious rats covered with scales, deformed and swollen limbs, and extremely hard claws.

Rather than talking about rats, the evolution direction of this tribe is actually a bit like pangolins.

Like pangolins, they are good at digging in underground rock cracks and fragmented reinforced concrete, and they are the best engineers.

With the help of the "Mouse" tribe, the gap that could barely accommodate a mouse was quickly turned into a half-meter-wide thoroughfare. "Killer" can be transported there, and there are overwhelming rat swarms, those inexhaustible cannon fodder, can all rush to the national teacher's point of view, the snake demon's lair at the fastest speed.

When the surrounding luminous moss bloomed a pale red glow for the third time, they left the sphere of influence of the Fang Kingdom and stepped into the unknown frontier.

Ahead is an underground cave where the army can temporarily rest, gather and motivate, and where countless gaps gather.

Naturally, such a strategic location would not be without an owner.

Living here is a group of lizards called "Lazy Dragons" by the nearby Rat Tribe.

This is a large group with at least a thousand lizards.

Although the recovery of spiritual energy did not make them awaken the wisdom of the Rat Clan, it also initially got rid of the muddled ignorance, and possessed a certain concept of living in groups and territories.

In addition, there are hard scales, sharp minions, and the ability to spit poisonous mist, which is not easy to mess with.

However, the habit of this lizard is to minimize its activities to avoid heat loss. If it is not necessary, it is fine to remain motionless for a few days and nights.

Even if they did hunt, their diet didn't include rats, and they ate mostly smaller insects.

Therefore, the Lazy Dragon Clan and the Longtooth Kingdom have always maintained a relationship where well water does not interfere with river water.

There is no evidence that the Lazy Dragon Tribe participated in the war against the Luminous City by the Allied Forces of the Bug Tide and the Snake Clan.

Judging from their habit of being indifferent to anything, as long as they are full, they don't even bother to move the food crawling past their eyes, in all likelihood, they stay out of it.

But in the final battle between the Rat Clan and the Snake Clan, no underground creature is allowed to stay out of it.

The lazy dragons are lizards, and the swarm of insects attacking Luminous City also contains a large number of lizards, and the lair of the lazy dragons is just in the middle of the Fang Kingdom and the lair of the snake demon. , there is another unstable factor that does not belong to him.

A rat clan "wise man" covered with feathers and with a shiny tail, strutted into the lair of the lazy dragon group, announced the will from the gods, and asked the lazy dragon group to participate in this greatest war , and the Rat Clan to destroy the evil snake demon.

Either a friend or an enemy.

It's that simple.

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