The two of them were in a state of panic, and the two were in a state of panic.

Just when Qianmo was about to attack Yelang again, the doctor's voice was transmitted to Qianmo and Yelang's room through the radio.

——[Secondary Electric Shock]

After the words fell, the iron handcuffs on Qianmo's ankles glowed blue, Qianmo's muscles suddenly spasmed, his body trembled involuntarily, and finally fell to the ground.

Yelang did not take the opportunity to attack Qianmo.

Because Qianmo did not faint at this time, his vertical pupils were still staring at it.

Yelang: Don't look at me like that! It wasn't me!

At this time, the iron door on Qianmo's side was opened.

Two guards came in, one was responsible for driving Night Wolf back to the cage, and the other gave Qian Mo an injection of sedative and took her out.

So far, Qian Mo's first battle in the other world has come to an end.


Conference room

"Doctor, as far as I can see, 9527 does not have any outstanding talents and cannot be compared with the prototype at all"

"The battle with Night Wolf was a life-and-death struggle"

"If we can't get any outstanding results, the laboratory will be forced to close!"

"In my opinion, it's better to sell all those experimental subjects, at least it can reduce the burden"

"No! They are all important research subjects and must not be sold!"

The researchers frowned, gestured with their hands from time to time, and eagerly expressed their opinions, as if the problem was imminent.

"What's the hurry?"

Only the doctor remained calm at the scene. He spoke calmly, as if no situation would affect his calmness.

"Who has no results? Didn't 9527 show us her tenacious vitality?"

"Take a close look at the experimental data. Whether it was the sudden illness yesterday or the battle with Night Wolf today, she was able to regain vitality almost when her life was about to wither."

A young researcher picked up the paper recording the data and checked it carefully.

"Indeed, every time 9527's heartbeat was about to stop, a strong magic power would appear to revive her."

"But isn't this the lifeblood ring that all subhumans have? Is 9527's lifeblood ring different from that of other subhumans?"

He scratched his head, looked at the doctor with a confused face, and asked doubtfully.

"Hahaha, it seems that you forgot one thing. The lifeblood ring of subhumans is not something that can be activated frequently for a long time."

A sly smile appeared at the corner of the doctor's mouth.

The other researchers suddenly realized what the doctor said.

"Doctor, do you mean that 9527 is very tenacious?"

"If that's the case, she might be able to withstand the bloodline factor fusion surgery!"

"If the bloodline factor fusion surgery is successful, our laboratory can leave this dark basement!"

The researchers discussed with great interest, and everyone's eyes were shining with excitement.

"Doctor, if we want to perform bloodline factor fusion surgery, which race should we choose?"

After thinking for a moment, the doctor replied: "Since we are going to do it, choose the most difficult one"

"Oh oh oh! As expected of a doctor, the most difficult one is the first one!"

"Excuse me, which race is the most difficult one?" The young researcher on the side raised his hand and asked.

"Blood Clan"


After Qianmo woke up, he had returned to his room.

Qianmo climbed out of bed, got up and walked to the mirror in the bathroom.

He lifted his shirt and saw the white bandages wrapped around his body.

The girl just stood there, not knowing what she was thinking. The air around her was silent, without any sound.

After a while, Qianmo lay back on the bed. After an unknown amount of time, the girl seemed to fall asleep.

Bang, bang, bang——

There was a knock on the door, and it was time for Qianmo to get up again.

After breakfast, Qianmo came to the laboratory for a physical examination.

——"My body has fully recovered, and I can proceed with the next test."

——"Okay, I'll go and notify them."

Qianmo's hearing was very sensitive, so it was easy for him to hear the voice of the researcher outside the door.

Maybe they didn't think about avoiding Qianmo talking.

After a while, Qianmo came to the closed room again yesterday.

This time, the iron door opposite was not knocked open.

——[9527, go open the door yourself]

When he heard the familiar voice, Qianmo just wanted to greet his ancestors first.

Qianmo walked forward and opened the iron door.


A hissing sound came from the dark room, like the whisper of a demon from hell, which made people tremble with fear.

Qianmo's body trembled slightly, and he took a few steps back involuntarily.

The giant python leaned out of the dark room, and its cold eyes and huge body exuded a suffocating oppressive breath.

Qianmo looked at the giant python in horror, her lips turned blue, and her body trembled constantly.

What a joke...

Yesterday it was a giant wolf, today it is a giant python?

Are they trying to kill me? !

After staring at Qianmo for a while, the giant python suddenly opened its bloody mouth and pounced on Qianmo at lightning speed.

The giant python's fangs flashed a dangerous cold light under the light, and Qianmo subconsciously dodged to the side.

However, the giant python's attack was swift and decisive, not giving the opponent any chance to breathe. It was as fast as lightning, and it instantly flicked its tail and hit Qianmo away.

Then it quickly wrapped around Qianmo, tightening more and more.

The moment he was wrapped by the python, a strong feeling of suffocation surged into his heart, as if his life was being gradually devoured.

Unlike the night wolf, the giant python was covered with scales, and no matter how Qianmo beat it, it was ineffective.

His body was tightly bound, and every breath became difficult and heavy. Soon his breathing became rapid and weak, and his consciousness gradually blurred, as if he was about to fall into endless darkness.

The giant python opened its bloody mouth and swallowed Qianmo.

[The host is detected to be in danger of life, and the system turns on the emergency treatment mode]

Qianmo woke up again, but this time the situation was very bad!

The giant python's esophagus is not a good place to wake up. It is sticky, bloody, and suffocating. Not long after, Qianmo fainted again.

[The host is detected to be in danger of life, and the system turns on the emergency treatment mode]

Qianmo, who woke up again, was furious, and the curses in his heart kept echoing in his mind.

Broken system! You might as well just let me die! Did God deliberately send you to mess with me!

Anger made Qianmo burst out with powerful strength. Although the scales of the giant python were indestructible, the organs in the body were very fragile.

The giant python's original majestic momentum disappeared, replaced by a painful expression. It rolled on the ground, trying to find a comfortable posture to relieve the pain.

This situation lasted for about five minutes, after which the giant python gradually stopped moving.

——"Is the dragon python dead?"

——"It seems that they died together. I thought 9527 could survive."

——"It seems that this experiment can only be ruined."

——"Hey, look, did the dragon python move just now?"

The dragon python's head suddenly shook, and then opened its mouth.

The researchers looked at Qianmo who crawled out of the dragon python's mouth in shock.

Qianmo dragged her slimy body out of the dragon python's mouth, then stood up and looked at the window above.

The researchers who were still noisy fell silent when they saw Qianmo's eyes.

Qianmo's cold eyes were like a bottomless black hole, exuding a suffocating sense of danger.

She slowly raised her right hand, then clenched it into a fist, and finally raised the universal gesture.

At the same time, Qianmo's mouth corners showed a smile, but there was an unspeakable fear hidden in this smile, which made the researchers shudder.

For a moment, they saw Qianmo's originally sky-blue eyes turn into a dangerous blood red.

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