
Chapter 584: Head of the Crow

As early as the end of the 20th century and the beginning of the 21st century, when science was prosperous and medical technology was developed, humans thought that most infectious diseases had been eradicated. Little did they know that bacteria and viruses just hibernated in a more insidious way. Under the siege of antibiotics and medical treatment, it is constantly evolving, waiting for the day when it will resurface.

In the Calamity Era, this day finally came.

After earthquakes, floods, and hurricanes swept across, plague, smallpox, and even ten-fold-intensified mutant influenza viruses emerged one after another, erupting wildly. The invisible scourge kept harvesting fresh life and destroying the precarious and fragile order of mankind.

In the entire Calamity Era, there have been three global super plague outbreaks, each of which caused hundreds of millions of people to be infected, and most of the infected people died within three to six months, even those who survived by chance, He is also disabled for life, and lives a life that is worse than death.

This is in line with the very cruel "nine certain rules" in earthquake relief.

In a protracted natural disaster, the number of people who die directly from natural disasters, such as earthquakes, tsunamis, storms and mudslides, will not exceed 10% of the total death toll.

The remaining 90% of people often died from the plague after the disaster, the famine and chaos caused by the collapse of social order, and other "indirect injuries".

The war against the plague is the cruelest and most desperate war that mankind has faced in the Era of Calamity.

In this black war, an anti-epidemic force known as the "crow" came into being.

In the beginning, the Crow Force was just an emergency team formed temporarily by soldiers, doctors, nurses, firefighters, and volunteers from all walks of life.

However, with the continuation and expansion of the disaster, regardless of the three major global epidemics, a medium epidemic affecting a continent will break out every year, and a "small epidemic" covering a city has not subsided for a day. Gradually, the crow troops It has also become a standing army similar to the Red Helmets, and ranks quite high in the sequence of the Earth Army.

The reason why they are called "Crow Troops" is because they habitually wear isolation suits coated with special nano-chemical resistant materials, the whole body is pitch black, and half an inch of skin is not exposed.

At the same time, the new high-efficiency air-filtering mask protrudes long forward, and the scanning lens that can instantly detect the abnormality of the patient's body also shows a scarlet reflection, which makes them look like the ominous bird in the legend—a crow .

The situation of the crow army is as complicated as the reputation of a cursed bird like a crow.


People know that this anti-epidemic force is fighting on the front line against the plague, facing invisible demons such as deadly bacteria and mutated viruses, the degree of danger is far higher than that of the Red Helmets and ordinary military forces, and the members of the Crow Force are well-deserved The hero deserves flowers, hugs and glory.

However, from a perceptual point of view, every time the crow troop appears, it is associated with the horrible plague, rotting corpses, and lifeless cities, coupled with their mysterious methods and unreasonable rules. It is difficult for people to overcome psychological barriers and have feelings of admiration and closeness to them.

More importantly, the war between humans and bacteria and viruses is an eternal desperate war that can never be won.

Just after the epidemic in this city was extinguished, a new plague broke out in the next city.

A specific drug against this virus has just been developed, but the virus has mutated and become full of drug resistance.

This is like a race between human beings and the never-tiring Grim Reaper. No matter how exhausted humans are, at most they can distance themselves from Grim Reaper temporarily. sickle.

The most terrible thing is that in the era when the order of the Calamity Era collapsed, the fragmented authorities actually did not have any means of controlling most of the plagues. The only way they could use was "quarantine".

When an outbreak is detected, a family is quarantined.

When a plague breaks out in a city, the city is quarantined, and no one is allowed to enter or leave. Then, wait for the human immune system and the illusory fate to decide who is more qualified to live.

It is often the crow troops who perform isolation tasks.

In this case, these "crows" wearing black isolation suits, bird-head masks, and scarlet scanning lenses have become the embodiment of death in people's hearts.

"Healthy citizens" who cry and want to escape from the epidemic area and seek a way out, journalists who think the authorities are hiding the truth and are extremely angry, and ordinary people who don't know the truth but are full of simple sympathy, weak old people, crying children, crazy women... All of these are blocked by the black and cold city wall formed by the crow troops.

This is an area where the epidemic broke out, and scenes can be seen everywhere.

Under such circumstances, it would be hell if the Crow Force could still get a good evaluation.

"Lonely, cold, cruel, unkind, like an emotionless machine, accompanied by bacteria and viruses, watching the outbreak but doing nothing, just silently waiting for death to reap all lives", I am afraid It is the stereotype of the crow army in the minds of many ordinary people.

Therefore, even Chu Ge couldn't help gasping when he heard the name "Crow Squad".

He naturally knew that the outbreak of the epidemic had nothing to do with the Crows, and the spread of bacteria and viruses was not something that the Crows could stop. They were a heroic force that could endure more humiliation than the Red Helmets, and made even greater sacrifices.

However, the horror deep in his heart is not so easy to clear up with rational thinking.

"This time, the crow troops sent by the Supreme Council to Lingshan City will be commanded by a newly promoted lieutenant colonel named 'Wu Zhengting'."

Guan Shanzhong coughed dryly, hesitated for a long time, and then said softly, "Perhaps, I shouldn't speak ill of my colleagues behind their backs, but this Lieutenant Colonel Wu is not easy to deal with, Chu Ge, don't think that you can persuade me like this, Convince him easily."

Chu Ge frowned: "What do you mean?"

"I haven't worked with Lieutenant Colonel Wu Zhengting. You know, we didn't belong to the same system."

Guan Shan said again, "However, from what I've heard, he seems to be a very tough and decisive person, a typical iron-blooded soldier.

"Three years ago, a new type of plague suspected to be related to a variant of the Ebola virus broke out in the tropical rainforest on the border of a certain alliance. It swept through three nearby towns, with a very high death rate, and almost ten houses were empty.

"Not long after the local area has been included in the alliance's sphere of influence, the alliance's rule is still very weak. There are many warlords, gangsters, drug lords, and evil awakened forces such as the Celestial Organization. The smoky atmosphere is full of fish and dragons. The alliance's medical team has no way to pass Enter the local area through normal channels for isolation and treatment.

"To make matters worse, near these three infected towns is a large city with a population of millions, which is a large refuge formed by the influx of countless refugees.

"Once the infected people in the three towns where the epidemic broke out ran to this large city with a population of several million, the scale and intensity of the plague would instantly increase by a hundred times.

"However, the local area ignored the alliance's warnings, and the medical team that forcibly broke in was also hijacked by warlords, drug lords, gangsters, and evil awakeners.

"Seeingly, a large city with a population of several million is about to be destroyed by the mutant Ebola virus, and millions of people will die.

"It was Lieutenant Colonel Wu Zhengting who acted decisively, bypassed his indecisive superiors, mobilized an air force, carried out saturated incendiary bomb attacks around the three infected towns, and created a special ' isolation' and ultimately saved millions of lives."

When Guan Shanzhong said this, he suddenly fell silent, and just looked at Chu Ge.

Chu Ge thought for a while, and said, "Wait, when Lieutenant Colonel Wu Zhengting dropped the incendiary bomb, did the residents of the three infected towns all die?"

"This question, no one knows."

Major Guan Shanzhong said, "Anyway, according to the analysis of virologists afterwards, the fatality rate of the variant Ebola virus is almost 100%. No matter whether Lieutenant Colonel Wu Zhengting dropped the incendiary bomb, no one can escape from this world. Hell."

Chu Ge said: "But at that moment, it is very possible that someone is still alive?"

Guan Shan said again: "Maybe, but Lieutenant Colonel Wu Zhengting didn't directly drop incendiary bombs on the three towns, he just blocked their way out."

Chu Ge said: "Using incendiary bombs to 'build' a flaming wall of fire outside the three towns, what's the difference from burning them directly?"

Guan Shan said again: "Afterwards, countless people raised this issue to Lieutenant Colonel Wu Zhengting, and some people directly accused him of being a murderer, including the people who were saved by him in that big city with a population of several million—— It's strange, probably because of some sense of guilt, the people in this city criticized him the most, and because of this reason, his official career was not going well, and he made countless contributions through life and death, and he is still a small The lieutenant colonel, this time, was sent to Lingshan City to carry out such a tricky task, which seems to be a bit of a "break the pot"."

Chu Ge sighed.

Hearing what Guan Shanzhong said, this Lieutenant Colonel Wu Zhengting is indeed difficult to deal with.

"By the way, there is one more thing."

There was a rather strange light in Guan Shanzhong's eyes, "Whether Lieutenant Colonel Wu Zhengting should drop the incendiary bomb, and whether there were still people alive in those three towns when the incendiary bomb was dropped, these are things that will never be clear .

"However, there is one other thing that is certain."

Chu Ge said: "What's the matter?"

Guan Shan said again: "Lieutenant Colonel Wu Zhengting's life experience - he is an orphan, and his parents died of the super plague that swept the world decades ago."

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