The two of them were so close that they were in love.

Qianmo, who was being hugged, looked at Suya in confusion.

Suya looked at Avril's face carefully, and suddenly remembered who she was, and hurriedly reached out to pull her sleeve.

"Sister Ai, you are wrong, I am Suya"

Avril looked at Suya, then looked at Qianmo in her arms, and found that their eye colors were different, so she quickly let go of her hands.

"Ahaha~ Sorry, sorry, I made a mistake"

Avril turned her eyes back to Suya.

"Little Suya, shouldn't you be in class today?"

"I graduated"

"Huh? Graduated!?"

Qianmo tugged at the corner of Suya's clothes, signaling Suya to explain her relationship with Avril.

Suya held Qianmo's hand and introduced Avril to her.

The story dates back to when Suya was in school. On that day, there was a parent-teacher meeting, and Suya was the only one in the class who acted as her own parent.

The parents did not sit according to the seats of their children, so Suya and Avril sat together randomly.

At that time, Avril was surprised that Suya was so young.

When she learned that Suya was not a parent, Avril thought Suya was an orphan, and told her that she would protect her in the future, which embarrassed Suya.

At that time, Suya had not yet established the Maoling Chamber of Commerce or published any works, so no one knew her at all.

The reason why the Maoling Chamber of Commerce was successfully registered was thanks to Avril's business card.

Unfortunately, Avril went to help her nephew attend the parent-teacher conference that day, so they haven't met since then. This also caused Suya to not look at Avril's photo carefully when she was looking at the information of the Inst family.

By the way, the name Avril can be seen everywhere and is used very frequently.

With Avril's warm heart, Qianmo and Suya entered the Inst family's house smoothly.

After entering, Suya turned on the system's delta perception mode and scanned the entire house 360 ​​degrees without dead angles.

Unfortunately, nothing was found and nothing was seen.

Avril took them to the garden and sat under the pavilion.

"Little Suya, I didn't expect you to live in Liping Town too"

"I didn't expect that Sister Ai and I are quite destined to meet"

"By the way, is this cute little sister your twin sister?" Avril looked at Qianmo and asked.

"No, we just happen to look alike."

The maid came over with a food cart, put the dessert on the table, and then left first according to Avril's words.

While Suya and Avril were chatting, Qianmo opened the system store to see if there were any props or skills that could find monsters.

Although he did find it after the system's screening, the price was so expensive that once he bought it, Qianmo's daily tasks these days would be in vain.

Qianmo was not in a hurry to buy it, anyway, Suya had the ability to sense monsters.

When chatting with Avril, Suya mentioned topics such as brothers and sisters intentionally or unintentionally, and Avril also mentioned the members of her family, which basically matched the information sent by the Knights, except for Inkog.

From Avril's words, it can be learned that she has no memory of a person named Inkog in her family. It seems that this person has never existed in her family.

Qianmo left the garden on the pretext of going to the toilet.

When passing through the hall, Qianmo noticed that the photo frame on the wall did not match the marks on the wall. The photo frame was obviously replaced, and there were only five people in the photo.

After going to the toilet, Qianmo wandered around for a while, but could not find any useful information.

The main thing is that you can't go to other places to look, after all, this is someone else's home.

You know, Qianmo spent more than half an hour in the toilet, but the time in the toilet was not as long as the time on the road.

The maid who led the way smiled all the time and didn't care about Qianmo's speed at all. For this, Qianmo could only praise her for her good professional quality!

When Qianmo was about to return to the garden, he met a very important person-Ying Weisi.

When Ying Weisi saw Qianmo, he greeted him with a smile, and Qianmo also said something back.

However, he suddenly left and walked very fast.

Qianmo could feel his emotions and felt that Ying Weisi was panicking.

He panicked, but what was he panicking about?

Qianmo looked at the garden, Suya and Avril were still chatting.

Qianmo thought of something, and his expression gradually became panic.

If Invis had *Xinwei*, could he directly view other people's memories?


Does it mean that he checked both his and Suya's memories, and he was so panicked just now because he couldn't check his own memories, or couldn't modify his own memories.

Then, what about Suya?

Thinking of this, Qianmo hurriedly walked to Suya and took out the letter Suya gave her in the morning from his pocket.

"Su, do you still remember this? We still have to mail a letter today"

"Eh? Mail a letter? Is that true?"

"Of course, we have other things to do later"

Qianmo's tone was a little hurried, which made Suya inexplicably nervous, and then she stood up and said goodbye to Ai Weiren.

"Sorry, sister Ai, we have to go first"

"So soon? Okay, then I'll see you off"

After leaving the Inerst family's house, Qianmo took Suya away quickly.

In a window of the house, Ying Weisi stared at the direction where the two left, his eyes a little gloomy.

After leaving for a distance, Qianmo felt that it was not far enough, so he picked up Suya and flew to Dolores' castle and landed on the rooftop.

Suya looked at Qianmo's anxious look and was a little confused, but her intuition told her that sending a letter was just a cover, because the recipient written on the letter was her.

"Qian, what happened?"

Suya asked with a heavy face.

Qianmo did not intend to beat around the bush.

"Su, do you really not remember the contents of this letter?"

Looking at the envelope in Qianmo's hand, Suya thought for a moment and shook her head.

"We went to the Inerste family today, not to visit, but to find a prop called *Xinwei* that can interfere with thinking and change memory!"

Suya's fingers paused, and then covered her mouth. She didn't remember this at all, but Qianmo didn't look like he was joking.

"You mean... my memory has been modified?"

"Yes, Ying Weisi, you should have seen that man, it was he who modified your memory. He panicked when he saw me just now because he found that he couldn't modify my memory"

"... Can I see the letter?"

Su Ya took the letter from Qian Mo and read the contents.

After reading the contents of the letter, Qian Mo told her in detail about the ability of *Xin Wei*.

Su Ya covered her forehead and was silent for a moment, then looked up at Qian Mo and put a bank card in her hand.

"Qian, if that man can really modify our memory without anyone knowing, then he might use this power to deal with you whose memory cannot be modified"

"Maybe tomorrow, all of us will forget you, and even regard you as an enemy"


[◎Mysterious Mad Code 821483075◎]

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