
Chapter 639: Chu Ge's Experience

Chu Ge tilted his head and thought for a long time, and said: "Can I understand it this way-although Bai Ye seems to be an ace soul shifter who has made many achievements in battle, and is also a gold medal instructor of the soul shifter school, respected and handsome. Light, it is estimated that the money will not be short, looking like a winner in life.

"But in fact, his life is not as interesting as outsiders imagined.

"He grew up in a cruel jungle that was divorced from civilization, and lived a life similar to... a 'wolf boy'. He was surrounded by wolves, tigers, leopards, snakes, rats, rats and ants all day long. His values ​​and self-identity were originally different from ordinary people. .

"After finally returning to the embrace of civilization, the outsider had conflicts with his parents and perhaps his innate way of life, which directly or indirectly caused him to lose his parents—although the outsiders were not from the Earth Alliance at that time, but After all, a thorn stuck in his heart, making him full of doubts about the so-called 'civilization'.

"After joining the 'Genius School', it is estimated that he did not voluntarily, it is very likely that he was deceived or even forced, including entering the 'Soul Shifter School' later, it is not so much his active choice, it is better to say that he has nowhere to go The following go with the flow.

"In addition to the unlucky marriage, the children are also relatively estranged from him. The profession of 'soul shifter' is not well known to the public. The superpower of being able to get into the body of a mouse or an elephant at will is far from 'gravity control'. The abilities of 'breathing fire and condensing ice' and 'infinite strength' are so unrestrained and beautiful that he didn't enjoy much joy in life at all, so it's not an exaggeration to say that there is nothing to love in life?"

Director Mu's facial muscles twitched for a long time, but he nodded silently, and after a while, he sighed: "Basically, it can be understood in this way."

"Then it's no wonder that Bai Ye knows how to taste and taste. Being a mouse has become an addiction, and I don't want to be a human anymore. If it's me, I can't find the joy of being a human when I fall into a situation where my grandpa doesn't love me and my grandma doesn't love me. Maybe I would rather be an 'Undead General' who is victorious and majestic among the Rat Clan, why should I return to the world and be a dull, greasy, boring middle-aged man again?"

Chu Ge frowned and said, "No, Director Mu, I think the way you employ people is very questionable. Since you know that Bai Ye has such a serious psychological problem, why do you let him perform such a dangerous infiltration latent task? This is not intentional to aggravate him. illness?"

"What can we do?"

Director Mu spread his hands and said helplessly, "Speaking of mental illness, whoever has awakened superpowers has no psychological problems? Whether it's the ability to move souls or breathe fire and discharge, the power is boundless. Fly freely, see through and read minds... In ancient times, these were the means of real immortals on land!

"Possessing heaven-penetrating supernatural powers, coupled with spiritual energy stimulating the brain to produce organic changes,

The difference between us awakened people and ordinary people is getting bigger and bigger every day. No matter how much we deceive ourselves and say nonsense like 'we are all human beings', we can't cover up the difference between us.

"In this case, the mental health of ordinary people cannot be applied to us at all. Measured by the standards of ordinary people, we are all lunatics, perverts, megalomaniacs, schemers, careerists, oh, Maybe there's also a 'Madonna'."

When Director Mu said the last two words, he stared straight at Chu Ge.

"No, why did you stare at me when you said the word 'Holy Mother'?"

Chu Ge said displeased, "Why, do I look like the 'Mother'?"

"No, what I mean is that we Awakened people all have psychological problems to some extent. If we can't do missions because of this, then no one will be able to use them at all."

Director Mu explained, "In the situation at that time, most of the elite soldiers and generals of our Seventh Division of the Special Investigation Bureau were rounding up monsters in Edo Chaocheng. I thought that the situation in Lingshan City should not be too serious. It's just a simple reconnaissance mission, let Bai Ye come over and take a look first, who knew it would turn out like this.

"Well, from what you said, yes, the first half of Bai Ye's life was indeed a tragedy, but we middle-aged people who were born in the Calamity Era didn't enjoy much happiness in our childhood and adolescence. At least there will be some natural and man-made disasters, even if the body does not leave trauma, the psychological shadow must be imprinted.

"That's why we now have to risk everything to fight hard, so that the next generation can grow up in a peaceful and peaceful environment, so that your generation will not repeat our mistakes!

"Bai Ye devoted himself to this goal and fought until the last moment to become like this. As long as there is a chance, no matter what the price is, we all hope to save him. Brother Chu, you are the only one who can fight with you." The people Bai Ye in the "undead general form" has come into contact with, the "undead general" should be the other side of Bai Ye's heart that he doesn't want to show easily. We believe that if you start from this aspect, it will be helpful, so please. !"

Director Mu held Chu Ge's hand very sincerely.

"Don't worry, I will do my best."

Chu Ge thought for a long time, and said, "I don't know what the rehabilitation plan formulated by the psychologists is, but after listening to your introduction just now, I think we should start from the perspective of 'inspiring the joy of being a human being in Bai Ye'. Let him understand that being a human being, especially being a modern Earthling under the rule of the Earth Alliance, is a very interesting thing, far more interesting than being a big mouse in the underground world, right?"

"Yes, yes, that's the way of thinking!" Director Mu nodded suddenly.

"On the issue of how to stimulate the joy of being a human being, I don't have much personal experience, and I don't have a deep understanding. After all, I am still very young and naive. A female fan with a good face, a slim figure, and a gentle and pleasant voice, is very good for activating the love of life, and it can also stimulate the impulse to become a hero and manliness by the way!"

Chu Ge said, "Does Bai Ye have any female fans, or how about arranging some little nurses who worship heroes to take care of him, or else, introduce him to a few more targets from the organization?"

"In this regard, the organization will carefully consider it."

Director Mu said with a serious face, "I personally agree with your thinking, so next, Brother Chu, just use your strengths of 'eating, chatting and playing with' to help us wake up Bai Ye as a human being." soul!"


After that, every day after Bai Ye finished his recovery treatment, Chu Ge would take one to two hours to go to the intensive care unit for "rehabilitation training".

Bai Ye's physical fitness is astonishing. The Special Investigation Bureau, the Extraordinary Association and the military gave him the best medicine, medical equipment and expert team. In just a few days, his shriveled and withered limbs and deeply sunken chest and abdomen, It filled up again, the pale skin became bloody and shiny, and even the scar on the head became much lighter after being irradiated with special rays, and it was hard to see unless you looked carefully.

The current Bai Ye seems to be not much different from an ordinary patient who has been bedridden for many days.

But as a human soul, he is still dormant deep in the thought fortress of the Rat Race, and what he presents is the demeanor and posture of the Rat Race. Apart from eating, drinking and lazing, he is completely blind to and deaf to external stimuli. .

In such a situation, the services of "eating with you" and "playing with you" naturally cannot be launched.

Fortunately, Chu Ge and Bai Ye used to "feel each other in the same disease", so he had expected his reaction and was not in a hurry. Anyway, every day, he moved a little horse and sat next to Bai Ye's hospital bed, chatting, talking nonsense, and chatting about the magnificent rivers and mountains on the earth. , talk about the magnificence and prosperity of human civilization, talk about all kinds of delicious and fun things, and of course talk about beauties in Xiangche, all ages, occupations, ethnicities, personalities, all kinds of beauties, all kinds of beauties.

To be honest, Chu Ge is just a beginner, and his experience in this area is not particularly sufficient, or simply put, he just has no experience!

Only in this way can a youthful young man like him, who is hungry and thirsty, let his imagination fly and soar in the illusory world full of blooming flowers, and then convert all his bizarre, incredible, and crazy daydreams into words , Tell Bai Ye to listen, in this way, stimulate Bai Ye's reaction, awaken his deepest core instinct as a human being.

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