The weather was very hot, but the weather was very hot.

Tonight, Qianmo and Yueling planned to rest on the top of the mountain.

There are many advantages to being on the top of the mountain, such as a wide field of vision, less intrusion by wild animals, defensive advantages, etc.

The wind on the top of the mountain was very strong at night. After seeing Qianmo's thin clothes, Yueling took the initiative to be Qianmo's bed.

The white kitten girl lay lightly in the arms of the black giant wolf, forming a picture full of strange beauty.

In the morning light, the sun slowly rose from the sea, and the mountains in the distance looked particularly spectacular under the reflection of the sunrise.

Qianmo blinked his eyes, like a bud that just opened in the morning light, with a hint of fatigue.

"'s morning already?"


"Good morning~"

Qianmo looked at Yueling who had woken up at some point and said with a smile.

Qianmo looked at the blue sky with a little confusion in his eyes.

What should I do next?

Just as Qianmo was thinking, his stomach made a gurgling sound.

"Ah, I'm hungry"

"Come to think of it, I didn't have dinner yesterday"

After thinking for a while, Qianmo made a bold decision-she won't eat!

Anyway, she won't starve to death with the life-extending system, the worst that can happen is that her stomach will feel a little uncomfortable.

Yueling rubbed Qianmo with her head.

"Awoo~" (I'm going to hunt)

"Hmm? You're going to hunt? That's right, although I can not eat, but you need it"

Yueling stood up and whined at Qianmo for a while.

"Okay, okay, I'll be careful, go ahead~"

Qianmo watched Yue Ling's back as he left until he disappeared into the jungle.

"Well, let's take a look at this first."

Qianmo picked up the file he brought out from the research institute.


"Race: Subhuman-Cat Tribe"

"Gender: Female"

"Prototype: God's Envoy-Suya Mu"

"Note: A replica made by the ancient magic relic *Lianying*"

"Research Log 1: The replica made by Lianying cannot replicate the ability of the God's Envoy, but it can replicate the huge magic power possessed by the God's Envoy..."

"Research Log 2: The replica does not have a soul, so it cannot fully exert the magic power of the body..."

"Research Log 3: We have found a solution to the problem of soullessness, which is to capture a soul and attach it to Lianying..."

"Research Log 4: After many After the experiment, we learned one thing. Even if it is a replica, it is the body of a messenger of God. Ordinary souls cannot bear it at all..."

"Research Log No. 5: Today, the doctor found a very special summoning technique. I heard that it was found in the Royal Forbidden Book Area. This technique is called "Hero Summoning"..."

"Research Log No. 6: Because the conditions required for the Hero Summoning Technique are extremely harsh, the doctor had to modify the summoning technique himself..."

"Research Log No. 7: The doctor did it. After removing the redundant techniques in the Hero Summoning Technique, the remaining part is just enough to summon souls..."

"Research Log No. 8: Today, we started to summon souls. It is worthy of being The doctor's improved technique has a spectacular effect. After a period of time, the body woke up and it was obvious that she did have a soul..."

"Research Log No. 9: We did a lot of tests on her and found a major problem. She actually suffered from "Nothingness", or the prototype suffered from this disease, which led to the conjoined body. This disease seems to only be contracted by the replica with a soul, and the souls in the previous experiment probably died because of this disease..."

"Research Log No. 10: The doctor decided to arrange a test for 9527. The opponent has been selected. It is the trump card monster of the institute-Night Wolf. Although Night Wolf is imprisoned by magic 9527 is so powerful, but she was so easily scared by 9527. It's really embarrassing for Night Wolf..."

"Research Log No. 11: Today's test subject is the giant python. 9527 was beaten badly, but she defeated it from the inside of the giant python, and she seemed to have activated the life blood ring..."

"Research Log No. ..."

"Research Log No. 36: I have to admit that 9527 is really powerful. You know, only a very small number of sub-humans can awaken the life blood ring, and she has been able to use it proficiently in less than a year since she was born..."

"Research Log No. 37: 9527's mental state seems to be getting better and better. She looks very happy.

No one paid any attention to her..."

"Research Log No. 38: The doctor is finally going to perform a bloodline factor fusion operation on 9527 today! The operation went very smoothly. 9527 successfully fused the bloodline factor and survived, but did not become a vampire..."

"Research Log No. 39: Today we plan to test what changes 9527 has after fusion of the bloodline factor... The test is over, 9527 lost, she actually let the monster bite her without resistance..."

"Research Log No...."

The research log only wrote to No. 45, and there was nothing after that.

The files that Qianmo brought out were a little incomplete, and many pages were lost to nowhere.

But at least she knew what she was.

"So... I'm a clone"

"... Should we go find the original?"

"God's messenger... I didn't expect my identity to be so special"

"Yeah, your identity is really special~"


Qianmo turned his head suddenly and found that a woman holding an umbrella appeared behind him at some point.

Qianmo subconsciously stepped back a few steps and looked at the unknown woman in front of him with caution.

Red eyes, pale skin, pointed ears, and an umbrella...

She... isn't a vampire?

"Oh~ Don't be so vigilant, I just want to make friends with you"

"Oh" Qianmo replied perfunctorily.

The woman in front of him is very likely a vampire, a creature that feeds on blood, so Qianmo must not let down his guard.

"I smell the same breath on you"

"... Oh"

The scene fell into silence.

Dolores: "..."

No! Can't this guy just have a good chat?

However, when it comes to chatting, I am an expert!

"I know a girl who looks very similar to you. She might be your prototype. Do you need me to take you to find her?"

First, I throw out a topic to lure the enemy in. In this way, I can smoothly enter the next topic, and finally let her agree to be my undercover. I am really a chat genius!

Just when Duo Leisi was proud of herself, Qianmo decisively cut off her chat application.

"No need"

At this time, Duo Leisi's expression had cracked.

"Why do you reject me! I'm just short of writing helpfulness on my face!"

Qianmo: "..."

Hehe, if I agree to you so easily, the words written on your face are probably not helpfulness, but the plan has been implemented.

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