
Chapter 780: The Friend Carrying the Death Knell

For the first time, the citizens of Lingshan know that under the world they live in, there is such a small kingdom with all internal organs.

The appearance of the Rats building cities, dividing classes, learning languages ​​and characters, and using embroidery needles and bicycle spokes to form an army is both serious and funny, which makes people laugh.

And when people discovered that the influence of human beings has penetrated into every aspect of the Rat Clan's life, and that the Rat Clan even hung human portraits high in the sacred halls, and worshiped humans as gods, they felt even more excited and ashamed. , mixed thoughts.

Think about it, you were just an ordinary office worker, a wage earner, 9-9-6 every day, being ordered to and fro by the boss, earning a meager salary, carefully calculating the car loan, mortgage, tuition and groceries, you are a mortal being An inconspicuous member of the group, he is already exhausted just by being alive.

You are destined not to be famous in history. Except for relatives, friends and colleagues, almost no one knows you. Even if you pretend to be shocking on the Internet, you will soon be submerged in the vast ocean of information.

As such an ordinary person, you suddenly found out that in the eyes of the Rat Clan, you are like a god!

Well, now we pay attention to breaking the feudal superstition, all gods and demons are fake, so, even if they are not gods, they are at least on the same level as "supernaturally powerful alien high-level life forms", right?

Do you feel particularly proud and sacred, as if your boring life has been sublimated in a certain sense?

After this mystery program was broadcast, the tone of support for the immediate, thorough, and resolute destruction of the rat civilization on the Internet has dropped a lot.

It's like, a toy castle built by a few children, as long as the adults are not psychopathic and anti-social, generally speaking, they would never think of kicking it to pieces.

Not to mention, in this small castle, there are also pictures of adults who are particularly proud and drawn by the children themselves!

"The reason why human beings can surpass other beasts and become the spirit of all things is precisely because we have the power of 'imagination'."

On the Internet, more and more people warmly welcome the rat civilization to come out of the ground and share the inexhaustible sunshine with humans. They said, "The more ferocious the beast, the less it likes to live in groups. What is the relationship between the tigers of the Western Mountains? The lions of the northern plains will not hunt together with the lions of the southern plains. Instead, they will kill each other as soon as they meet, endlessly.

"Besides the power of blood, they lack the power of imagination,

Invent an unbreakable relationship with each other.

"Humans are not like that.

"In addition to the inseparable blood, human beings can fabricate various concepts of totems, surnames, tribes, nations, and countries. Through these illusory concepts, people who have never met or even separated by thousands of miles are connected together and condensed into one. A united, indestructible, invincible whole.

"This fictional 'imagined community' once helped weak cavemen form hunting teams to fight against wild beasts far stronger and more ferocious than them.

"It also helped the ancestors who had just come out of ignorance, slash-and-burn farming, and built the first cities and civilizations.

"It also helps modern humans conquer the land, sky and sea, and embrace the entire earth.

"However, today, the 'imagined community' has reached its limit.

"The seven billion human beings in the world have all united to fight for the banner of the Earth Alliance.

"Even so, our strength is still far from enough to resist the upheaval caused by the revival of spiritual energy, not enough to help our civilization break out of the blue baby and embark on the road of stars and seas.

"Perhaps, it's time to shatter the boundaries of the 'imagined community' again, just as our ancestors shattered the boundaries again and again, bringing together different tribes, surnames, ethnicities, beliefs, and skin colors... Just like integrating thousands of people, this time, in the face of an unprecedented crisis, we have to bring the Rat Race and even more intelligent life into our camp, and inject more richness into the concept of "earth civilization". meaning and vitality.

"Once upon a time, the united front was a magic weapon for us in the darkest age of the East to overcome the enemy and be reborn from the ashes.

"Today, the united front of the human race and the rat race will definitely become the key element for our civilization to re-nirvana and leap forward, rushing out of the earth and heading for the sea of ​​stars!

"Friends and compatriots, look at the universe, the Milky Way alone has trillions of stars, more than the number of gravel on the earth, but among the trillions of stars, we have not found any trace of intelligent life, good It is easy to find the world of cultivating immortals and the world of fantasy and magic. The attitudes of these two worlds towards us are difficult to distinguish between friends and foes, and are ambiguous.

"The human civilization trapped on the earth is so lonely. It seems that it will continue to be lonely forever. Are we really going to miss the once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to reject the overtures of the rat civilization and miss this most likely only friend? ?"

This passionate and impassioned speech has won the support of tens of millions of netizens.

The opposition found that the general situation was gone, and they didn't bother to waste any more words, but left a paragraph of warning angrily.

"Right now, human civilization and Rat Race civilization are still in the 'honeymoon period' that has just begun. No matter what we say, you dizzy idiots will never listen to it."

The opposition left a message saying, "But, trust us, the 'honeymoon period' will soon pass, and humans and Rats will soon discover each other's intolerable shortcomings, and the best ending is to fall into it like a scumbag cold war.

"And the integration of the Rat Race civilization into the human world has brought about an impact and change on human civilization that is not as easy as you imagined.

"The simplest example, if it is admitted that rats are intelligent life forms and have the same rights as humans, will humans still be able to use mice for experiments in the future, and will the medical industry continue to develop?

"Yes, now the rat tribe is saying that they have never regarded the ordinary white rats who are not doing anything as the same kind-but is it possible?

"Thinking in another way, if human beings discover some kind of aliens, they actually use a large number of creatures that look exactly like humans, but are born with low IQs, and carry out the cruelest experiments. Wouldn't human beings develop an instinct for this kind of aliens?" Hostile?

"It's just a trivial aspect.

"We believe that with the evolution of civilization, ambitions will continue to grow and expand, and the Rat Race will question and challenge humans in more and more fields.

"One mountain cannot accommodate two tigers, and the title of 'Spirit of All Things' can only be worn on one head forever.

"Cheer now, fellow citizens, for your kindness, kindness, generosity, and 'civilization'. One day, when the death knell sounds far away, don't be surprised or doubt that it is for you. !"

This fierce and cynical message did not arouse too much repercussions among ordinary netizens.

However, the attitude of the authorities will naturally not be as hasty and casual as that of ordinary netizens.

Over the past few months, no matter how many uproars the Rats have caused on the Internet, and no matter how public their activities in Lingshan City have been in broad daylight and ostentatiously, the highest authority has never made a clear statement, let alone in the name of the Supreme Council. What agreement was officially signed by the Kingdom of Jamaica.

The Supreme Council seems to be unaware of the emergence of the Rat Clan civilization. At the regular press conference, when a reporter asked about it, the senior members of the council also put on an attitude of "I don't know about it". .

Only in private communication occasions, after half-truthfully drinking too much, did several senior congressmen reveal a semi-official attitude to the reporters they have known for decades: the recovery of spiritual energy is an unprecedented drastic change, and there must be various There is no need to rush to affirm or deny such a new thing as the rat civilization. It is better to let it go and let it develop on its own to see the effect.

As the saying goes, "crossing the river by feeling the stones", isn't it for this purpose that the establishment of thirteen special experimental bases for spiritual recovery?

Therefore, as long as the activities of the Rat Clan civilization are temporarily limited to Lingshan City, the Supreme Council will not support or oppose it, and will remain silent.

In many cases, keeping silent is also a clear-cut support.

The statement of the Supreme Council is undoubtedly a gold medal for avoiding death for the vitality of the Rat Race civilization.

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