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"So, the mastermind behind the serial murders is actually Esther Roman?"

"Logically, the serial murders were indeed caused by her, but in the final analysis, it was all caused by those noble children. "It's just retribution"

"So what should we do now? Should we investigate the organization called Gray Rose, or...?"

"Of course we have to investigate, but we don't need so many people. Xiaoya, don't you still have work to do? ? I will send you back to Dawn City today."

"Eh? Do you still need to investigate the Roman family?"

"Continue investigating, but don't be too anxious, just use your spare time to investigate."

"Okay, OK!"

Su Bai still has doubts about Esther Roman's clean information panel.

To prevent any accidents, it is necessary to investigate the relevant matters of the Roman family. Maybe the clean information panel is really forged by an illegal system owner. Woolen cloth?

After Su Bai sent Su Ya back to Dawn City, the others set out to explore Gray Rose's plan.

"I'm ready! Whether it's undercover or forceful attack, I can do it!"

Qian Mo put his hands on his hips, full of momentum. If you ignore her In terms of his current physical condition.

Su Bai looked at Qianmo with some doubt.

"Are you sure you can participate in the next plan in your current state?"

In Su Bai's eyes, Qianmo's combat power has dropped by 30%. .

"Of course!"

"Why did you become like this? Did your system task fail?"

"Uh... this is a little hard to explain..."

Qianmo turned his head and looked away.

See Qianmo Intentionally avoiding this topic, Su Bai stopped asking.

The action plan this time was simple, mainly to determine whether the leader of Gray Rose was an illegal system holder, which was what Su Bai wanted to do from the beginning to the end.

As for what kind of organization Gray Rose is and what its purpose is, Su Bai has no interest at all. After all, she and Mu Yunge came to this world mainly to reunite with Su Ya.

However, if the organization's behavior affects their normal lives, then don't blame them. She was ruthless.

After a while, the three finally arrived near the church in Laer Village.

The church was old and seemed to have been unattended for a long time. The pillars were covered with vines, but it had a beauty that blended with nature.

"What should we do now? Do it?"

"It's very simple, you, go!"

Su Bai pointed at Qianmo.

Qianmo looked left and right, and pointed at himself uncertainly.


"Yes, you"

"Go... how should I do it? "Go up?"

"Just enter the church, and leave the rest to me."

Qianmo nodded and strode towards the church.

The door of the church was always open, and there was nothing to watch, so Qianmo walked in directly. .

In Su Bai's vision, Qianmo disappeared after entering the church, and there was no trace of his presence at all.

"Sure enough, there is a problem"

Mu Yunge suddenly said.

"Hmm? What do you mean there is a problem?"

"Look at that "Beside"

Su Bai followed Mu Yunge's finger and looked at the roof of the church, where several kittens were chasing and playing.

"What happened to those cats?"

"Look at the gray and white kitten"

Roof Among the kittens playing around, only one gray-white kitten sat still and seemed to be looking at them.

The gray-white kitten seemed to realize that it was discovered and immediately turned around and ran away. .


Dawn City - Cat Spirit Chamber of Commerce -

An owl flew into Suya's office with a file bag in its mouth and landed on the shelf on the table.

Suya stretched out her hand to the owl, and the owl turned away handsomely. Head, to show refusal.

Helplessly, Suya had to take out a bag of beef jerky from the drawer, and then took out a piece of beef jerky and handed it to the owl.

After seeing the beef jerky, the owl decisively threw away the file bag, picked up the beef jerky and flew away.

“… …”

Looking at the figure of the owl leaving, Suya was speechless.

Since they were so familiar with each other, why couldn’t she have a free ride?

Suya sighed, opened the file bag, and took out the information of the Roman family from it. Roman Family - A family with elf heritage.

Children of Roman Family have purple eyes since birth, which is a symbol of being favored by elves.

Each generation of the family will only have one child, that is, the only child, unless the current generation The child dies, otherwise there will be no second child born.

There are two types of people who are favored by the elves.

One is the person who has the blessing of the elves, and the other is the elf messenger who has made a contract with the elves.

The Roman family is the latter.

Then, the reason why Gray Rose would help Esther is obvious, they are for the power of the elves.


Qianmo walked to the statue at the innermost part of the church, and there was nothing unusual so far.

The inside of the church is different from the outside. It is obvious that someone has been here, otherwise how to explain the candle burning next to the statue?

The base of the statue is square, and a candle is inserted in each groove of the corner.

Looking at the small flame on the candle, Qianmo had the urge to blow it out.

Just when Qianmo wanted to get closer to the candle, a cat's cry came over.


A gray and white kitten called at Qianmo's feet.

Qianmo squatted down and waved at it.

"Hi~ Kitty~"


The kitten called out, then turned and walked out, then turned to look at Qianmo and called out again.

"Do you want me to go with you?"



Qianmo got up and followed.

Outside the church, Mu Yunge was a little panicked when she saw that Qianmo had not returned yet.

"Why hasn't she returned yet? Did something happen?"

"Don't worry, she's back"

As she said that, Su Bai turned and looked behind her, and Mu Yunge also looked behind her regretfully, and then saw Qianmo standing behind them.

Mu Yunge was confused, she looked at the church, and then looked at Qianmo.

"No, weren't you in the church just now? When did you come out?"

"I don't know either, I came to my senses and I was here"

Qianmo was also puzzled. She clearly remembered that she followed the kitten into the corridor of the church, opened a door and entered a room.

However, when she opened another door, she found herself in another house. When she came out, she saw Su Bai and Mu Yunge standing under a tree with their backs to her.

After listening to Qianmo's experience, Mu Yunge shuddered and hugged Su Bai from behind.

"You... you are not in a ghost wall, right?"

"I don't know, but after you said that, I am a little scared too."

Qianmo hugged his arms and felt goose bumps all over his body.

Su Bai patted Mu Yunge's hand.

"Don't scare yourself, it's not a ghost wall..."

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