The enemy was defeated.

As we all know, no matter how good the kung fu is, it is afraid of the kitchen knife, not to mention that Qianmo doesn't even have kung fu, while the opponent has both kung fu and kitchen knives!

Qianmo, who only has brute force, said that he couldn't beat him, really couldn't beat him!

There were six attackers in total, and according to the results of the system detection, they were all vampires without exception.

Under their siege, Qianmo was already covered with wounds, and his clothes were full of scratches and bloodstains.

*Life Blood Ring* is an explosive skill, not suitable for continuous combat. Once the buff effect of the Life Blood Ring ends, Qianmo will fall into a short-term weak state. In that case, Qianmo will be more dangerous.

Without full confidence, Qianmo can't choose to fight hard, but can only choose to escape and wait for rescue.

Fortunately, Qianmo didn't have to wait too long.

Just as the blade was approaching Qianmo's eyes, an invisible hand pulled Qianmo from the ground into the air.

Suya caught Qianmo in the air, and then threw a few cards to the assassins on the ground.

When the cards approached the assassins, they transformed into several chains to bind them, but two assassins still escaped from the shadows.

At this time, the knights finally arrived at the scene.

"Do they always arrive at the scene after the matter is over?" Qianmo complained.

"How do you know?"

"It's written like this in the novel. The official organization always arrives late after the protagonist defeats the villain."

"Is there a possibility that the plots in the novel are adapted from reality?"

"'s really hard to say"

——"Hey! Those two people in the sky, come down quickly for inspection!"

Suya flew down with Qianmo, and then the two were taken to the Knights for inspection, or interrogation.

The two were taken to different interrogation rooms.

Only the cadres of the Knights knew Suya's identity as a guardian. Others thought Suya was the niece of Captain Regis, so they were very polite during the interrogation.

On the other hand, Qianmo felt a little uncomfortable. The knight who interrogated her was very rude to her. She was obviously a victim, but she was treated as a prisoner.

"Tell me! What is your relationship with those vampires!"

"The relationship between the attacker and the attacked"

"Why did they attack you!"

"How should I know? Ask them"

"Hold your attitude! I am interrogating you now!"

"How good is your attitude? I haven't broken the law. Why do you treat me like this?"

"Huh? You are a vampire. Why should I treat you well? It is illegal for you to stay here! I didn't lock you up directly now, you should thank me!"

The knight looked high and mighty from beginning to end.

The knights patrolling the royal city are most likely nobles, and the knight in front of Qianmo is just a noble.

"I think you vampires are just directing and acting! Using the excuse of being attacked to destroy the royal city!"

The noble knight didn't care about the interrogation at all, and wrote down Qianmo's crimes on the paper, with a look of joy on his face.

Qianmo understood that the noble knight in front of her was going to use her as a performance boost.

Probably affected by the beastman factor in her body, Qianmo now has the urge to slap the other person to death.

On the other side, Suya has been taken out of the interrogation room by Captain Regis.

"Captain, where is Qianmo?"

Suya looked a little anxious.

Because the interrogation room can completely block magic, Suya can't sense Qianmo at all at this time, and this is the headquarters of the Knights, and large-scale exploration magic cannot be used at will.

"You're so worried about her after not seeing her for such a short while? Your relationship is progressing very quickly, hahaha," Regis joked.

"The one who took Qianmo away was a noble knight"

Hearing this, Regis's expression instantly became serious.

"Follow me"

The two quickly moved to the interrogation room where Qianmo was.

*Don't ask why they didn't run away, it's because there were so many people and it was difficult to run away

Suya directly pushed open the door of the interrogation room, and then saw the noble knight writing something with his back to Qianmo, completely unaware that Qianmo behind him had one foot on the table, raised his fist and approached him aggressively.

"Who are you! How dare you trespass into the interrogation room--"

Before he finished speaking, the noble knight saw Regis behind Suya.

"Captain Regis! Why are you here? I just finished interrogating

Criminal, this is her charge, please take a look"

The noble knight handed the paper in his hand to Regis respectfully.

Regis took it and looked at it. Wow, there were all kinds of charges on it. If Qianmo was really sentenced according to the charges above, he would probably be sentenced to life imprisonment.

The noble knight looked flattering, which made Regis look dark.

Su Ya was covering Qianmo's mouth at this time, hugging the cat girl who was fluttering, as if something terrible would happen if she let go of Qianmo.

"Okay, you go first, leave this to me"

"Yes! Captain Regis!"

The noble knight didn't look behind him at all, and walked away on his own.

After Regis closed the door, Su Ya let go of the hand covering Qianmo's mouth.

"Just let him go like this! ? Let him come back to me! I want to tear that guy's stinky mouth apart! ! ! "

Obviously, before that, the noble knight had said some unbearable trash to Qianmo.

After Suya comforted him for a while, Qianmo finally calmed down.

Reges told them the results of the interrogation of the four vampires they had captured.

The four vampires were all vampires transformed from people in Dawn City, and they came to attack Qianmo to avenge the three vampires who died yesterday and this morning.

"We also learned some information about the mastermind from them, but they were burned to death by the fire before they could tell everything."

As expected of the leader of the Knights, he got the key information right away!

Qianmo gave Regis a thumbs up in his heart.

"Although we didn't get all of it, at least we know her identity. She is the eldest daughter of the impoverished Earl of Arfield - Vivienne Arfield"

Suya was stunned, and was a little unbelievable when she heard the name.

Qianmo: "Suya, do you know her? "

Suya shook her head and said: "I don't know her, but I know her family"

"It happened about two years ago. At that time, the Arfield family was attacked by the paladins of the church because they were involved in the research of forbidden technology"

"Since then, the people of the Arfield family have disappeared without a trace. I didn't expect them to appear again today"

Qianmo: "What is the forbidden technology? ”

Suya: "Experiments on the fusion of life factors and the genetic evolution of species, but I don't know much about this aspect either."

Hearing this, the expression on Qianmo's face became stiff in an instant, and his originally lively eyes became dull at this moment.

"Projects related to life research have always been prohibited from private research, and I heard that their family had been doing experiments on racial factor fusion without telling anyone before."

Reges: "Well, when our Knights went to collect their illegal products, we found many people who became monsters because of failed experiments."

"Those people were almost all the people who disappeared that year. In their experimental logs, we learned that many people died in the experiments."

"That, Captain Regis..."

Qianmo raised his hand and asked, "Are there any experiments on the fusion of blood factors of subhumans and vampires in those experimental logs?"

Reges held his chin and thought for a while.

"Although we didn't find the relevant experimental subjects, there are indeed experiments on the fusion of blood factors of subhumans and vampires in the logs, and those people all died without exception."

"Why do you ask this suddenly? Do you have any clues?"

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