Mollica was unwilling to accept it.

It was like this then, and it is still like this now!

Damn it.

Damn it.

Suddenly, Morica thought of something, her eyes lit up and she smiled:

"By the way, how does your goblin husband compare to the Demon King? There seems to be a strange goblin here"

Speaking of this, Morica suddenly laughed.

"Oh, do you think this place is a good place?"

"You, the goblin general, and the strange little goblin, and even the existence of pure-blooded elves"

"My Lord Demon King likes interesting things the most"

"It just so happens that my Demon King is choosing a new place to live, do you want to"


Before Morica finished speaking, a terrifying murderous aura burst out from Elena.

Elena raised her head suddenly, and a fierce murderous aura flashed in her eyes:

"Do you really think I can't kill you?"

Mollica was not afraid at all. She even took a few steps forward and approached Elena with a wicked smile.

Her voice was low and full of temptation:


"Lady Elena, do you really think you are the pure Elena who is favored by the gods and the highest existence in the church?"

"Now you, I'm afraid you can't even use low-level divine arts!"

"By the way, my Lord Demon seems to hate goblins very much"


Elena was angered by this sentence, and her pupils turned blood red.

She slowly raised her hand, and a terrible magic power surged from her body, and the air around her seemed to be frozen by this power.

The complex spell was slowly constructed in her hand, and each rune flashed with mysterious light.

Molika's eyes narrowed slightly, and she seemed to be a little surprised by this spell.

"You are..."

Elena did not answer, but stared at Morika coldly.

Almost in an instant, the spell was constructed all of a sudden.

A sacred light burst out from her hand, illuminating the entire hall.

Molika's figure disappeared in the light, leaving only one sentence echoing in the air:

"Hahahaha! I never thought that! The most loyal servant of the gods in the legend would actually do such a thing..."

The voice gradually faded away, and the hall returned to silence again.

Elena stood there, looking at the disappearing spell in her hand, with a complex emotion in her eyes.

"Demon King."

Represents the existence of the peak strength in this world.

It is very reasonable and unpredictable.

In the vast night, a dense forest lurked like a giant beast, swallowing all the light, leaving only endless darkness.

In the silence, a burst of hurried footsteps "da da da" broke the silence.

Da da da!

"Here! "

Lias led the adventurers here.

Then they were stunned by the scene in front of them.

The heads of the proud elves were separated from their bodies, and the elf captain Rimuru was nowhere to be found.

However, what shocked them even more was the goblin corpses on the ground.

And Morris, standing on the pile of corpses, covered in blood.

Many adventurers cried out in surprise.

"Could it be that Morris killed all these goblins? "

On it, we even saw advanced goblins, Goblin Knights?

They didn't expect Morris to be so powerful.

You know, after killing so many goblins in such a short time, his strength must have reached the gold level.

"Boss, you're angry"

Amy whispered in Fiona's ear.


Fiona nodded, her eyes swept over the bodies of the goblins.

Seems to be looking for something.

Dita didn't say much, just looked at Morris silently.

On the other side, Commander Edward was very excited when he saw this.

I didn't expect Morris to be so powerful.

In this case, attacking the goblin's nest The plan has a greater chance of success!

And among so many happy faces.

A few people did not show any joy on their faces, and their eyes were full of resentment and disgust!

Among them, Kelu's face was the darkest.

He clenched his fists, his face full of unwillingness.

Before, his friend who had always been inferior to him suddenly surpassed him.

And it was in the place where he failed.

He came back from the attack on the goblin's nest in a disastrous defeat, and Morris now killed more goblins than he could imagine.

Such a comparison.

The more powerful Morris is at this moment, the more clown Kelu is.

"Am I really not as good as Morris?!"

He could even feel the gazes of others projected at him.

"Damn it! "


Like a cascading waterfall, the heavy rain suddenly poured down from the sky covered with dark clouds, covering the whole world in a hazy water curtain.

The raindrops hit the ground quickly, splashing white water, and the air was filled with the fresh smell of soil and rain.

Morris stood on the pile of corpses, letting the rain wash his body.

The cold liquid slid down his cheeks, mixed with the blood on his face, and finally dripped into the soil under his feet.

"Is it really him?"

Morris thought so and slowly closed his eyes.

Time seemed to have returned to ten years ago.

That day, it suddenly rained heavily like this.

His sister called him home for dinner.

On the way home, he met a goblin trapped in a cage.

And his life changed from that moment.

"Mr. Morris"

At this moment, a voice woke Morris from his response.

Morris slowly opened his eyes and looked at Edward in front of him.

"Mr. Morris, it's raining now, let's go back as soon as possible, and then we will discuss the strategy of the goblin's nest."

Edward saw Morris looking at him, smiled professionally, and slowly expressed his thoughts.

However, Morris at this time did not pay attention, and did not want to care about the eyes of the crowd.

From the beginning, he was not taken seriously. Now he took the initiative to come and talk to him, just because he saw his strength in killing goblins.

But he can also understand it. After all, as the commander-in-chief, if he destroys the entire important goblin's nest.

In addition to obtaining a large amount of gold coins, there are also various benefits such as advance payment for reputation.

Although Morris doesn't care about these, as long as he can destroy the goblin.

But now, he really has no idea to care about these.

Besides, it's useless to come up with a plan now.

"Wait a few days!"

Morris said, walked past Edward, ignored everyone, and left.

His mind was full of that familiar figure.

"Hey, hey, hey"

Even the greetings from friends, Morris didn't care at all.

"What's wrong with you?"

Amy went up and looked at Morris's lost look, a little worried.

It was the first time she saw Morris like this.

"No, nothing"

Morris waved his hand, indicating to his teammates that it was nothing serious.

"Oh, really?"

Dita narrowed her eyes and looked at Morris's leaving figure, not knowing what she was thinking.

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