Goblin Arsenal.

A blast of hot air hit my face, as if I was in a furnace.

The surrounding stone walls were roasted red, and in the center was a huge forging platform with blazing fire, lighting up the entire space.

The sultry air made the goblins present sweat.

Ye Yan couldn't help but squint his eyes, adapting to the sudden light, and looked around curiously.

The Goblin Man beside him was thoughtful.

The eldest Goblin looked at all this with deep doubts in his eyes.

His rough voice echoed in the cave:

"Why do we waste precious resources doing these seemingly useless things?"

His voice was full of confusion and dissatisfaction.

"Wouldn't it be faster and more convenient to steal the weapons of those adventurers?"

"We already have so many weapons stolen from adventurers in our lair, why do we still bother to make these?"

The eldest brother Blin didn't understand.

Many of the weapons used to rob adventurers in their lair are now gathering dust in the weapons arsenal.

Why waste energy on this?

It's better to kill a few more humans.

Drive humans out of this forest!

Hearing this, Changdong shook his head slightly, his voice calm and firm:

"The general said that we cannot always rely on others. Only by mastering the technology of weapon manufacturing can we Goblins truly become an independent group and no longer be controlled by others."

The eldest brother Blin frowned even more deeply after hearing this.

He didn't seem to fully understand what Changdong meant, but he still nodded, indicating that he temporarily accepted the explanation.


Hearing this, the Goblin Man beside him suddenly realized.

"Does the General want us to get rid of our reliance on the weapons of those adventurers?"

"Besides, most of the weapons snatched from adventurers are made to suit their humans."

"Not suitable at all, we goblins"

"General, do you want to create a weapon unique to us?!"


Goblin Changdong also didn't understand.

However, Goblin Changdong did not refute Goblin Man's words.

After all, this guy is a Goblin named after the Goblin General. It's not surprising that he has his own opinions.

Goblin Changdong is not stupid either. The one here who can be chosen by the general to come here is undoubtedly not a special goblin.

"Ha ha ha ha!"

At this moment, a hearty laughter suddenly came from the cave.

Everyone looked around and saw a tall Goblin holding a huge hammer slowly walking towards them.

A confident smile filled its face, and its eyes shone with pride.

"You guessed half of it right"

A goblin holding a hammer walked slowly over.

"Introducing the main person in charge of the arsenal, Goblin Hammer"

Goblin Changdong stretched out his hand to introduce Ye Yan and other goblins behind him.

"Hahaha, just call me Brother Zhui."

Goblin Hammer laughed and glanced at the goblins behind Goblin Changdong one by one.

His eyes finally rested on Ye Yan, and a trace of doubt flashed in his eyes.

He actually sensed danger in this low-level goblin?

You know, it is now in its maturity and growth stages, one day at a time.

There is also the big goblin who is bigger than the other goblins.

Although not as strong as the one named Ye Yan, I still felt a little bit of danger?

The remaining one was a strange goblin who was missing ears and had his mouth wide open in disbelief from the moment he came in. He had a smell that he hated.

As for the goblin holding the staff, he was subconsciously ignored by Goblin Hammer.

It's not that he's not strong, but being able to use magic is very rare among goblins.

But in front of the mature Goblin Hammer, this is nothing.

Moreover, among these weirdos, they also appear to be extremely mediocre.

Such an interesting combination.

I don’t know what the Goblin General wants to do.

The corners of Goblin Hammer's mouth turned up into a smile.


Goblin Changdong hammered the goblin stupidly, without any expression at all. He had no choice but to say:

"What does that half mean?"

"Hahaha, this is not urgent."

"I came all the way here, take a rest first, and I'll take you to see a big one tomorrow."

"When the time comes, it will definitely fall beyond your imagination!"

The goblin smiled and waved his hand, calling the goblin on the side to come over.

"Tie, come here and take them to the room to rest first."


Goblin Iron ran over, stretched out his hand and said with a smile:

"Please follow me"

"No, don't"

At this time, piercing screams came from the door.

Looking back, I saw a group of women who had been captured by goblins and taken to their lair.

They were tied together, their eyes full of fear and despair.

The goblin's lustful gaze licked their bodies like a tongue.

They were so frightened that their faces turned pale and pale.

Among these women, a familiar figure caught Ye Yan's attention.

It was a woman wearing a blue dress, her long hair shawl, and her delicate face was covered by a thick layer of gray.

But through the silhouette, Ye Yan easily recognized her.

It was the woman who gave him the knife, Corris.

What is she doing here?

Was he arrested again?

The other party seemed to have noticed Ye Yan, and the two looked at each other. But a glimmer of joy flashed in Reese's eyes, but it was quickly concealed in his gray eyes.

Following, the captured girl slowly walked deeper into the nest.

From time to time, there were women escaping and asking for help.

Even though they knew that no one would come to save them in such a place.

But the instinct of survival still made them ask for help.

As for these pleas and requests for help, Ye Yan turned a blind eye, his eyes full of indifference.

He was not interested in these.

He didn't know how many times he had heard these voices of begging for help, mercy, and pleading.

So many that even without training, he was numb.

Therefore, in the process of assassination, he always adhered to the principle of one-shot kill.

"Crack, crack!"

However, at this moment, beside Ye Yan.

The goblin without ears made a sharp, unpleasant sound and rushed towards the goblin holding the rope.

"Crack, crack!"

The goblin without ears seemed to be saying something, roaring something.

But no goblin could understand its chaotic barking.

Naturally, no one cared about it.

"Damn it, do you want to steal our spoils? How dare you!"


A goblin went up and kicked the earless goblin in the abdomen without any mercy.

With a dull bang, the earless goblin was kicked away and fell to the ground.

The earless goblin struggled to get up from the ground, and the goblin showed no mercy.

Just when he was about to step on its head.


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