The brothel was full of bright lights and candlelight.

Stepping into the brothel, the lights were on, and the bright lights and candlelight complemented each other.

In the lobby, the sound of stringed instruments was endless, and the melodious music filled every corner.

The gorgeous women were dressed in light silk and satin, with graceful postures, leaning on the railings and laughing, or walking among the guests, smiling sweetly.

Their makeup was exquisite, their red lips were lightly touched, and their eyebrows and eyes were full of charm.

The tables and chairs in the building were arranged in a staggered manner, and the guests either raised their glasses to drink or flirted with the women beside them.

On the stage, the singing girl danced gracefully with long sleeves, drawing cheers from the audience.

Exquisite paintings and calligraphy hung on the walls, adding a touch of elegance to this place full of the scent of powder.

And the incense burner in the corner was rising with curls of green smoke, exuding an intoxicating fragrance, making people feel as if they were in a dreamland.

In the private room upstairs, the bead curtain was half-closed, and laughter and low whispers could be heard faintly.

Suya walked in here, her eyes quickly swept over the people who were addicted to sensual pleasures.

She came here to find someone.

Earlier in the "Demon Tribe Inn", when Suya asked Xiaoqian who she and Yu Mengyuan were, Xiaoqian's answer was: "Have you heard of Penglai?"

Suya naturally hadn't heard of it, so Xiaoqian asked her to find a person named "Ru Yu" first.

So, Suya came to the brothel according to the address Xiaoqian gave.

She shuttled through the crowd, and finally, she locked her eyes on the second floor.

I saw a woman holding a pipe in her hand, wearing a gorgeous cheongsam, leaning lazily on the railing, admiring the scenery below.

After noticing the sight, the woman looked at Su Ya downstairs, then smiled at her and hooked her finger to signal her to come up.

Su Ya was slightly startled, a little hesitant in her heart, but she still calmed down and quickened her pace to walk up the stairs.

When she got close to the woman, Su Ya could see her face clearly. It was a face with delicate makeup but could not hide her fatigue. The fine lines at the corners of her eyes were faintly visible under the powder.

"Little girl, are you here for something?" The woman's voice was a little lazy, and she exhaled smoke lightly.

"I'm looking for someone."

The woman raised her eyebrows with interest, took another puff of the pipe, and said slowly: "Oh? Who is it?"

"I want to find a woman named Ru Yu."

"... So that's it, what do you want to find her for?" The woman replied after a moment of stunned.

"It's a private matter, I can't talk about it."

"You came to Chunxianglou to look for someone, and as the manager, I naturally have to guard for them.

If everyone says they are looking for someone, can I let them search for people at will?"

Su Ya hesitated for a moment and said those two words: "Penglai."

Hearing this, the woman's originally lazy expression suddenly became solemn.

She looked at Su Ya, her eyes were like a sharp blade, as if she wanted to see through Su Ya.

After a while, the woman turned around and gently waved the pipe in her hand, motioning Su Ya to follow her.

Su Ya followed the woman with a calm expression.

However, just as she left, Mo Gui walked in and just saw her following a woman into the room.

The woman took Su Ya into a room and closed the door.

Then, she walked to a wall and knocked on the wall, and then a gap appeared in the wall, and an entrance gradually opened.

Suya was a little surprised when she saw this scene.

Because the hidden door in front of her did not show any magical fluctuations when it was opened. In other words, it was a purely mechanical device.

"Come in"

Suya nodded and followed in.

After the two of them entered, the door closed tightly.

The passage inside the entrance was a little narrow, only allowing one person to pass through.

There were a few crystals emitting dim light inlaid on the wall, barely illuminating the road ahead.

After walking for a while, they came to a room full of calligraphy and paintings.

The room was filled with a faint scent of ink, and a man was facing away from them, concentrating on writing calligraphy with a brush.

The man had an upright posture, and a plain robe made him look particularly elegant.

He wrote quickly, and the brush left a dragon-like and phoenix-like handwriting on the rice paper.

He looked focused, his brows slightly wrinkled, as if he was completely immersed in the world of calligraphy, and was completely unaware of Suya and the others' arrival.


The woman coughed lightly, and the man slowly put down the brush in his hand and turned around.

"Are you here?"

He had a gentle smile on his face, his voice was low and magnetic, and his eyes were on

After a brief stay on Suya, he looked at the woman again.

"Ruyu, this..."

The woman stopped talking halfway, and she remembered that she forgot to ask Suya's name.

"I forgot to ask, what's your name?"

"Suya, my name is Suya." Suya replied.

Suya never expected that the man in front of her was the "Ruyu" that Xiaoqian asked her to find. This name must be a woman's name, right? ?

She even guessed that the woman next to her was Ruyu herself.

The woman introduced herself at this time.

"Miss Su, my name is Bai Lian, you can also call me Sister Bai~"

"Okay, okay, Sister Bai."

"Don't stand, sit down and talk."

Ruyu asked the two to sit down, then opened the wooden box where the tea set was placed, took out a set of exquisite purple sand tea sets, and carefully rinsed the teapot and teacup with boiling water. The water flowed on the tea set, making a subtle sound.

Then, he picked up a proper amount of tea leaves with bamboo tweezers, put them into the teapot, and slowly poured in hot water.

Then he held the teapot with his left hand, lifted the lid with his right hand, and moved the tea leaves to let them fully expand in the hot water.

After a while, Ru Yu picked up the teapot again and poured the brewed tea into the teacup. The tea soup was clear and the aroma was rising.

Su Ya watched curiously on the side. This was her first time watching Chinese tea art, and she felt very novel.

Then, Ru Yu began to introduce Su Ya how to taste tea.

He picked up a cup of brewed tea, first squinted his eyes slightly, sniffed the tea fragrance, and then slowly said: "Girl, smell the fragrance before tasting tea. This tea fragrance is quiet and can make people calm."

Hearing this, Su Ya picked up a cup of tea and smelled it.

Ruyu smiled slightly and continued, "After smelling the fragrance, look at its color.

Look at this tea soup, the color is translucent, like amber." He raised the teacup to let the light pass through the tea soup.

Then, Ruyu took a sip of tea and said, "When tasting tea, sip it in small sips, let the tea soup swirl on the tip of your tongue, and feel its taste."

Suya imitated him and took a sip of tea carefully. It was a little bitter at first, but soon turned into sweetness.

"This tea tastes slightly bitter at first, but then turns sweet, just like life, bitter first and sweet later."

Just as Suya listened carefully, Bai Lian beside her picked up a cup of tea, raised her head and drank it all in one gulp without saying a word.

Ruyu frowned and said helplessly: "Look at you, why are you like this again? I've said it several times, tea should be tasted, not drunk."

Bai Lian curled her lips and replied nonchalantly: "Sir, your tea art is indeed good, but it's a pity that I don't have the temperament to taste tea."

Ruyu sighed lightly, shook her head, picked up the teapot again, and prepared to make another pot, muttering: "When will you change your temper? It's really a waste of God's gift."

Bai Lian smiled and approached Ruyu and said: "Sir, don't be annoyed. I'm just too restricted in the building, so I can only be a little unrestrained here~"

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