Reincarnated as a goblin, but the mother is a white-haired elf?

Chapter 25 Goblin Slayer, rescue, kill goblins.

"How could it be! How could there be so many goblins!"

Lisa looked at the scene in front of her with despair.

Seeing his friend being violated by goblins, seeing Ike trapped in a group of goblins unable to move.

Her legs were weak and she could hardly stand.

The goblins noticed her presence.

It made an unpleasant sound "crunch, crunch" and rushed towards her.

Could it be that she would also become a breeding tool for these ugly monsters? Her heart was filled with fear and despair.


A flash of cold light flashed, it was the knife in the hand of a big man.

"Run!" he shouted loudly, his voice revealing extreme anxiety and determination.

The big man's bravery did give her some comfort, but after all, he was not a god and could not resist all goblins.

Lisa hesitated. If she chose to leave, he might die at the hands of these monsters.

"Let's go! At least one person must go!"


"I, I..."

Lisa looked back at the magician girl whose legs were trembling and her whole body was filled with liquid.

Without hesitation, he chose to run away.

"I ran away."

She murmured in a low voice, her heart filled with guilt and self-blame.

Is it really useful to abandon your companions and run away alone?

Soon, the goblin who caught up pushed her to the ground.

Maybe, this is her punishment!

She closed her eyes and waited for her fate to come.

He tore her clothes apart in one fell swoop, revealing the delicate and white skin underneath.

But creatures like goblins will not show mercy to others, they will only act according to their own instincts.

It stretched out its rough green claws and grabbed the soft bun...


Lisa's frightened scream broke the tranquility of the forest.

She wanted to break free.

However, the goblin's rough and strong hands had firmly held her slender wrist.

She struggled hard, but it was like a worm shaking a tree, unable to shake it at all.

Lisa's heart was filled with despair and fear. When she opened her eyes, she saw the ugly and ferocious face of the goblin.

Tears couldn't stop falling.

She is still a virgin, her body is a gift from the gods.

Could it be that he was about to be defiled by such a disgusting monster?

At this moment, a cold female voice suddenly sounded in her ears.

"O god who controls divine fire, please grant me the power to destroy the filthy things in the world - flaming arrows!"

As soon as he finished speaking, a blazing fire broke through the darkness and shot towards the goblin.

The flaming arrow hit the goblin hard.

The goblin screamed and was knocked away by the powerful force of the flaming arrows, hitting the wall heavily.

Immediately afterwards, a figure wearing armor rushed over like lightning. It was Morris.

He held a long sword and stabbed the goblin's chest mercilessly.

The goblin let out a shrill scream, and then completely lost his life.

Morris turned to look at Lisa and asked with concern:

"Are you okay?"

Amy also quickly stepped forward and put a piece of clothing on Lisa.

Lisa's body was still trembling slightly.

"I, I..."

Lisa choked and said.

" friends are still inside. Those goblins are very cunning."

"Don't worry, leave everything to us."

Amy comforted her and looked at the goblins who were still wandering around, with a cold light flashing in her eyes.

"We are professionals in dealing with these beastly goblins."


Suddenly, Amy patted her head.

"Did I say bad words again?"

She stuck out her tongue and said a little embarrassedly.

"But I believe that God will definitely forgive me."

Lisa looked at Amy, she was Lisa just like her and acted the same way.

But, I don't know why, but something feels wrong.

"Hahahaha! Die, die to me!"

Fiona roared crazily, her voice echoing in the empty battlefield, filled with endless killing intent.

She was wearing a black robe, her face was ferocious, and her eyes were shining with cold light, as if a ruthless god of death had descended into the world.

As she chanted, magic circles began to appear around him.

They shimmered with light of different colors, and mysterious runes danced in the air.

These magic arrays emitted powerful energy fluctuations that made the entire battlefield tremble.

Immediately afterwards, all kinds of gorgeous magic began to bombard him, such as fireballs, ice arrows, thunder and lightning, etc.

They drew dazzling tracks in the air, and then slammed into the goblins.

Under the bombardment of magic, each of these goblins was blown to pieces with bloody flesh, and they screamed one after another.

"Crunch, crunch"

As the magician continued to chant, the light of the magic circle became more and more intense, as if it was going to swallow up the entire battlefield.

All of a sudden, the goblins were almost wiped out, leaving only a few defeated soldiers still lingering.

However, these escaped goblins did not escape their fate.

Morris was holding a long sword and his figure was like the wind. He quickly rushed towards the fleeing goblins and killed them one by one with his sword.

His movements were swift and precise, and each sword penetrated the goblin's vitals accurately, leaving them unable to fight back.

Immediately afterwards, there was a bloody massacre.

Fiona and Morris worked together to kill the remaining goblins one by one, and the entire battlefield was dyed blood red.

Their bodies were covered in blood, but their eyes were full of coldness and determination, as if everything was taken for granted.

After this massacre, the battlefield became silent.

Only the sound of the wind and the howling of wild animals in the distance broke the brief tranquility.

Boom, boom, boom!

On the other side, Dita tapped her fingers lightly on the rough wall.

At a certain moment, his fingers felt something strange.

"Ah, found it!"

He let out a low cry, then struck hard.

The stones on the wall fell off one after another, revealing a dark entrance.

The cave was filled with the smell of dampness and decay, as if something was peering at them in the darkness.

Dita approached the hole and saw a few goblin cubs curled up inside.

They were trembling with fear and helplessness in their eyes.

Looking at this scene, Lisa felt an inexplicable feeling of pity in her heart. She turned to Fiona next to her and asked hesitantly:

"We...really want to kill them? They are still so small..."

Amy glanced at the cubs coldly, the disgust in her eyes undisguised.

"So what? Goblins are an evil race. They are naturally aggressive and destructive."

Morris added:

"If we don't kill them now, they will soon grow and multiply into a tribe, and we will be in trouble by then."

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