
Chapter 556: The Decisive Battle Against the Snake's Nest

The capture of the advance base meant that the Rat Clan had gained an overwhelming strategic advantage over the Snake Demon.

In the next few days, the rat tribe sent a large number of scouts to search carefully every rock crack within a few miles, looking for insect swarms and snake demons based on the traces of wetness, fading insect shells, and gnawed luminous plant roots. lair.

It is impossible for thousands of insects and snakes to crawl without leaving clues. Soon, the scope of the snake demon's lair was continuously reduced, and the traffic arteries from the snake demon's lair to the insect lairs were also cut off one after another. .

The National Division also dispatched engineering rat soldiers similar to "pangolins" to dig all the way, opening up more than a dozen thoroughfare roads from the rear to the front line, so that supplies and troops can be continuously transported up.

Finally, on the fourth day after capturing the advance base, they found the habitat of the underground snake group in Lingshan City.

This was originally the largest landfill in the "Old Lingshan".

The rubbish discarded by countless human beings like shoe shoes has long been buried deep in the ground, becoming a treasure for snakes, rats and ants.

After the aura revived, countless highly evolved demons, ghosts and monsters were born.

Looking around, the rocks here are crispy gray-white, covered with holes, like grotesque hornet's nests.

In the depths of the cave, strange purple flames still flickered from time to time. It was the flames of the underground garbage that had been fermented for decades and released a large amount of flammable and explosive gases.

On the rough and uneven ground, there is a layer of sticky and foul-smelling humus, which is extremely deep and thick. When the Rat Tribe steps in, half of their bodies are often submerged. Even if they struggle to jump out, their limbs will be crushed. Stuck, unable to move.

On the contrary, the snakes, with their smooth scales and special crawling posture, can move across the sticky humus like walking on flat ground.

And those light-bodied beetles and arthropods, such as spiders and centipedes, can also dance on the humus, dancing the melody of death.

The snake demon has long known that the Rat Clan civilization is approaching the city.

Countless snake heads and colorful poisonous insects poked their heads out of the beehive-like cracks in the rocks, staring at the army with mysterious expressions.

However, when the ratfolk tried to crawl through the slimy humus to catch them, they scurried deep into the crevices and disappeared.

The National Division simply ignored these small groups of harassment and scouts,

Order the large army to deploy, and directly destroy the lair of the snake demon with a destructive attitude.

There are still three axes-the first is the deeply brainwashed "berserker", strapped with grenades and various inflammable and explosive materials, rushing to the deepest part of the enemy's "position", blowing himself and everything blocking him His body was smashed to pieces, and his ashes disappeared.

Including shotguns, automatic rifles, and all kinds of fireworks and firecrackers, they all poured over the heads of the insects and snakes in a nearly profligate way, completely submerging the enemies with the most splendid destructive flames.

Then, the rats who had no idea what to do, formed the "cannon fodder army" with the rat clan of the vassal tribe, and the slaves of the Longfang Kingdom itself, forming an overwhelming rat swarm, rushing forward with a forceful attitude of devouring everything, to destroy those who were bombed. Even if the insects and snakes can't destroy their opponents, they can at least use their own lives to dull their minions and consume their energy.

In the end, it was the regular army of Longtooth Kingdom, including Cat Eater, Golden Tail, and the warriors of the "Four Great Clans", who assembled into a uniform square formation and crushed them all the way with an upright posture.

In the past few days of contact, such "three axes" were originally invincible.

But in the snake demon's lair, they encountered great trouble.

The main reason is that around this battlefield, there are decades of garbage piled up, and there is extremely dangerous methane everywhere.

I don't know if the rock formation here is right on top of the fault or has been infected by spiritual energy. The internal structure changes and becomes brittle, which can easily trigger a chain reaction and completely collapse.

As a result, the Rat Clan's grenades or small firecrackers exploding in the depths of the battlefield are very likely to detonate methane gas, or ignite flammable substances that have been stagnant for decades and are about to ferment.

The former will release a devastating shock wave, indiscriminately killing all creatures within the explosion range.

The latter would form a wall of blazing fire, dividing the battlefield into fragmented small squares, making it impossible for both sides to gather troops, let alone command effectively.

When you are unlucky, the shotgun fire will even trigger an avalanche-like chain reaction. The large rock wall and the garbage on it will roll down like a mudslide. No matter whether the rats, snakes or insects are buried in it, there will be no damage. No hope of escape.

Not to mention the sticky humus itself, which brought great trouble to the Rat Clan, making them fight against the enemy as if their hands and feet were bound, and even with a thousand pounds of strength, they couldn't exert half of their strength.

This is the worst battleground.

But the decisive battle has already broken out, so there is absolutely no reason to give up halfway.

The national teacher could only stare at the scarlet eyes, held one ceremony after another, and sent out one after another to supervise the battle, half intimidating, half inducing, ordering the leaders of the vassal tribes to use all their strength, Together with themselves, they all pressed up.

"The gods are watching us!"

The national teacher roared hoarsely, "The gods are everywhere, and they are watching each of us. When our flesh and blood are turned into dust in this dark and rotten hell, our heroic spirits will surely see an incomparably gorgeous rainbow Bridge, and across the Rainbow Bridge, to the heaven under the blue sky and white clouds!"


As if to confirm its words, another earth-shattering methane explosion erupted on the front line, raging flames shot up into the sky, and the torn apart corpses of countless rat clans were all turned into powder in the flames. In a trance, the living rat clan seemed to really see , colorful rainbow bridges emerged from the flames, pierced through the rock formations, and extended all the way to an incomparably distant, non-existent shore.


Before the flames were extinguished, the remaining Rat Clan cannon fodder stepped on the burned humus and rushed to the depths of the snake demon's lair.

In this war of barbarism against madness, after all, madness with a firmer belief won a temporary victory.

After dropping the corpses everywhere, the insect horde and the snake tribe disappeared without a trace from the beehive-like cracks in the rock, and the surroundings became deadly silence again.

The Rat Clan cheered and took the opportunity to occupy a large area of ​​the battlefield.

At this time, the cannon fodder consumption of the Rat Clan itself was also very serious—rats were originally inexhaustible and the cheapest thing in the underground world, but how to transport cannon fodder to the front line quickly and in large quantities was also a very challenging command problem of official capacity.

The old cannon fodder is almost dead and injured, and the new cannon fodder has not had time to be "brainwashed" and transported to the front line, but the national teacher is unwilling to give the snake demon a chance to breathe, so he can only order the elite regular army of the Long Fang Kingdom keep going.

The further we go, the narrower the rock cracks, the more rugged the road, the deeper the humus under our feet, and the stronger the smell of garbage.

There is no need for the "smart heads" of the series of Chu Ge and Bai Ye, even Cat Eater and Jinwei realize that they seem to be in a dilemma.

Although the Snake Demon voluntarily withdrew from the battlefield and handed over the precious garbage dump, they were unable to effectively use the resources in the garbage dump in such a short period of time. An unfamiliar land.

And the further they went, the more they fell into the rhythm of the snake demon, and they were even led into the trap by the nose without knowing it.

"It won't work like this."

On behalf of the cat eaters, Chu Ge approached Bai Ye and said, "Our team is too scattered, and we don't even know where the snake demon's main force and itself are hiding. If the snake demon can detonate the methane in the entire landfill, our The entire army will be wiped out!"

Although both Chu Ge and Bai Ye doubt the motive of the national teacher, they are also very clear that any doubts can only be verified after defeating the snake demon.

The national teacher can use the rat army as a pawn, but Chu Ge and Bai Ye who are in it have to consider the life and death of themselves and their "compatriots".

They, including the golden tail and other generals who had the same keen sense of smell, stopped one after another, unwilling to move on.

But they had already stepped into the trap of the snake demon. Hundreds of thorns suddenly emerged from the depths of the viscous and foul-smelling humus, piercing the internal organs of hundreds of rat tribes at once. The fiercest counterattack of the Snake Demon is coming!

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