The body of the man in black robe was swallowed by the shadow, leaving only a gem bracelet.

Mu Yunge picked up the gem bracelet on the ground, stared at it, and fell into deep thought.

"Sister, we should leave... Sister?"

Su Bai stretched out his hand and waved it in front of Mu Yunge.

"... Hmm? Okay, let's go"

After leaving the castle, the two came to Krodinger's house, returned the gem bracelet, and told them the news of the black robe man's death.

Before leaving, the head of Krodinger's family wanted to thank them to show his gratitude, but they declined.

Mu Yunge looked at Mrs. Krodinger who was crying so hard that she couldn't speak, and she felt a little bad.

After leaving Krodinger's house, the two returned to the hotel.

Su Bai brought a glass of water and handed it to Mu Yunge.

"You've worked hard today, sister"

"Well, you've worked hard too"

Mu Yunge took the glass of water and took a sip symbolically, looking a little absent-minded.

Su Bai sat next to her.

"Sister, are you worried about something?"

"...Xiaobai, how did you deal with illegal system holders when you met them before?"

"According to the normal process, I uninstalled their systems first, and then cleared the relevant memories"

"If you encounter an illegal system holder like today, it is also feasible to execute him on the spot, as long as it does not violate the *world operation rules*"

The so-called world operation rules do not have clear rules. Generally speaking, Su Bai and others are outsiders in the world. If they kill people in another world, it violates the world operation rules and affects the original operation logic, unless that person has to die.

For example, the man in black robe, excluding his identity as an illegal system holder, he is a criminal who should be sentenced to death, so it doesn't matter if he is killed.

"Did the first three illegal system holders do anything bad? Break the law or something like that?"

Su Bai thought for a while and answered:

"The first person is a necromancer. After he obtained the system, he collected the corpses of monsters everywhere to make undead creatures. He didn't do anything excessive."

"The second person is a rich man. His system is a super-rich system. His wealth basically depends on the power of the system. Because of his extravagant spending, the local area almost had a financial crisis, so as a punishment, I confiscated 90% of his wealth."

"The third person... um..."

When talking about the third person, Su Bai was a little embarrassed to say it.

Seeing that Su Bai couldn't say it for a long time, Mu Yunge's curiosity was aroused.

"What did the third person do? Did he do something shameful?"

"He... He obtained the goddess cultivation system, turned himself into a girl, and then every day with boys... with boys... Yeah! That kind of... you know!"

After thinking for a few seconds, Mu Yunge raised the corners of his mouth slightly, revealing a bit of teasing.

"Oh~ I don't understand, can you explain it in more detail, Xiaobaibai~"

"Don't give me that! You know what I mean!"

"What are you talking about? I really don't understand~"

"You don't look like you don't understand at all with your expression now!"

The two of them played around for a while, and after all this, Mu Yunge's originally depressed mood also improved.

"Xiaobai, there is actually one thing I don't quite understand, why does the Administration want to delete illegal systems? And it's mandatory"

Over the past few days, Mu Yunge has had some doubts about this mission. Before coming here, she only thought about coming to this world to reunite with Suya, and never thought about the mission itself.

"Sister, the existence of any rule is meaningful in itself"

"Originally, the Administration would ask for their opinions first, but later they found that the impact of illegal systems on the souls of holders is not just loss, they will even amplify the desires in the holders' hearts"

"When the desire reaches a certain threshold, the holder may affect the society and even the operation of the world. The black-robed man is the best example. He also embarked on the road of crime after obtaining the system"


Mu Yunge turned to Su Bai and asked curiously:

"Xiaobai, what is your desire?"

"My desire is to have a home, a home with loved ones"

"That's not a desire, it's clearly a wish"

Just when Su Bai wanted to say something, the system updated the geographical location of the mission target


[Abnormal energy fluctuations detected, target is illegal system]

[Target location: Aurora City, the capital of the Kingdom of Elangeles]

After hearing the familiar place name, Su Bai and Mu Yunge sat up straight.

"Aurora City? But why didn't we detect any illegal systems when we were there before?"

"It is probably because the holder has not yet reached the activation conditions, or because the system ability has not been used to affect the surroundings"

Mu Yunge immediately stood up from the bed and opened the door.

"I'm going to check out now, you pack your luggage first"



After the forgetting incident caused by the Xinwei jellyfish ended, Suya also returned to the Maoling Chamber of Commerce to work.

The Chamber of Commerce is very busy every day, and Suya only has time to go home to visit his wife (not)... to visit Qianmo on weekends.

Qianmo certainly won't wait for Suya to go home stupidly, she will occasionally sneak into the Dawn City to give Suya a surprise.

However, when Qianmo sneaked into Suya's office for the first time, although it was a little surprising for Suya, it was more of a shock. At that time, Qianmo was almost caught by other guardians.

Later, after Suya's arrangement, the guardians turned a blind eye to Qianmo's sneaking into Dawn City.

Today, Suya poured a cup of coffee and returned to the office as usual.


Suya pushed the door open and walked in, locked the door, put the coffee on the desk, and then looked at the uninvited cat girl Blood Princess on the office chair.

Qianmo flew towards Suya.

"Oh ha! Little Susu!"

"Oh ha... your head!"

Suya raised her hand to block Qianmo's flying.

Qianmo clenched his fists to his chest and said aggrievedly:

"Are you unhappy that I came to see you?"

Suya touched her head helplessly.

"Happy, of course I'm happy. Do you want me to tell you whether I'm nervous or not?"

"Oh! I know the answer to this question. Am I nervous?"

"Yeah! You guessed it right. That's great. How about a brain-bump?"

"If the tool to hit the brain is your lips, it's not impossible."

"I understand. You want it, right?"

Su Ya immediately gave Qian Mo a brain-bump, not giving her any time to react.

"Ouch, it hurts."

The lines were spoken without any emotion, not even acting.

"Hey~ you should read a book first. I have some work to do first."


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