Reincarnated as a sacred tree, I create a family of Yin soldiers

Chapter 41 Gathering Yin and Condensing Soul

Ji Yang, who returned to the ancestral hall, was speechless.

It seems that he overestimated these souls and made a wrong judgment.

However, Ji Yang soon stopped worrying. The survival time this time was not short, so the harvest should be pretty good?

[The deduction is over! 】

[You have learned a new skill in this deduction: Gathering Yin]

[You have learned a new magical power in this deduction: Soul Condensation]

[You have learned a new magical power in this deduction: armor covering]

[You have learned a new combat skill in this deduction: Taizu Changquan]

Gathering Yin: You can actively transform your life form and absorb Yin energy.

Soul Condensation: You can spend a certain amount of life force to condense the soul.

Armor covering: You can spend a certain amount of life force to cover the leaf armor with the soul.

Taizu Changquan: Huang-level high-grade combat skill (can be transferred three times)

Looking at the series of prompts, Ji Yang was overjoyed.

He didn't expect that he would gain a lot this time. He actually had a technique, two magical powers, and a combat skill.

It is not difficult to imagine that these skills and magical powers are closely related to his deduction this time.

Recalling the many living souls in the Netherworld, if he could replicate them in this world, the Chen family would definitely become stronger.

Finally, Ji Yang turned his attention to the yellow-level high-grade combat skill.

If nothing unexpected happened, this should be the combat skill practiced by the living soul who first approached him every day.

In this world, Qi and blood are the way, and are supplemented by combat skills.

Among them, there are four levels and twelve levels of martial arts and combat skills, namely Heaven and Earth Xuanhuang, which are further divided into upper, middle and lower levels.

The power of combat skills can greatly enhance the strength of a warrior. Some powerful combat skills can even explode into strength that surpasses the warrior's own strength.

For example, the Chen family has been in decline for a long time. There is not even a decent combat skill in the family. Even the body tempering realm warriors still rely on their own energy and blood, as well as some kung fu honed during hunting. Battle.

At this moment, Taizu's Changquan has turned into countless knowledge, pouring into Ji Yang's mind.

Regardless of whether it is the flow of energy and blood in combat skills, which veins to follow, or what techniques there are, Ji Yang has become proficient in them. At this moment, he is the master of these combat skills.

Unfortunately, Ji Yang is just a tree now and cannot use the Taizu Changquan because he has no hands.

Huang-level high-grade skills can only be regarded as ordinary combat skills, but if the Chen family obtains them, it can also improve the family's combat effectiveness a lot.

The most important thing is that Ji Yang can still transfer his skills. Although the number of times is a little less, it is still pretty good.

Ji Yang's eyes skipped over the combat skills and looked back at this new technique, Gathering Yin.

This should be his biggest gain from this deduction.

Absorbing yin energy may also allow him to quickly increase his vitality. The more vitality he has, the greater Ji Yang's improvement will be.

I don’t know how the effect of gathering yin is compared to a lunar eclipse.

Ji Yang no longer hesitated and directly started the Yin Gathering Technique.

With the operation of the technique, Ji Yang's body slowly began to change, just like it did before in the Netherworld.

First the roots, then the trunk, crown, branches and leaves...

In the end, Ji Yang's trunk, branches and leaves all turned into deep black.

And as long as Ji Yang stops the operation of his skills, he can change back to his previous appearance.

This is the transformation of life forms introduced in the exercises.

After transforming into a form, Ji Yang's vision also changed slightly. At this moment, he could see things that he could not see before, such as Yin Qi.

But when Ji Yang glanced around the ancestral hall, the expression on his face was stagnant.

What about the Yin Qi you promised?

Yin Qi looks like gray mist. When he was in the nether world, Ji Yang could see it everywhere. Even a few meters away, there was overwhelming Yin Qi, making it difficult for him to see in the distance. This also made him grow very fast.

But after returning to the real world, Ji Yang only saw a small amount of gray fog in the ancestral hall.

To what extent, compared with the Netherworld, it is probably a drop in the bucket.

And based on Ji Yang's previous experience in absorbing Yin Qi, I'm afraid that even if he absorbs all the Yin Qi around him, he won't be able to increase his vitality much.

This made Ji Yang fall into silence, and his previous thoughts disappeared at this moment.

But then Ji Yang cheered up again. In addition to gathering yin, he also had the magical power of condensing souls.

Condensing souls, condensing living souls, but before using this magical power, he needs to find a living soul.

Ji Yang looked around again, but it was still empty. This was the Chen family's ancestral hall, not the netherworld. Where could there be so many souls?

Wait, ancestral hall!

Ji Yang turned and extended his gaze to the room in the Chen family ancestral hall.

Directly in front of the room, there is a trapezoidal wooden grid, and on each floor of the wooden grid are placed several spiritual tablets, which are the deceased ancestors of the Chen family.

At the bottom, there are three brand new spiritual tablets, which are the three clansmen who died in the battle with the Li family.

What Ji Yang was looking at at this moment was not these spiritual tablets, but the pale white figures attached to these spiritual tablets.

If it were normal, he would definitely not be able to see it, but now after the life form has changed, he can clearly see it. Isn't this the living soul in the netherworld?

However, compared to the underworld, these living souls attached to the spiritual plane are more broken. There are many broken hands, broken legs, broken heads, and holes in the body. Even the color of the body is paler.

Rather than saying that these are living souls, it is more appropriate to say that these are remnant souls.

Moreover, the higher up the spiritual level of the family, the more damaged the living soul is, and there are even no souls in the uppermost levels.

On the other hand, next to the three spirit tablets at the bottom, there were three living souls with clear appearance and dull eyes. At this time, these three people were wandering around, not knowing why.

After finding the living soul, Ji Yang did not hesitate and directly activated his underground roots to drill out from the soil under the tree trunk.

Originally, Ji Yang's roots were brown-gray, but now they were pitch black, but it was precisely because of this that the living souls could be bound.

Soon, the twenty or so broken living souls in the ancestral hall were pulled in one by one by him.

Although the introduction of the magical power was quite clear, Ji Yang did not understand the specific effect of this magical power, so he could only experiment first.

Ji Yang used his roots to catch a living soul, and then used the magical power to gather the soul.

After using it, the living soul in Ji Yang's hand disappeared, and the vitality did not decrease.

This made Ji Yang wonder, failed?

Ji Yang did not believe in evil and continued the experiment. Anyway, these living souls had no memory and would disappear sooner or later, so it didn't matter if he used them for experiments.

Ji Yang continued the experiment, but failed five times in a row, not a single one succeeded.

Ji Yang studied the introduction of the magical power of gathering souls again. Didn't it say that a certain amount of vitality was needed? If he didn't consume it, he must have failed.

Could it be because these souls were too broken?

Ji Yang was angry. There were more than 20 souls here. He didn't believe that he couldn't succeed in one!

Soon, the souls disappeared from Ji Yang's roots.

When Ji Yang wanted to continue the experiment, he found that there were no other souls around the ancestral hall. All the souls were used by him.

This made Ji Yang feel disappointed.

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