At this time, Keris, who came out of Ye Yan's room, hesitated for a moment.

Suddenly something occurred to me.


Someone asked him to take the message!

It's true that there are still people in the goblin lair who need to speak.

Could it be that there are people like the big boss here?

Without thinking much, Reese had already arrived at Room 03 as agreed.

Knocked a few times.

At night, night falls.

Ye Yan just walked out of the cave.

Unexpectedly, he encountered those low-level goblins who had conflicts with the earless goblins during the day.

The leading goblin is none other than Goblin Boo.

The other party also saw Ye Yan.

"Hey, our distinguished guest, what are you doing at this late hour!"

Goblin Bu walked towards Ye Yan with a smile on his face.

He was about to pat Ye Yan on the shoulder, but Ye Yan dodged him.

Seeing this, Goblin couldn't help but frown.

Is this guy looking down on himself?

These high-level goblins are always like this!

Goblin's fist is hard!

However, he is different now.

"Where are you going! We are planning to go out hunting. Do you want to come together?"

Goblin suppressed the anger in his heart and spread his arms.

"I'm very powerful!"

As soon as he finished speaking, the shadow under Goblin Bo began to twist, and then he actually stood up from the ground?

"How is it, how is it?"

Goblin proudly showed off his recently acquired skills.

"My shadow can lurk in shadows!"

Ye Yan glanced at Goblin Bu indifferently out of curiosity.

He looked up at the bright moon, and then at the goblin behind Goblin Bu.

The judgment was made in an instant.

Well, killing them all would be a waste of time.

Thinking of this, Ye Yan ignored it and walked past Goblin Bu, who was proudly showing off his skills.

Seeing Ye Yan walking past him, a hint of evil flashed in Goblin Bu's eyes.

This guy is even more annoying than that stalking goblin with missing ears!

Previously, as the lowest level goblin, he had always been looked down upon and looked down upon by other goblins.

Even the high-level goblin didn't even look at him!

Why? !

Everyone is a goblin, why are you looking at me like that?

It's just that he was better after being born, so what's the point?

However, no matter how unwilling he was or how hard he worked, it was still the same.

Unable to transcend racial restrictions, he will remain the lowest level goblin his whole life.

In other words, no matter how hard he tried, he could never defeat those high-level goblins.

This is the difference in bloodline.

Until, he obtained the skill of "Shadow Clone".

He gained the same power as those high-level goblins.

He also gained the same status as him.

The goblins who looked down on him before. ,

Everyone looked at him with admiration, and those high-level goblins who didn't look at him no longer ignored him.

At this moment, he finally understood how satisfying it was to be in a high position.

From then on, no one despised or ignored him.

Even the low-level goblins would approach him involuntarily.

This feeling is really, really great.

People admire strength.

Beasts and monsters account for most of the wild nature, even more so.

However, why does this kid ignore him now?

The goblin stared fiercely at Ye Yan, who was about to leave.

"Wait, how about we do it together?"

"You don't know, there are a lot of adventurers out there now."

Goblin immediately put on a flattering expression and followed with the team.

Seeing this, Ye Yan just glanced at it lightly and ignored it.

Let the goblins follow you.

Just right, it can be used as a shield.

"I'm telling you!"

“I don’t know what’s going on around here, there are adventurers everywhere!”

The goblin clattered and chattered non-stop.

At this time, they had been walking for a long time.

It was already some distance away from the goblin lair.

Seeing that the time was right, Goblin looked at the goblin next to him.

After finding the opportunity, he said:

"Come on, let this little goblin who dares to steal our women see how powerful we are!!"

The next moment, the goblins beside Ye Yan suddenly burst out.

Pounced towards Ye Yan.

But they were looking for opportunities, why wasn't Ye Yan the same?

The small actions along the way, for Ye Yan, who is proficient in assassination and understands their actions.

It couldn't be clearer.


In just an instant, Ye Yan killed the Goblin in front of him and rushed to Goblin Bu.


Goblin was shocked!

I didn't expect that this goblin Ye Yan was so fierce!

I originally thought that among the goblins, except for the earless goblin, this guy should be the best to deal with!

Could it be that his judgment was wrong?

But so what?

Goblin smiled slightly and took a step back.

"If you want to kill me, you are still too young."


The shadow of the goblin that had been hidden in Ye Yan's shadow suddenly appeared from behind Ye Yan.

The dark sword was already aimed at Ye Yan's neck.

Even a high-level goblin in the growth stage would not be able to avoid this distance.

Just when Goblin thought he had won.

I saw that the pitch-black sword was about to chop off Ye Yan's neck.

Ye Yan's body suddenly turned black, as if he had turned into a shadow.

Then the sword made of shadow actually passed through.


Goblin was shocked and immediately summoned the shadow to appear in front of him without hesitation.

However, as Ye Yan touched the shadow.

The next moment, Ye Yan's body actually merged into the shadow.

When he appeared again.

He had already crossed the shadow and came to Goblin.

The pitch-black dagger shone with silver-white light.


Goblin wanted to escape.

But it was too late. Ye Yan, who had recovered from the latent shadow state, had already pointed the dagger at Goblin's neck.


The silver blade flashed by.

Blood splattered and floated towards the control with Goblin's head.

The sound of the world rang in Ye Yan's mind.

[Congratulations on killing the goblin. Based on the effect of your skill "Predation", you gain 1 point of strength]

[Congratulations on killing the goblin. Based on the effect of your skill "Predation", you gain the goblin's skill "Shadow Clone\

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