
Chapter 568: The sky is turned upside down!

"White night, white night?"

Chu Ge bit the bullet, and picked between the anaconda's fangs, and yelled out along the gap between the canine teeth, but he didn't dare to yell too loudly, it seemed to be whimpering cautiously.

"Chu Ge, are you okay, have you secured the grenade?" Bai Ye asked outside.

"It's all right."

Chu Ge said, "There is still a small problem, and I need your help."

"what is the problem?"

Bai Ye asked, "What do you want me to do?"

Chu Ge said: "I want you to climb onto the anaconda's head like I did just now, poke the tail into its nostrils, and let it open its mouth again."


Bai Ye was silent for a moment, then said, "I'll try, do my best!"

Chu Ge scratched his head. Although he looked a little adventurous, he seemed to have no other way. He lowered his body and was ready to run away when the anaconda opened its mouth wide.

But Bai Ye didn't move outside for a long time. Instead of climbing onto the anaconda's head, he lowered his body and said, "No, some poisonous snakes have swam in!"

Chu Ge was too frightened to make a sound.

The national teachers and death squads who had stuck their heads out from the platform to look at them also retracted their heads one after another.

Chu Ge's heart beat like a drum, he winked desperately, and looked out through the gaps in the anaconda's fangs.

But in the black mist, there were four pale human faces floating, like four human heads floating in mid-air.

Chu Ge was taken aback and almost exclaimed.

After calming down and looking intently, I realized that they were four ferocious and deformed poisonous snakes with peculiar appearance.

These four poisonous snakes should be a variant of the king cobra, with large fleshy wings growing on both sides of the inverted triangular head, and the fleshy wings are covered with patterns that resemble human faces, and even the facial features are lifelike.

At first glance, it looks like there are four human faces growing on the body of a poisonous snake, but their scales are all black, hidden in the black mist, like four human heads flying in mid-air.

Four "human-faced snakes" swim among the eggs,

It pokes east and west with its tail, like an old farmer checking whether the watermelons in the field are ripe.

There were a lot of grenades buried in the egg hatching pool. For a while, Chu Ge's heart was gripped to the extreme, for fear of being discovered by them, he had to detonate in advance.

I don't know whether it was luck or bad luck, but the main target of the four "human-faced snakes" was not the eggs, but the anaconda hidden by Chu Ge. After a brief inspection in the hatching pond, they came straight to the anaconda.

Chu Ge was hiding in the anaconda's mouth, and he couldn't see what the four "human-faced snakes" were doing weirdly.

In short, he sensed a strange brain wave, like a whistling sound that normal humans cannot hear, forming a sharp and urgent song of death.

Immediately afterwards, the anaconda swallowed in its throat, and its tongue kept wriggling, showing a tendency to wake up gradually.

"not good!"

Chu Ge's face changed drastically, and he secretly cried out, "These four 'human-faced snakes' are awakening the anaconda!"

No, it's not just the anaconda, Chu Ge also heard a "hissing" sound outside the anaconda's canine teeth, but it was the poisonous snakes in hibernation that were all awakened one after another.

From the looks of it, the elites of the four major families of the Longtooth Kingdom launched an effective attack on the frontal battlefield. The Snake Demon was about to be overwhelmed, and had to summon a new army from the biochemical laboratory in the rear.

The stench in the anaconda's mouth suddenly became stronger.

The sharp and thick fangs all burst into extremely dangerous light.

The throat opened like a black hole, making a "hissing" sound.

This super giant python is waking up inch by inch.

There is no time to hesitate, Chu Ge has no choice but to hope that Bai Ye, the national teacher and the death squads can all be like him—fearless and brave, and fight hard!

Before the anaconda fully woke up, Chu Ge supported the anaconda's lower jaw with his front paws, kicked heavily with his back paws, and kicked the first grenade that had been unsafe, deep into the anaconda's throat.

The anaconda's throat was blocked by an iron lump, and it was strongly stimulated, and suddenly wriggled violently.

Chu Ge took the opportunity to kick the second grenade that hadn't been pulled off, and used it as a "shield" to block the shock wave. At the same time, he fled between the fangs of the anaconda. Make a dazzling "lightning sword", and stab the anaconda's upper jaw fiercely!

The anaconda has not yet fully awakened from hibernation, and felt the sharp pain in the upper jaw in a daze, and reacted instinctively, revealing a precious gap between the bloody mouth.

Chu Ge didn't care about being scratched by the fangs, and squeezed out abruptly. Before he could completely escape the anaconda's bloody mouth, he heard a muffled "boom" from behind, and then another.

The two fireballs overlapped and exploded, almost completely bombing the connection between the anaconda's head and body. The flames and shock waves caught up with Chu Ge like a stormy sea, kicked him hard on the buttocks, and kicked him directly out of the snake's mouth .

Behind Chu Ge, the anaconda's fangs were full of burning flames, and two eyeballs were blown out. Literally, the seven orifices were filled with smoke.

The four "human-faced snakes" didn't expect that the anaconda, which is a secret weapon, could be used on the battlefield, so they were blown to pieces, and they were shocked by the Chu Ge that spewed out of the snake's mouth.

When they reacted in an instant, they all glared at Chu Ge and made a "hissing" sound. The fleshy wings on both sides of their heads swelled up as if they were inflated, and the facial patterns changed their expressions, turning into four hideous faces. grimace.

Chu Ge suddenly felt that the four spiritual forces, like the tomahawks formed by the condensed brainwaves of four hands, slashed into his head fiercely.

He was shocked by the shock wave just now, unable to resist the mental attack of the "Human Faced Snake", but he let out a muffled grunt, bleeding from all his orifices, and collapsed to the ground.

Fortunately, at this time, Bai Ye, the national teacher, and the death squad members of the Rat Clan had already activated.

They pulled their tails hard, and dozens of shiny fishing lines flew up from the humus and straightened.

Afterwards, dozens of insurances also flew into the air.

"Boom! Boom, boom, boom!"

Before the "Human-faced Snake" could react, the grenades buried in the hatching pool and around the cave exploded at the same time, and the anger of red lotuses shrouded the entire biochemical laboratory immediately.

The flames are like waves, the shock waves are like a storm, and the destructive fragments are like a whistling meteor shower. The triple offensive comes one after another, and each wave is higher than the other, converging into an incomparably spectacular scene of destruction.

Two "human-faced snakes" were blown away by the shock wave, neighing in the flames, struggling violently.

There is also a "human-faced snake" that happened to be within the killing range of an anti-infantry grenade. Its wide fleshy wings were riddled with holes, and a wound under seven inches deep showed bones. It almost didn't cut off its head directly. .

The last "human-faced snake" also dodged flames, fragments and falling rocks everywhere, so how could it care about Chu Ge?

Chu Ge ran away with his head in his arms, applauding in his heart.

He saw that the eggs that were pregnant with countless mutated insects burst and shriveled under the sweeping shock waves, leaking out colorful juices, which were burned into black marks.

Some mutated insects in the eggs are close to maturity and are still struggling to crawl out of the broken egg shells, but after all, they are too immature to be exposed to the scorching and tearing air, and they have not crawled two steps , completely curled up into a ball, and was burned to ashes.

Most of the venomous snakes who had just woken up from hibernation were also injured by the shock wave, and they only knew to spin around in a daze, or were smashed into flesh by the rocks falling from the cave roof.

In addition, among the "artifacts" brought by the death squads, in addition to anti-personnel grenades, there were also several flash bombs and smoke bombs, which were all thrown by the death squads at the top of the insects and snakes. For a while, the smoke filled , lightning and thunder, and the entire battlefield was in complete chaos, so that the insects and snakes didn't know where the attack came from, and how powerful the enemy was.

Chu Ge was overjoyed.

Faintly felt something was wrong.

The sound of the explosion seemed a little sparse, and the intensity of the shock wave was not enough, which did not match the number of grenades he had planted.

Looking back, Chu Ge's smile suddenly froze.

He found that although most of the eggs in the hatching pool were covered in the killing range, turned upside down, and burning, there were several life-threatening places behind him, especially the one as huge as an ostrich egg. The "super worm eggs", the two "worm mothers" that continuously produce worm eggs, and the core of the entire biochemical laboratory, the two supercomputers are all intact and have not been detonated!

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